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Wednesday, February 5, 2025

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Guy Hatchard
Guy Hatchardhttps://hatchardreport.com/
Guy Hatchard PhD is a statistician and former senior manager at Genetic ID, a global food safety testing and certification laboratory. Guy's book 'Your DNA Diet' is available on Amazon.com.

Fed up with hearing about Covid? Think again, there is more to come

COVID origins opinion
AI-generated image.

New information reveals the truth is a lot darker, but there are also paths to healing.

Have you noticed a proliferation of websites promoting ‘cures’ for long Covid and vax injury? These talk in terms of compromised immune responses that need readjusting often through dietary formulas or supplements or even medicines that are sold via the sites. No doubt you have the same questions as us, do they work and if not what might?

To answer this question we need to review the historical fundamentals of what has gone wrong with public health and then understand what has happened recently. Only then can we start to identify the directions pointing to possible solutions to the unique medical challenges created by mRNA Covid vaccines.

During the twentieth century improvements in nutrition, housing, hygiene, sanitation, work conditions, medicine, surgery and neonatal care boosted our health and longevity. In 1900 the global average life expectancy at birth was 32 years rising to 64 years in 2000, a relentlessly positive rise.

Yet it was also a century characterised by chemical proliferation. As the decades wore on, more and more largely unregulated chemicals entered our daily life via food additives, synthetic foods, chemical agriculture, the environment, the air we breath, housing, industrial processes, the oceans, the water we drink and medicines. A paper published in November 2021 entitled “Chemical pollution: A growing peril and potential catastrophic risk to humanity” reported: 

“Recent analysis of global inventories of chemicals estimates humans have synthesised over 350,000. New synthetic chemicals are constantly being developed: recently, the USA alone produced an average of 1500 new substances a year. Many of these substances are known to be toxic in small doses, sometimes in combination with other pollutants, or as breakdown products after release into the biosphere and geosphere.” 

Many are forever chemicals which accumulate in the environment or in human and animal tissues posing a long term threat to health and life. As a result, even as longevity was increasing, our immunity and health were declining. We were becoming more vulnerable to disease. As the century drew to a conclusion, the growth in mental illness, cancers, heart disease, life threatening allergies, respiratory illness, disabilities and autoimmune conditions was eroding longevity. Fortunately this was almost balanced by further improvements in healthcare protocols and quality of life measures, that is until the current century dawned, when something truly novel and frightening began to take its toll—a longevity killer. But this was not just the result of unfortunate mistakes, nor was it due to lack of precautionary testing or foresight, there was planning involved.

An article in the UK Daily Telegraph entitled “Lab leak most likely source of Covid, says Prof Tim Spector” begins to spill the beans. Prof. Spector is not someone speaking from the sidelines nor is he in any way under qualified. He is a professor of genetic epidemiology at King’s College, London, a world leading centre for gene therapy research. He was awarded the OBE for his work advising Downing Street during the pandemic and for his role in creating the Zoe virus tracker. Prof. Spector told a Zoe podcast that it was: 

“Obvious” there had been a cover-up about the origins of the pandemic…I don’t think there’s any doubt that this virus emanated in China, in a place near Wuhan……and that the most likely source of this was a lab leak from Wuhan.”

Prof. Spector said there were scientists experimenting with hazardous viruses at the Wuhan Virology Lab that got out of control rather than it being a plot, but he points to a trail of shredded documents and email exchanges between the US and China at the time, saying:

“There was a very obvious cover-up very early on by various governments saying we have to get a report out there saying this is all down to bats so people aren’t going to blame labs and scientists” He continued: the aim was to keep the credibility of biotechnology research going in the public’s mind. 

Back in 2021 I was in touch with a leading researcher at King’s College. He held much the same precautionary opinion as Spector and told me this was generally held by his colleagues. He also indicated caution concerning Covid vaccine safety, pointing out that the biotechnologies involved were risky and had unpredictable effects. However in 2021, my contact was too frightened to go on the public record with his conclusions. Prof. Spector’s broadcast indicates that the tide of concern at King’s College has risen enough to speak out.

Prof. Spector concluded by warning that the gain of function research to increase the potency of viral pathogens undertaken at Wuhan was dangerous. Ongoing research of a similar nature was still occurring at labs around the world. “It should be treated with the same seriousness as the threat of nuclear war. It could all happen again starting in another lab if we’re not careful,” he said.

