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Watch: Gaza hospital strike ignites riots in Muslim countries

Pro-Palestinian protesters clashed with police and attempted to storm US and Israeli diplomatic missions.

A strike on a Gaza hospital that killed at least 500 Palestinians has sparked protests and riots in several Muslim-majority countries, including Lebanon, Jordan, and Türkiye.

Palestinian officials have blamed Israel for Tuesday’s deadly incident, although the Israeli government has denied responsibility, saying “terrorists” in Gaza hit the facility with a misfired rocket.

In Beirut, the militant group Hezbollah called for “a day of unprecedented anger,” and protesters massed in front of the US embassy building in the Awkar neighborhood.

They threw stones at the security fence and attempted to scale it. Police responded by firing volleys of tear gas and used water cannons to contain the mob, according to the Lebanese news channel MTV.

Protesters also reportedly attempted to break into the office of the UN Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) in downtown Beirut.

Similar scenes unfolded in Jordan’s capital Amman, where an angry crowd burned Israeli flags and tried to storm the Israeli embassy. An AFP correspondent reported that they broke through the first security barrier, but were later pushed back by the police, which used tear gas.

“Police handled and drove away a group of protesters who grouped near an embassy in an attempt to reach the [the building],” Jordan’s Public Security Directorate said, as quoted by the Roya News website.

Amman was to host a summit of the leaders of the US, Jordan, Egypt, and the Palestinian Authority on Wednesday. The Jordanian authorities have since canceled the event in solidarity with the victims in Gaza.

Rallies were held in multiple Turkish cities, including Istanbul, Malatya, Gaziantep, and Kayseri.

In Istanbul, Türkiye’s largest city, a huge crowd gathered outside the Israeli consulate, with some protesters launching fireworks, scaling the security fence, and attempting to set the building on fire. Others threw stones and set a US flag on fire, local media reported.

Police intervened, dispersing the rioters. Fahrettin Altun, spokesman for President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, urged those wanting to express “justified anger” over the deaths in Gaza to respect the law and “preserve common sense.”

The Palestinian authorities claim an Israeli aerial bomb hit the Al-Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza City, claiming at least 500 lives on Tuesday.

The Israeli army and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, however, have said the hospital was hit by a rocket launched by a Palestinian militant group that veered off course. Israeli officials have previously accused Hamas, which controls Gaza, of using hospitals, schools, and mosques as a cover for its operatives.

The Israel Defense Forces have been conducting retaliatory strikes on Gaza since Hamas and allied militants launched a surprise attack on Israeli cities on October 7.

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Source:RT News

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  1. The black Islamic Battle Flag has been hoisted in the main Mosque in Tehran.
    TVNZ and it’s J*****-influenced news due to ownership and programming of the same has stated that it was a Hamas rocket, the same that Hamas has been firing off all along…
    IT WAS NOT!!!
    It was an Israeli Missile of U.S. manufacture known as a JDAM.
    It was also known that back in 2000 a ’60 Minutes’ report revealed that there was a weapons cache under the hospital. Whether those weapons had already been fired over the last few days, weeks or months or were still there remains unclear. If the weapons were underground, they would have been disarmed as a matter of safety, and the blast was on the surface, NOT subterranean.
    JDAM’s are NOT ‘Bunker Busters’.
    Irregardless, there is a sound track of a Hamas rocket vs a JDAM; all indications are that this was a JDAM, fired from a fighter aircraft.
    Not only has the Islamic world had enough of Israel’s Talmudic and Noahide Law ill-behaviours, but so have the populations of many of the Western Nations.
    The phone lines in D.C. are now rendered overloaded due to the calls for the U.S. to stop supporting the Zionist government of Israel, but to hold Israel accountable for their mass murders over the years.
    Any lawyer taking such a pro-bono case would probably be Epsteined, or Arkancided. BUT-
    We must all try and realise that we are ALL doomed and programmed to become Palestinians on a global scale unless the Zionist influences are stopped at ALL levela of society!

  2. Turns out this was exaggerated fake News
    Hal Turner has come to this conclusion after revisiting the evidence
    The missile actually exploded in the car park with a small crater
    What is known though it was definitely a JDAM American made missile with its distinctive sound
    Turner has concluded was more than likely the result of a mis fired mis guided HAMAS missile
    The big question is where did HAMAS get these missiles
    These have been on the Black Market having originated and having been supplied to Ukraine
    Another possible source is the vast armada of weapons cache left behind with the exit of US from Afghanistan
    Maybe it was just supplied by the IDF?
    Who along with CIA Mossad created HAMAS as a fake controlled opposition bogey man
    In order to inflict war upon itself
    Pearl Harbour
    911 the New Pearl Harbour
    Gaza the New New Pearl Harbour


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