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Friday, March 7, 2025

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Deborah Cunliffe
Deborah Cunliffe
Deborah Cunliffe is the founder of Nurses for Freedom NZ. She is an adopted New Zealander with a bent for truth, integrity and saying it like it is. By offering an alternative to ‘gold standard’, ‘evidenced based research’ which is increasingly lost on the medical and nursing community, Deborah hopes a spoonful of old-fashioned logic, a dose of irony, dispensed as completely personal and openly biased opinion will bring relief in a world that appears to be at odds with itself.

A nursing korero

A nursing korero opinion

“Does this dress look nice? or, should I wear red or black?”

These are typical questions my husband has, over 40 years developed carefully crafted responses to. His answers are generally along the lines of ‘if you like it then I like it.” He has learned that to avoid a catastrophic meltdown and trip to the shops, more recently Temu – don’t judge me, his best response is to remain neutral. His neutrality is of course not helpful when urgent advice is needed however, he has proved useful in non-fashion related issues so I will keep him.

It turns out, most nurses (and doctors) are also unable to provide unbiased and truthful advice on much more serious issues, but for different reasons.

The Covid-19 experiment tested the integrity of the nursing workforce and it has become increasingly clear that unless there are changes in the way nurses are recruited, trained, retained and registered in New Zealand, nursing as we know it, will not survive. Turns out AI, can also be programmed not to question the prevailing narrative, consider international research or protect the informed consent process. AI can also quickly and cheaply assume nursing tasks without the histrionics associated with being flesh and blood. It will be interesting to see if the same nursing workforce who refused to support the choices of mandated colleagues will have the corporate will to stand against the machines. Time will tell.

But I digress. In 2021 well-meaning New Zealanders fearing for their financial and mortal existence took a ‘vaccine’ with little more than a cursory glance at the TV screen to see what everyone else was doing. Sadly, this included many eminent doctors, nurses and other healthcare professionals. A nurse of over 4 decades, I stopped and erred on the side of caution, just as any nurse should with a new product, unclear prescription or direction. I remember sharing early overseas research with a local Medical Consultant only to be castigated into the ‘anti-vaxxer’ troublemaker role before the research hit his desk. Sadly, since then, he has seen numerous vaccine injured New Zealanders and talked with other Consultants who also share concerns regarding the safety and efficacy of the vaccine.

Before the Covid-19 debacle becomes yet another miscarriage of justice being swept under the proverbial carpet for 10 + years, we need Clinicians to simply tell the truth. Many mandated doctors and nurses have done what they can, but tarred ‘persona non gratia’ professional communities refuse to listen to the generation of Noah’s urging them to stop and look; we desperately need others to step up. No more excuses.

The sad reality is, that many nurses, including close friends, had the vaccine because they did not want to risk raising their heads above the parapet, many having previously fallen foul of the very real ‘tall poppy syndrome’ that is rife in nursing. Sadly, fast forward 4 years and there are few nurses in our workforce unaffected by the Covid years. My heart remains with those who chose the vaccine under extreme, and I mean ‘blood sweating duress’ as they could see no other way to maintain life as they knew it. To those with lifelong heart issues because they followed instruction. No judgment. I have witnessed your pain.

As we approach three years since the November 15 mandates, we have learned that to ask the majority of nurses how they sleep at night is fruitless. If they could not stand up and be counted in 2021, when losing esteemed colleagues and experienced mentors, we are unlikely to see any gains now, that is, without a formal, public apology from Government.
A sincere apology, not because they are ‘told to’ by the RCOI but because it’s the right thing to do. An apology issued to hundreds of nurses and other healthcare professionals who to date, continue to be prejudiced by employers and castigated in professional forums because of their decision not to be vaccinated. We also need reparation, but small steps for now.

Over the last 30 years, nurses have been told they are critical thinkers. They have been led to believe they possess the ability to reflect on their practice, making them worth listening to and equal amongst academic colleagues. If, as in the UK, Nurses had said ‘no’ to the vaccine mandates, then the nursing profession would be a in a much stronger position today in calling out everything that is wrong within the nursing profession in New Zealand. But they didn’t. They are weaker because they capitulated to ‘doctor knows best,’ refusing to stand up, not only for their colleagues but for their own long-term health and self-esteem.

Not everyone will agree, however as a veteran nurse I still believe in our New Zealand Health System. Yes, things need to change, yes there is a lot of work to do to carve a way forward. I also understand that there are consequences and personal responsibility for individual and collective inaction.

So, in matters of health, integrity and advice, who can we trust? Having journeyed alongside hundreds of nurses, carers and midwives who were mandated in late 2021 or refused further ‘vaccines,’ the answer is simple. You can trust a mandated nurse, midwife or carer.

In 2021 we did not know the full horror of what was yet to unfold. We suspected things were not right but did not then have all the evidence as we now do. Our vaccinated colleagues seem to forget we had nothing to gain by refusing the vaccine; in fact we had everything to lose, or so it seemed. Despite financial loss, and unravelled painstakingly upheld career plans, our only hope was that our stand would count for something to someone, somewhere.

I hereby award a ‘badge of honour’ to all those nurses, midwives and carers who have graduated from the Covid school of hard knocks. You now have the absolute right to be trusted.

Image credit: Derek Finch

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  1. Greetings Deborah. Thank you for this. Of course there are many persisters out there who will never, ever admit that the mandates were totally unjustified…clinically as well as ethically. Others are ashamed that they so readily hopped on the ‘two classes of New Zealander’ bandwagon. Seemingly intelligent people who rejected even sound, solid, undisputed data that showed the ‘safe and effective ‘ mantra was false. How to bridge the void?

    I don’t know. I’ll never forget or forgive that our government and our leading health spokespeople were willing to risk the health and welfare of our Young People. Those who made the clinically unsound determination that a 12 year old unvaccinated child was more of a risk than an 11 year old unvaccinated child. Councils, businesses…Surf Life Saving ffs!

    The lottery of trying to access medical care as an unvaccinated person…are you going to encounter a hostle adherent or a silent sympathiser?

    We discuss these issues amoungst ourselves…but it is rare to find a wholehearted complier who will even meet us halfway. Off the top of my head…the one triple-jabbed friend who never castigated me (to my face!) tragically died suddenly, while driving, just over a year ago.

    We all have these stories.

    At this point in time, I believe the best we can hope for is that all those who saw the light and rejected another ‘kind’ Labour government in 2023 will remember this time and do better in the future.

    Thanks again for writing this.

  2. Nurses, midwives and carers were where the most exemptions to jab, that were hidden from the public, went.

    I haven’t seen these groups vocally calling out the government for the damage its actions caused.

    How do you know who are the ones who were discriminated against?


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