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‘USA Could Be Behind Both Nord Stream Sabotage & COVID Outbreak’

Renowned economist and Columbia University professor Jeffrey Sachs told Bloomberg TV on Monday that he believes that the US and Poland were behind the destruction of Nord Stream pipelines.

He added that he is aware that his stance runs counter to the US narrative, and that western journalists “are not allowed to say these things.”

“It was certainly a dramatic escalation of American lawlessness,” explained Ron Unz, an US technology entrepreneur, political activist, writer and the publisher of the Unz Review, while commenting on the Nord Stream sabotage. “I think the American government was fearful that the Germans would politically crack in the next few months under the strain of the very difficult loss of Russian energy and decided to forestall that possibility. It was intended to cut off any German line of retreat, much like the ‘blocking detachments’ sometimes deployed during World War II.”

In his recent op-ed Unz has drawn attention to large public demonstrations in Germany and the Czech Republic which demanded that anti-Russia energy sanctions be lifted.

According to the publisher, “there was widespread speculation that such popular protests would eventually carry the day” but the sabotage attack on Nord Stream pipelines on September 26 brought an end to those aspirations.

Even though the blasts occurred near the coastal waters of Denmark and Sweden, in an area of the Baltic heavily monitored and patrolled by NATO warships, the mainstream press pointed the finger at Russia.

The publisher went on to guess that 70% of US citizens are unaware that the pipelines were attacked, 25% are sure that the Russians did it, and maybe 5% realize that it was probably NATO.

“Among relatively educated and knowledgeable Americans who follow the international news, watch CNN, and read the New York Times or the Washington Post, probably 90% are sure that the Russians did it because the media says so,” Unz said. “The only small segments that think otherwise are those individuals who get their information from the Internet or a small handful of alternative media sources, plus America’s own political elites, like government officials. Both these groups know that America probably did it, but the latter group would obviously never say so.”

However, some US public figures from both sides of the US political aisle openly broke the “orthodox” media narrative and named Washington as the most probable culprit. Among them are Fox News host Tucker Carlson, retired US Army Colonel Douglas Macgregor, Columbia Professor Jeffrey Sachs, and Ron Unz.

In particular, Sachs cited several reasons to back his assumption. First, “direct radar evidence that US military helicopters that are normally based in Gdansk were circling over this area”. Second, Biden’s threat earlier this year that “one way or another, we are going to end Nord Stream”. Third, “a remarkable statement from [US] Secretary [of State Antony] Blinken last Friday in a press conference where he said ‘this is also a tremendous opportunity’.”

The sabotage attack on the Nord Stream gas pipelines “sets an extremely dangerous precedent,” according to Unz.

“I think it might have been the single largest peacetime military attack on civilian infrastructure in world history, and the primary victim was Germany, America’s own NATO ally,” said the political activist. “There were stories in the papers that NATO was considering treating the attacks as an act of war, requiring military retaliation. So, I suppose that NATO would have to declare war against the United States and also Poland. Obviously, there’s an enormous amount of vulnerable civilian infrastructure all across the world and if countries begin deploying their special forces to target it, everyone might suffer a tremendous amount of damage, America and the West most of all. The sheer recklessness of America’s ruling elites is beyond understanding.”

Was COVID a Sabotage?

It is not the first time that Professor Jeffrey Sachs called the US out. Previously, the former chairman of the Lancet Commission on COVID argued that the SARS CoV 2 virus was very likely artificial and probably came from a US bio-laboratory.

“The US government was sponsoring a lot of dangerous genetic manipulation of SARS-like viruses and has not yet honestly revealed the nature of that work,” Sachs told the Tehran Times in July 2022, suggesting that it was a biotech “blunder,” not the result of a biowarfare research.

For his part, Unz does not rule out that the SARS CoV 2 leak could be a plot aimed against China and Iran. The political activist suggested that this could be a “rogue operation” which was “probably orchestrated by a small handful of conspirators, perhaps including one or two national security officials.”

Earlier, the Russian Ministry of Defense (MoD) published a series of documents alleging biowarfare activities by the Pentagon in Ukrainian territory. Along with other dangerous pathogens, Ukrainian bio laboratories conducted experiments with bat coronaviruses, according to the Russian military. In early August 2022, the Russian MoD stated that the US Agency for International Development (USAID) could have been involved in the creation of the COVID-19 pathogen and orchestrating the pandemic.

Bio warfare attacks or the destruction of critical civilian infrastructure “set extremely dangerous precedents for the entire world,” warned Unz.

Even if the US public is not interested much in the unfolding energy crisis in the EU, it should obviously demand answers about the pandemic which claimed the lives of over a million in the country, according to the publisher, who believes that both cases require thorough investigation.

“If large portions of the American people began to believe that the gigantic disaster they suffered had been caused by the blowback of an illegal biowarfare attack by their own government, they would be outraged and there might be enormous political consequences,” Unz said.

At the same time, he doubts that the “international community” can impartially investigate either the COVID outbreak or the Nord Stream sabotage which have been immediately attributed by the West to China and Russia with zero evidence.

“My impression is that most of the UN machinery is under the control of America and the West, especially including the powerful influence of the western mainstream media,” said the political activist. “So I’m not sure they can really be trusted on this sort of thing. I think the key factor is the global media, which is almost totally under the control of America and its close Western allies. The media creates the reality that most ordinary people and even most elites accept, and if the media is skewed, their understanding of the world is similarly skewed.”