The research at Wuhan was funded in part by the Chinese military. From the outset, serious money backing biotechnology research has been tied to the development of bioweapons. These programmes are highly secretive and kept out of public view, but there is no doubt that a cat and mouse game of pathogen and vaccine research is being played out privately in government funded labs around the globe. An article published in Health Security during 2022 entitled “Next-Generation Biowarfare: Small in Scale, Sensational in Nature?”, makes no bones about it, calling for:

“Closer collaboration between frontline civilian scientists and national security establishments to build rapidly scalable networks of expertise…which will enable tactical versatility and more precise [bioweapon] attacks.”

All this adds up to a very powerful reason for governments to hide the origins of Covid. In fact the dangers and risks of biotechnology research have been kept well hidden from the public for years. Gene editing is inherently mutative, but all of the public messaging emphasises imagined benefits from procedures which don’t yet fully work, nor are likely to in the future. As I am writing this report, evidence of the reluctance of the NZ government to admit any error surfaced remarkably enough in the NZ Herald (at last) under the headline “Covid-19 inquiry: Vaccine mandates ‘undeniably’ eroded trust, harmed some New Zealanders”. Our government was apparently reluctant to release the findings of a Royal Commission which is critical of the actions of the NZ parliament and the Health Service during the pandemic. 

On the morning of 28th November Commission Chairman Prof. Tony Blakely hinted at the contents of their report saying Vaccine mandates caused huge pain to a “substantial minority” during the pandemic and Government should consider whether their benefits outweighed their harms”Blakely urged the government to reverse its decision not to release the report until 2026 saying “there is no reason why the report could not be released today and its key recommendations acted on immediately.”

By the afternoon, the government gave in to the pressure and released the report. It is no wonder that our government wanted the report kept under wraps, they are currently introducing legislation to deregulate biotechnology which will expose our whole population to the hazardous outcomes of novel genetic experiments affecting our foods and medicines. As part of this process, the government has saturated the media with fanciful reports about the economic and health benefits of biotechnology that are unsubstantiated by science. They have also latched on to the PR fiction of ‘safe’ gene editing.

These glossy PR pieces of unscientific fluff do not disclose that key sectors of government-sponsored biotech research in many countries around the world are actually designing ways to kill people, as apparently happened by mistake (???) at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

The pandemic has made one thing absolutely crystal clear—inevitable biotechnology mistakes cannot be contained, they will spread without limit.

Millions of people have died during the pandemic. A paper published in Nature puts the number of excess deaths up till the end of 2022 around the world at 15 million. Two years later the figure is now close to 30 million. The colossal tally of excess deaths includes some among our friends and relatives, as well as public figures like sports stars, politicians and entertainers. So how has it been possible to hide from the public the deadly contribution of biotechnology experimentation?

No doubt governments and medical authorities have been able to censor the content of science journals, mainstream media and even social media platforms sticking closely to a PR narrative, but there are other factors. The rigid paradigm and methods of medical orthodoxy dictate the terms of discussion when it comes to illness and death. There is a limited list of possible causes of death and this list does not include biotechnology or gene editing. Diagnoses of cancer or heart disease etc. are labels that dictate paths of treatment and if fatal are intended to bring a sense of closure to the victim and the family.

The news that someone died suddenly following a cardiac arrest is nothing unusual and it closes the door to further scrutiny. But what if 30 million people die unexpectedly including young people before their time from a wide array of supposed causes, as has happened? You would think it is time to call in Sherlock Holmes, but unfortunately Sherlock has been confined under house arrest and gagged from speaking by the powers that be.

The twenty-first century is becoming the century of biotechnology experimentation in which we are unwitting guinea pigs, closely segregated from the reality of our dire situation.

Many of the proposed ‘cures’ for Covid and Covid vaccine injury are tied to orthodox medical diagnoses. They describe the injuries as caused by cardiac toxins or autoimmune illness for example, but is this the whole picture? Unfortunately not. The root cause of Covid vaccine injury is mRNA vaccine interference with genetic cellular structures and functions including genomic effects caused by plasmid DNA contamination. This is capable of causing system-wide malfunction in the human physiology which research confirms has shown up during the pandemic in various guises in all eleven human organ systems. 

