The week ending June 2nd 2024 deaths totalled 815, that is a rate 24% higher than 2019.
This is a preliminary figure only, the final total will be higher. Of the first 29-weeks of 2024, 18 have had more deaths than one of either 2022, or 2023. Between 2019 and the present our population has risen by only 4.7%, which means that the high excess death rate is real and not a statistical fluctuation as some pretend. We are in the midst of a growing health crisis which was underlined this week in my home town when Whangarei Hospital ED went Code Black which occurs when 150% of capacity is reached. In one hour alone, 21 new cases arrived at ED.
Just imagine if we were living on an island and after we started eating an imported fruit the death rate rose precipitately. We would be very worried indeed. The newspapers would be telling us to avoid the fruit. Wait a minute, we are living on an island and 90% of us were injected with a novel imported substance and almost no one seems to be worried. That is solely because the government, the media and the medical establishment joined forces to ensure that we would never hear about it. Everything is OK, go back to sleep.
Incredibly, the government is preparing to deregulate biotechnology experimentation, the very thing that seems to be driving excess deaths. The picture this week of Judith Collins, Minister of Science and Technology and Chris Luxon, Prime Minister, donning white coats and telling us that biotechnology deregulation is going to be the best thing that ever happened to the nation tells us a story. Neither Collins nor Luxon have any science qualifications. Collins is a Lawyer and Luxon has a masters in commerce.
It is very hard indeed, if not impossible, to escape the notion that human life is not valued very highly by our current government. They seem to be firmly in the grip of a philosophy that places a high premium on biotechnology experimentation. This is apparently viewed as the means to develop an elixir of eternal life along with projected unprecedented profits for which the sacrifice of thousands of lives here in NZ and millions around the world is fully justified.
Realising that this kind of blunt statement of psychopathic intent might not find favour with the public, Luxon and Collins this week decided to don their white coats to emphasise the elixir of eternal life whilst quietly hoping that no one in the media would notice the continuing deaths. Well the media swallowed the ruse and fulsomely praised our biotechnology future on cue. However some very distinguished international scientists are quietly beginning to sound alarm bells.
A book How Life Works: A User’s Guide to the New Biology by Philip Ball is reviewed by Nature magazine under the headline “It’s time to admit that genes are not the blueprint for life. The view of biology often presented to the public is oversimplified and out of date. Scientists must set the record straight.” It should be compulsory reading for Judith Collins, Chris Luxon, Shane Reti and all the other MPs who plan to deregulate biotechnology based on the outdated paradigm that genes are the building blocks of life.
The review reports: “Ball grapples with the philosophical question of what makes an organism alive. Agency — the ability of an organism to bring about change to itself or its environment to achieve a goal — is the author’s central focus. Such agency, he argues, is attributable to whole organisms, not just to their genomes. Genes, proteins and processes such as evolution don’t have goals, but a person certainly does. So, too, do plants and bacteria, on more-simple levels. Dethroning the genome in this way contests the current standard thinking about biology, and I think that such a challenge is sorely needed.”
It continues “In fact, most genes don’t have a pre-set function that can be determined from their DNA sequence. Instead, genes’ activity — whether they are expressed or not, for instance, or the length of protein that they encode — depends on myriad external factors, from the diet to the environment in which the organism develops. And each trait can be influenced by many genes. For example, mutations in almost 300 genes have been identified as indicating a risk that a person will develop schizophrenia. It’s therefore a huge oversimplification, notes Ball, to say that genes cause this trait or that disease.”
Ball is a distinguished commentator, he is a former editor of Nature. The book is intended as a wake up call for scientists, governments and the public. Many of the projects being funded by governments are chasing after fools gold, life is far more subtle than the gene paradigm pretends. In fact diseases such as schizophrenia, cardiovascular diseases and cancer, that mistaken government funded gene editing projects are aiming to cure, are in most cases the result of holistic physiological processes gone wrong.
Ultimately, Ball concludes that “we are at the beginning of a profound rethinking of how life works”. In the reviewer’s opinion and mine, ‘beginning’ is the key word here. Scientists must take care not to substitute an old set of dogmas with a new one. It’s time to stop pretending that, give or take a few bits and pieces, we know how life works. Instead, biotech scientists must admit to some humility and allow new ideas to evolve. If you want a layman’s exposition of how much we don’t know (it’s huge), Bill Bryson’s very well researched book The Body—a guide for occupants is a great place to start.
