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Friday, October 18, 2024

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Watch: Nurse denied COVID jab exemption fired – ‘Treated so disgustingly by the government’

A nurse with 19 years of service to the people of New Zealand and who was denied a COVID vaccine exemption was fired today.

She posted a message on social media which she asked to be shared widely. The video of her message below is courtesy of CoronavirusPlushie.

The nurse said she’s been ‘thrown in the gutter like a piece of dirt.’

She tried to get an exemption, which included having an echo-cardiogram (heart scan), and because her heart is not permanently damaged, she is losing her job.

‘Health care workers are being treated so disgustingly by our government. The only way this is going to stop is if people stand up and say enough! Enough is enough! I am seeing vaccine injuries all the time.’

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  1. this is so so sad. nurses are the treasure of the health system. they do so much for everyone including doctors. and very often its thankless work with long hours and shift work while often juggling with family life etc.

  2. This nurse needs to contact ‘Voices for Freedom’ and ask to be referred for legal help from their team of lawyers and contacts.
    The nurse has had her Civil, Human, UN and NZ Patient Rights violated!
    The Nuremburg Code has also been violated!
    Her right to work has also been violated!!!
    Where are the Nurse’s Union stewards and lawyers???
    This communist tyrannical government will be held to account.
    Take the case to the International Criminal Court and also too the Privy Counsel in London. The morons in government (who are NOT qualified to be in ANY position…) hate it when the Privy Counsel in the UK rules against them, just as it did in David Bain’s favour!

  3. This is insane and immoral. My heart goes out to this lady and others like her. The truth is she shouldn’t need an exemption, because it should be her free choice to have this medication or not, without coercion. The bloody vaccine doesnt even work! Everyone I know who’s been jabbed is still getting the virus! Two of them are triple jabbed and have come down with it twice. What a bloody joke this covid scam is. It’s sickening that this is happening in our once free nation. Shame on Bloomfield shame on Ardern

  4. Jacinda did not deal with kiwis in good faith at all. If there is a tiny amount of good faith, efforts must have been made to place unvaccinated nurses in positions with less interaction with public given that there are regular tests done to make sure that the unvaccinated are free from Covid. The current evidence is that those who are vaccinated are prone to get infected than unvaccinated. So testing vaccinated more often is the logical approach which they dont want to adopt.

    Violating all the principles of human rights and morality, Jacinda has created a second rate class of citizens, similar to apartheid in SA. MSM mercenaries are used to spread the myth that the unvaccinated are more risky when data show otherwise. Only a psychopath will ignore all righteous signals that is coming from society in a strong manner and push an agenda ignoring minority rights.

  5. Commiserations . Godzone has now become a haven for tyrants. Tragically we have all been played for fools by world leaders especially those that went through the WEF Young Leaders program. We all know who they are. When 95% of the population are vaxed they are “committed” to defending their decision to do so, despite clear evidence the vaccine does not work, is dangerous to many and was only ever approved by the FDA for ‘emergency use only’. Have faith and keep your spirits up – they will be held to account sooner or later.

  6. This is absolutely disgusting. Listening to the media spouting on about our health system being under strain and it’s so bloody obvious WHY.

    Making someone who has already had a bad reaction have another vaccine or lose their job is the most CRUEL thing you could inflict on anyone. Shame on the GOVT, shame on the DHBs and all those people enabling this disgusting discriminatory and divisive behaviour to carry on.

    We CANNOT afford to lose wonderful nurses like this lady. WHERE aid TVNZ? NEWSHUB? The Human Rights commissioner? Shame on YOU Ashley Bloomfield, Jacinda Ardern and all your cohorts who have done this to good people. Your cruelty is a stain on this country and wherever you go for the rest of your lives we will never let you forget what you did.

    • Where the hell is the HR Commissioner when right in front of his/her eyes everyday NZers are screaming for Justice???
      Another sell-out!!


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