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  1. MSM wont highlight facts and truth and only occasionally it slips out. The entire Ukranian crisis is misrepresented to Western public. Neo-nazis are projected as nationalists. Corrupt drug addict puppet is projected as the modern day Churchil. Sh*t is sold as sugar. Our own pathological liar Jacinda Arden called facts and truth as disinformation in her UN talk. Just shame on us freedom loving honest kiwis. What else can we expect from a NWO agent?

  2. No brainer, of course it was Biden and his clowns. They are loosing the battle for hearts and minds and now acting like spoilt brats. And they will continue the lies and thuggery until they win or loose no matter the collateral damage. The US is a law unto themselves and don’t give a toss about anyone else, history shouts this loud and clear.

    They will go after Putin using Zel the Dwarf and any other means at their disposal. They will bring Europe to its knees without shedding a tear saying it was nothing to do with them. I once thought America was a bastion of freedom now I see them for what they are. The scum of the earth, which is saying something when we look at the Israelis and Saudis.

    Thank God for the reason and sanity coming out of Russia. I hope they can stay the course…

  3. If there is direct radar evidence that US military helicopters that are normally based in Gdansk were circling over this area then why is this not used as evidence by Germany and Denmark?
    So a Dutch/German salvage team should used to forensically examine the undersea pipe area to find evidence of what caused the explosion.
    Obviously the US is the first likely culprit here so they must be held to account.

    • “Here are a few facts about the sabotage:
      1. Biden said we were going to do it
      2. It happened “overnight” on the 26th of September
      3. We have a US Navy P8 fly from the United States to a refueling rendezvous point over Grudziądz Poland at 0210 hrs GMT
      4. The two aircraft, Callsign N/A, and BART12 sync up at 26,400 ft for an extended 1:20 minute refueling, disconnecting at 0328 hrs GMT
      5. The BART12 air refueler RTB’d to Spangdahlem Air Base Germany and one should note the flight record has been wiped
      6. The Navy P8 then continues onto the Nord Stream Pipeline location and descends to an altitude of <10,000 ft at 0345 hrs GMT
      7. The Navy P8 exits the area just prior to 0700 hrs and is the only aircraft over the area the entire time
      8. At 0709 hrs GMT the Navy P8 returns back to the United States. Note: the US Navy P8 HexCode is AE6851 and is NOT listed in the aircraft database. Furthermore, the aircraft flew as “masked” meaning it did not want to be tracked
      9. Datapoint, there were recorded 2.3 magnitude shakes in the area at that same time
      10. The following morning NATO Forces announce that overnight the Nord Stream 2 Pipeline has been sabotaged
      11. A Poland Ministry Official posts a tweet thanking the United States for taking out the Pipeline
      12. On September 29th in front of the UN Security Council a Russian Federation spokesperson presents the known facts and asks the United States representative directly in a yes or no requested response, “did the United States take out the Nord Stream 2 Pipeline” in which the US representative did not confirm nor deny it and didn’t answer the question, but instead took an offensive posture"

      "What that means: the flight path and altitude of the P8 in question are indeed capable of conducting a “bomb run” on the Nord Stream 2 Pipeline. Now let’s look at the flight specifics. Note the last flight path just before exiting the area runs right along the pipeline in which they could have released the ordinance and continued their climb out, thus exiting the area and returning to the United States. Also, note the little hump just before the climb out (red arrow). That is consistent with a weapons release. Pitch down, increased AoA, weapon release, little bubble up, then a climb out (the blue line is the inbound leg of the same flight). You may also not the flight path. It circles over the area first, then flies downrange and starts the initial bomb run, then it does a quick readjustment on a final bomb run, releases, and exits immediately. "

    • Mike, the Europeans are absolutely SHIT SCARED of the US. They are all unarmed, their own defence forces are weak as piss. With all those American military bases on European soil, nobody dare raise a squeak, otherwise Uncle will rain hell on them. Japan and South Korea are in the same boat.

      Secondly they are all in it together. The Euro leaders don’t give a flying rats about their people. Did you hear what Annalena Bearbock, German Foreign Minster said; she doesn’t care if Germans politicians suffer as long they can hurt Russia.

      Germany is a special type of coward. They have the most to loose yet nari a peep! European values, what a shit show.

  4. 100% it was USA.

    Time American citizens woke up to their corrupt warmongering government -mor they will find themselves fighting on their own soil as the other citizens of the world finally realise who is to blame for ALL the wars and this whole covid debarcle.

    Thank goodness for Putin and his calm, measured and carefully thought out manner. He must remain steadfast for the sake of the world. We must waken our fellow citizens about the lies we have been told about Russia, Libya, Syria, afghanistan, 911, JFK, Covid the whole bleeding lot.

    The time is NOW.

  5. Of course it was the USA, they effectively admitted it. Anyone stupid enough to believe otherwise, really is a lost cause. This is terrorism and the US right now looks like a bigger threat to humanity than any other government.

    • Jeffrey Sachs was on Bloomberg, you parroting dunce. Sputnik reports stuff the Herald rag will not. And that’s the reason why the HERALD is going into the dustbin of CORRUPT ‘journalism’.


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