Ball’s ideas about Agency are not foreign to more ancient systems of health care such as Ayurveda, Chinese medicine, etc.. Ayurveda recognises abstract holistic processes rooted in the fundamental laws of nature which are at work everywhere in physiology. It outlines three qualities at work in every process, every organ and the physiology as a whole. These are known as Vata (transport and information), Pitta (transformation and energy) and Kapha (structure and stability). I discuss these in my book Your DNA Diet.
Dig even deeper into the Indian traditional literature, and you come across three fundamental qualities (or gunas in Sanskrit) regarded as common to all processes in the cosmos—Sattva, Rajas, and Tamas. Tamas is that which checks or retards, Rajas is the spur to activity, and Sattva is the emergent state.
To explain how these gunas function in the simplest possible terms, imagine a flower bud. It must be firmly anchored to a hard stem (Tamas), there must be a spur to unfold the bud (Rajas) and the fully blossomed flower emerges (Sattva). The bud itself no longer exists, it has been destroyed but in the process something new and useful has emerged.
In physiology we find most elements are multitasking. The liver for example has more than 300 routine functions. There are processes which simultaneously maintain, promote and create health. Platelets for example which comprise about 1% of our blood, are not only responsible for the clotting of blood if we have a cut, they are also involved in immune processes and the regeneration of tissue.
If you look at immune functions, these are not mechanical processes, but rather flexible responses which not only maintain homeostasis whilst identifying and eliminating pathogens, but also lay the groundwork for recovery and future immunity. Allopathy has failed to recognise the interlocking nature of these processes. Biotechnology goes one step further, it crosses the cell membrane and tears them apart with tragic, destabilising consequences.
There are trillions upon trillions of processes going on automatically in our physiology which conform to the fundamental agency of life expressed through three simple qualities. Understanding these is the task that Ball places at the door of science, rather than the editing of genes which, because of physiological multitasking, is proving not only ineffective, but inherently mutagenic and consequently fraught with risks that cannot be remediated or recalled. Unchecked, biotechnology will destroy the integrated nature of life, our life.
This article began by reporting a recent spike in excess deaths. This is a very serious and tragic matter indeed which is being completely ignored by the government, the media and the medical establishment. Confronting this display of ignorance cannot be postponed or side-stepped.
This points to a compelling need for the International Genetic Charter. Its simple terms spell out in a few sentences the safeguards necessary to protect human life from genetic degradation driven by government ignorance, corporate greed and academic hubris. Please take a couple of minutes to sign up to The International Genetic Charter here. It needs to be incorporated into our NZ Bill of Rights.
Image credit: Pavel Danilyuk
Guy Hatchard PhD was formerly a senior manager at Genetic ID a global food testing and safety company (now known as FoodChain ID). You can subscribe to his websites HatchardReport.com and GLOBE.GLOBAL for regular updates by email.
He is the author of ‘Your DNA Diet: Leveraging the Power of Consciousness To Heal Ourselves and Our World. An Ayurvedic Blueprint For Health and Wellness’.
Hi NZ. I take two vege capsules a day to remove potential blood clots that the vaccine can cause. I take one of each of these; Turmeric complex 400mg and nattokinase 2,000 fUs. For two years …. I’ve been told the turmeric may not be safe with other medication, so should look into that if you do. However, I do not. I used to feel my heart sometimes, which I found odd. I saw a professor on X and he recommended these. I’ve been on them for a couple of months now, and they work. I do not feel my heart anymore.
Agency is a a concept in Theology, that we can choose to worship God or not because of the free will given to us. It is another thing that the devil and those on his side wish to destroy or harm.
New zealanders who were fooled by the covid psyops seem to enjoy denial. Where is the anger this should generate, and follow.
They could save this country from repeating the harm that has been done, harm that could be worse next time
The clot shots have killed between 20-30 million people world wide, soon that number is going to eclipse all of those killed in all the wars ever fought in history. When that number starts approaching 2-3 billion, the people are going to go after all those responsible. It will be like the Spanish Inquisition on steriods multiplied by 1000.
