Christchurch police are growing increasingly concerned for Yanfei Bao who was reported missing on Wednesday 19 July.
Ms Bao’s disappearance is unexplained, and a missing person investigation remains ongoing.
She was last seen conducting her business as a real estate agent on Vickerys Road in the Wigram Area.
This was at 10:30am.
Since then, she failed to pick up her daughter from after school care and her car, a silver Nissan Dualis, has been located nearby the area she was last seen on Iroquois Place.

Today, Police searched a number of areas and have located Ms Bao’s cellphone on the Southern Motorway, near Blakes Road.
But Ms Bao remains missing.
‘We are now interested to hear from any members of the public who might have been travelling on the motorway on Wednesday and noticed anything out of the ordinary,’ said Detective Inspector Nicola Reeves.
‘Anyone with any piece of information no matter how small is encouraged to contact Police immediately.’
Police have also been conducting door-to-door enquires in the area she was last seen.
If you live in this area and have not spoken with police but have access to CCTV footage of the street area, police would like to hear from you.
‘I would like to reiterate that Police and Ms Bao’s family are deeply concerned for her safety.
‘This is very out of character and her loved ones are desperate to hear from her and know she is safe.’
If you have any information about her or where she might be, please call 111 and quote event number P055385539.
The following statement is from Ms Bao’s Husband
My family and I are deeply concerned for the safety and well-being of my beloved wife, Yanfei Bao.
Our 9-year-old daughter and I are desperate for any information that could help Police locate her.
Yanfei is a dedicated real estate consultant and was engaging with the local community through door knocking when she went missing and we have not heard from her since.
We are incredibly worried and ask for any assistance from anyone that knows something.
We pray for Yanfei’s safe return and would like to thank everyone for their vigilance and support at this time.