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Sunday, February 9, 2025

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Watch: Trump’s 10-point plan to dismantle the US Deep State

President Trump outlined his plan of action to dismantle the US Deep State in a video address today.

The ‘Deep State’ refers to a group of people many believe to be secretly manipulating or controlling government policy with no accountability, outside of and often against, the democratic institutions and people they are meant to serve.

Trump’s 10-point plan for its destruction is:

  1. Re-issue 2020 executive order restoring the president’s authority to remove ‘rogue bureaucrats’.
  2. Clean out ‘all the corrupt actors in our national security and intelligence apparatus’.
  3. Complete reform FISA (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Courts). FISA courts review and authorise or deny requests for surveillance orders and warrants. This can include wiretapping, data collection, and other forms of electronic surveillance. Orders are made ex parte, meaning the subject of surveillance has not notice of the hearing, and evidence offered by the Deep State is never tested or verified.
  4. Establish a Truth and Reconciliation Commission to declassify and publish all documents on the Deep State’s spying, censorship, and corruption.
  5. Launch a major crackdown on government leakers who collude with ‘fake news to deliberately weave false narratives and subvert our government and democracy.’
  6. Make every Inspector-General’s office independent and physically separated from the departments they oversee.
  7. Ask Congress to establish an independent auditing system to continually monitor US intelligence agencies.
  8. Move parts of the federal bureaucracy to new locations outside of the ‘Washington Swamp.’
  9. Ban federal bureaucrats from taking jobs at the companies they deal with and regulate.
  10. Push a Constitutional amendment to impose term limits on members of Congress.

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  1. Get each member of government, strap them to a chair, wire them to a polygraph and inject them with a truth serum. Then ask some probing questions in order to establish if they are guilty of treason, giving or accepting bribes, threatening other people (including those in government), colluding with big-pharma, banks, MIL industrial complex, Soros NGO’s, the WEF and so on.

    Anyone found to be in violation then ban them for the duration of their life from public office and tattoo “I AM A CORRUPT INDIVIDUAL” on their forehead.

    Would be funny (and effective) but would never happen in our reality.

  2. But America is not a democracy, and why the founding fathers established it as a Constitutional Republic. They saw what so-called democracy could become, which we saw here under Ardern… A Dictatorship.

    But good on him I hope he is able to at least begin to drain the swamp… If he is allowed to.

  3. Problem reaction solution. 1, 2 and 5 sound like rules for trump to get rid of people in his way.

    Can’t see him actually implementing 3, 4 or 7, though they sound good.

    This guy is still telling people to the vaccine. Its a great vaccine. Everyone should get it. And, he encouraged his supporters on Jan 6, which led to another nail in the coffin of freedom, the Insurrection Act. And he put boots on the ground in Syria stealing their oil and they still are.

    The US has no one decent to vote for. They’re all bought and paid for. They don’t get close otherwise

  4. Trump is the last man standing. If he falls you will be next. Thank god for his incredible resilience and determination to counter the Marxist revolution.

  5. Trump is a proselyte
    Judaism is communism
    A sell out
    Who has no answers
    A Judas goat blind leader
    Leading the blind into the ditch

    • Trump is VERY well funded by J***** campaign money and interests.
      After all, Mossad Agent Jared Kushner was the one running the White House, and that continued under the morphed Biden Cabinet with 80% of the Cabinet being J3wi$h, even though J3w$ make up only 7% of the U.S. population.
      Trump pardoned Kushner’s father from criminal convictions…
      Trump disenfranchised the indigenous Palestinians further from their land by approving (via Kushner) the illegal Israeli settlements…
      Trump moved the U.S. Embassy and Consulate to Jerusalem, declaring Jerusalem to be the ‘Capitol of Israel’ which cancelled the so-called ‘Two-State Solution’ and in doing so infuriated the Muslims and Palestinians…
      Trump ccut off all U.S. Foreign Aid to Palestine that has had all opportunities quashed byIsrael via open-air minimally-supplied Gaza and the West Bank.

  6. Crucially missed point: do something to reign in the lying legacy media once and for all. They are a plague on humanity.

    Bring back the Smith/Mundt anti-propaganda law Obama got rid of. Financial enema for every gigantic globalist news organisation. Prosecutions and Guantanamo Bay for all top management.

    Yes, they will clutch their pearls and call him a dictator, but they already do it anyway, so who cares 🤷🏼‍♂️


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