It is not at all the case that medical interventions designed to alleviate specific symptoms and conditions caused by vaccine injury can address the root cause—genetic disruption inside the cell membrane.

Examination of a consciousness-based approach to health

At the beginning of today’s article we promised to explore avenues of remediation. As the structure of DNA was being discovered, Queen Elizabeth was crowned and Everest conquered in 1953, something far more ancient was stirring and coming to the attention of the West that today should offer some hope—consciousness-based medicine. To understand its relevance and importance we will draw an analogy. Suppose you owned a Patek Philippe watch and for some reason it was damaged. Perhaps you dropped it in the bath or ran over it. The protective case is breached and the mechanism damaged. There are more than 200 tiny moving parts in such a watch and given its immense value, your only option is to send it back to the maker in Switzerland for repair.

Inside the cell membranes of each of our 37 trillion human cells there are over 100 trillion atomic components that are invisible to the human eye and working together at a dizzying speed to keep us healthy. In each cell our DNA suffers between 10,000 and 100,000 damage events each day which are repaired by elaborate self-interacting mechanisms intrinsic to the entire internal cellular structure and function. Without these repairs, the genetic transcription processes and routes which maintain our health in its widest possible sense would become abortive and leave behind DNA breaks that can drive genome rearrangements, instability, or cell death. In other words, our health depends on the exact coordinated arrangement of trillions of cellular components in trillions of cells.

Modern experimental gene technology such as that employed by mRNA vaccines invades the cell membrane and repurposes the hugely complex internal mechanism of the cell on which our health depends. The enterprise is foolhardy in the extreme and the accumulating evidence of excess death and illness during the pandemic confirms this. The complexity involved is staggering and little understood by modern biology. Any suggestion that further primitive invasive medical interventions breaching the cell might fix the problem are ludicrous. Once mRNA vaccine injured, the human body is like a very expensive watch that needs to be sent back to its maker for repair. But what if we don’t know who made it or the address of the place of design and manufacture?

As we have discussed frequently in our reports, our physiology is intimately paired with our consciousness. Physiology supports awareness, but what if consciousness creates physiology? If we are going to repair the damage caused by the biotechnology experimentation that characterised the Covid pandemic, we are going to have to begin to understand consciousness, the missing piece of the equation of life. This is going to take us on a journey that may be very foreign to some or more familiar to others, but wherever we are starting from, we are going to have to go deeper. Investigation of consciousness has been the peculiar preserve of the ascetics and saints in cultures around the world, it now has to become the common coin of public health.

As an example we take a remarkable discovery made by  Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in conjunction with Western scientists which pertains to the ancient Vedic literature and its deep relationship with human physiology. The discovery is published in a 640 page book which details an extraordinary correspondence between the structure and functions of the human physiology and the forty branches of the Vedic literature entitled “Human Physiology – Expression of Veda and the Vedic Literature. Modern Science and Ancient Vedic Science Discover the Fabrics of Immortality in the Human Physiology”. 

So what are the Veda and Vedic literature and where do they originate? Veda is a Sanskrit word that means ‘knowledge’ or more specifically ‘total or holistic knowledge’. It is closely identified with consciousness or Atma as it is termed in Sanskrit. Maharishi is adamant that Vedic literature has been widely mistranslated by westerners who often wrongly dismiss its expressions as the poetic or religious fancies of a primitive civilisation. He teaches that translation can never capture the significance of the Vedic literature, only mislead the reader. In fact it is not the supposed meaning, but the vibrational quality of the sequence of Vedic sounds and pauses between sounds that are important. 

Western scholars have variously dated the extensive Vedic literature to between 1000 to 3500 years ago. Indian tradition and historians paint a very different picture. In this view, the Vedas originated as an oral tradition of recitation begun in great antiquity by highly adept ascetics. According to the Vedic literature itself, the Vedas are not man made, they are sequences of vibrations or sounds which correspond with fundamental laws of nature. They arise from a process known as Vedic cognition during which they zoom forth or appear in the awareness of enlightened sages or rishis. Thus the Vedic literature presents itself as timeless knowledge or science that was acquired through the subjective means of gaining knowledge—self exploration. They contain sequences of sounds true for all times, places and for all people carefully preserved by pandit families until the present day. If you wish you can listen to short segments of the sounds from all forty branches of the Vedic literature along with a graphic indication of corresponding bodily systems affected. Sit in a quiet place and listen.

