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Sunday, March 9, 2025

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Watch: Taupo woman sues Tennis administrators over ‘despicable’ COVID rulings

Erika Whittome is taking the Taupo Tennis Club, Tennis NZ and Sport NZ to court.

The claim was filed recently in the Taupo District Court and the story featured in an interview between Whittome and Liz Gunn of FreeNZ.

Whittome described the background to the case:

‘The background is that I was playing tennis at Taupo tennis club and there were announcements that people weren’t allowed to go in an use the toilets unless they had a vax pass. I decided that that was a pretty silly thing to be saying. It’s a health and safety issue to be able to use toilets, and also we’re not in Nazi Germany where we show our papers everywhere. Anyone should be able to use the toilets, and we’re not walking around showing passports, showing ID, to do things.

So, I continued to play at the tennis club and I continued to use the toilets when I needed to. Then I had a few people screaming at me, I had the President pushing me on the arm one time after using the toilets, and then eventually they terminated my membership. They went through a committee meeting and they decided to terminate my membership. So I filed this claim.

‘I also, during the process of continuing to play tennis and continuing to use the toilets, I started emailing them what was actually in the law – the Human Rights, that you can’t just discriminate against people.

‘I was concerned about the safety of this vaccine that everyone was taking. I emailed them the liability about this vaccine, and should there be any adverse events then they would be liable for that, and I sent that to the tennis club, and the tennis club said they were following direction from Tennis New Zealand. So I emailed the CEO of Tennis New Zealand and said ‘do you know you’re liable for this’, and they said ‘well we’re just following guidelines from Sport New Zealand.’

Whittome has prepared the case herself, with assistant from lawyers. She has started a Telegram channel named ‘NZ Sport For All‘ dedicated to supporting kiwis and their families who have suffered similar treatment from sporting bodies. A copy of the claim is available online to read.

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  1. The speed and degree to which so many kiwis went full 1930’s Nazi Germany is astounding and frightening.

    It was matched only by their furious insistence that such comparisons were somehow not accurate.

    • Here this will make you laugh.

      Anytime my husband sees someone wearing a mask in a ridiculous place like outdoors. He says “watch out – it’s DANGEROUS out there”…..sometimes he even goes baaaaaaaa ???? – he’s so naughty. I mean for goodness sake what the hell is wrong with some people? Get some fresh air man! ????

      Thankfully these idiots seem few and far between these days. Poor dears. So easily led.

      • Seen in the great Australian outback recently on a rather warm day in the middle of nowhere a small car travelling towards the next town 360km away the sole occupant with the windows up wearing a mask. Totally indoctrinated, mass psychosis brain washed. That poor soul I wonder if they made the 360 km trip without passing out or not ? I was traveling in the opposite direction still another 380km to any civilisation !!!

  2. NZ is going full crackpot when any organization is allowed to stop it’s members for using the facilities that they are most likely paying for the use of. I understand her reason for taking them to court and lets hope it puts them out of business. NZ would be better off if this Tennis club and any organization that was demanding people show a Vax pass in the past, now or in the future was to go out of business, this is New Zealand and segregation should not be tolerated for any reason even if it is underhandedly Govt. sanctioned as it was during the whole Vax pass debacle. Can you say totalitarian dictatorship?

    • It has also woken a lot of us up. Plus I am not sure most people would buy it next time. They have seen that the vaccines are dangerous and absolutely useless. The boy who cried wolf comes to mind. The govt cranked the pressure up too much and they got found out as liars.

      Honestly if it wasn’t for a few rabid followers and some paid off media who think men belong in womens toilets this govt would have no support at all. I haven’t met anyone recently who claims to support the govt and if you mention anything to anyone about the govt or the vaccine it’s clear people are over it and they HATE the Pm and her merry band of co-conspirators. And might I say it doesn’t take much to get people going about how they feel either. Honestly I have never seen such distain for a govt in my lifetime.

      The pot holed roads, wasted money, increased cost of living, forced name changes so no one can understand anything, dangerous vaccines, unemployment, businesses lost, loved ones not grieved for, kids missing out on school and sport…..where do we stop?

      The govt and social media can shut us up all they like but at the end of the day the seething hate for the damage done to this country that is being felt in living rooms all over New Zealand tonight can NEVER Abe contained or underestimated. They messed with our lives and our loved ones – BIG MISTAKE

  3. Courageous… All the best. Hope you win the case. If not it exposes the extent to which people will fall in line with extreme government measures.

  4. Likewise go Erika.
    Totally agree with unquaccinated, truly frightening. Dennis Pragar a conservative talk show host in the states thought that there had to be something different about the the character of the German people to allow Hitler to do what he did, but after extensive research decided they were no different to Americans, and from what has unfolded in NZ we are no different either.
    The company I work for circulated a memo to all staff saying that the unvaccinated would not be able to use the smoko room and toilet. I phoned my manager and said, do I go outside or are you going to supply a portaloo, he said ignore the BS, which I intended to do anyway.


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