NOPE, they’ll do the same thing everyone’s doing now. Keep thinking it won’t happen to them, it’s “Safe and effective.”
Dropping one by one…..
24% higher ? What happens after 50% higher ?
UK switched the counting method. Perhaps in NZ as well🤔
Northland has the most desirable real estate. Hence the downgrading of health services.
Thanks very much for your articles Guy!
It’s disturbing how the majority who formally complied with Covid now appear to be unbothered by the increasing figures of mortality/cancer/stroke/heart attacks. Yesterday, I spoke with a family member about the next scamdemic being prepared, monkeypox. This family member was one of many to buy into Ardern’s deceit and complied with getting jabbed (3X), he said that it wouldn’t happen again because there is no longer any ‘appetite’ for it. I for one do not share his confidence because he never reads anything except the mainstream bullshitt being fed to us by corrupt media. It concerns me that the majority are like this, happy to continue wearing blinkers while thinking they can just pop their head up at some future point and opt out as easy as that. If the majority don’t wake up I fear we will lose that option.
Yes, our corporate government just love us to death.
Thanks Guy for the update. A dearly loved family member of mine passed away last month from rampant cancer. Undiagnosed until earlier this year. Too late for surgery yet in 2020 a healthy man. We know the vaccine and boosters were responsible yet no-one speaks. What surprised me was the absolute acceptance of the excessive death rate. Hospitals are under pressure for beds and patients are sent home to die. Owing to variations in batches and the strength of the human immune system many younger stronger citizens have survived. They are the lucky ones. Government deviousness and media suppression are responsible for the biggest crime on the planet yet such is the state of our compliance few are game to speak out.
So sad to read of your loved relatives passing.
It is interesting to read your comment regarding ‘no-one speaks’.
During the past two weeks we have had conversations with 3 people who have spontaneously verbalised concern. The first (age 41) said they were heartbroken in they knew 5 individuals in their age group who have passed away unexpectedly in the past 12 months. This had prompted them to re-evaluate what was important at their young age. The next day a conversation with a 53 year old who knows of 3 individuals in their age group dying unexpectedly and 1 who is incredibly sick. The 3rd was a 40 year old who had just attended a funeral of a sudden death. Our own experience is 3 unexpectedly between 56 and 61 years in the past 12 months.
I was surprised that all of this has transpired over recent weeks in random conversations but clearly people of all age groups appear to be worried, stressed, grieving, perplexed, bewildered and are searching for answers to a common theme. Clearly the conversations are occurring but it appears to be in a private, safe capacity, yet everyone appears to conclude with the same question …WHY, is this happening?
Thanks Guy,
And yes agreed, Ball should be compulsory reading – alongside any work by you.
However, as the anti-lifers are in full swing and on track worldwide (as laid out by Deagel) these NZ ‘law makers’ clearly sold their souls long ago.
So, we keep on keeping on in the hope that we may save ours.
And, great interview with Mihalcea too!
When is the next march on parliament?
Whenever it is……it is going to make the last one look like a 6y old Saturday morning soccer match.
I agree. Won’t take much to encourage us.
Main stream media call the shots.
Most of them are in possession of the ” chosen ones” at least in western societies.
So the public opinion has been and is still being manipulated.
And riots of any kind repressed by outrageous police violence. Look at what happened in France with the ” gilets jaunes” in the UK recently and even in the US where all pro gaza peace demonstrations were disturbed by unpunished j$$ish scum, while pro gaza peace were violently repressed.
MSM wont talk about excess death, no where in europe. And the small news outlets writing about it get all kind of harassment from government ( france soir in france a.o)
So ignorant people cannot revolt.
The only revolt that would be perhaps possible is all to stop with working. A long and general strike.
But it might come anyway as the banking system is going to crash. This is going to be a worldwide event, the apotheosis of 2008 if i mays say so .
Probably after the US elections.
So be prepared and buy long lasting food : rice, pasta, dry beans/ lentils, canned meat and fish, oil etc.
Here in Europe prices of food have in some cases nearly dubbled since a year.
Still going up.