A very recent discovery has confirmed the antiquity of the Veda. The Harappan civilisation in the Indus Valley began around 9000 years ago. Archeological excavations 100 years ago uncovered a large and orderly city with sanitary water supply and drainage indicative of urban planning, all set out on a grid of roads facing the cardinal directions. Among the many finds were a small number of seals written in an unknown script that seemed to predate any other known writing, whose meaning has eluded understanding until now. A cryptographer working in the US has now deciphered the script and thereby rewritten history. He discovered that the Harappans invented a script to write down Vedic expressions that had hitherto been solely preserved through countless ages in an oral tradition.

The book Human Physiology Expression of Veda and Vedic Literature demonstrates that the extensive Vedic Literature presents the step by step sequential unfoldment of the structure and function of the entire physiology. Maharishi and scientists discovered that as it unfolds, sound by sound, word by word, chapter by chapter, book by book it comments on itself, explaining itself, it is self referral—an essential characteristic of consciousness and biological systems. 

Within its many books, the Vedic literature contains its own key—instructions how to experience or know consciousness in its pure state. If this is properly understood, as was explained by Maharishi, it sets out a comprehensive system to reset the physiology in full health by handling the physiology from the side of the holistic nature of consciousness—the originator of physiology.  Vedic sounds are prescribed to initiate this process.

In a legacy archive interview Maharishi explains this is not based on intellectual scholarship or translations, it is based purely on the experience of the holistic sequence of Vedic sounds. The Vedic techniques are designed to be easily acquired, disarmingly simple to practice for anyone once taught person to person by a traditionally trained teacher. We cover the proven results of some of the techniques in our book Your DNA Diet. They are intended to set up a cosmic harmony or resonance with the laws of nature governing the physiology thereby resetting it to the ground state or source of natural law which is experienced in an expanded state of consciousness.

If you are thinking this is too esoteric for me, think again. Hundreds of published studies document the benefits of yoga, meditation, herbal remedies, and Ayurveda which are included in the approaches of the Vedic literature. There are many similar approaches discovered by saintly souls and deep thinkers which are preserved by cultural traditions around the world still available today. You may already be following one of these. These may be foreign to the largely pharmaceutical perspective we have been taught to respect and accept without question, but they are not foreign to the Self (Atma) of all. Our consciousness is NOT a foreign concept, it is our most intimate SELF, It is who we are, the familiar partner of our entire bodily lifespan crying out to be explored and understood. 

The pandemic outcomes have presented a stark choice to mankind. Do we continue to blindly trust a cabal of so-called experts who are pursuing reckless biotech experimentation and count bioweapon killers among their number or do we start to learn how to fully understand and use the capabilities of our self-referral consciousness to heal? Once started and with persistence, paths to enlightened consciousness can rapidly become a royal road to health.

Guy Hatchard PhD was formerly a senior manager at Genetic ID a global food testing and safety company (now known as FoodChain ID). You can subscribe to his websites HatchardReport.com and GLOBE.GLOBAL for regular updates by email.

He is the author of ‘Your DNA Diet: Leveraging the Power of Consciousness To Heal Ourselves and Our World. An Ayurvedic Blueprint For Health and Wellness’.

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  1. Thanks Guy!
    Let’s hope this trickle of truth becomes a roaring gush and those responsible are outed and dealt with accordingly, and appropriate measures are put in place to ensure that the Arderns of the future cannot gaslight the people again..

  2. Thank you again, Guy, for the persistent analysis and enlightenment. To emphasise that SOUND carries the healing/destructive vibration is of great importance. To wake up to the sound of birds as opposed to the sound of traffic, or the sound of waves crashing on the rocks as opposed to the sound of drones, jets and bombs may ultimately be as good an indicator of health as any fitness measurer. Bio-experimentation and gene manipulation may be to some extent natural, however, the lab which carries the same logo as a keg of adrenochrome is an alien imposition and anathema to all things Terran and human. Hollywood promotes this and we suck it up through our screens like the programmed idiots we are, but then we have been conned for aeons by philosophers’ double sided words and the handshakes of thieves.

  3. Interesting
    The Romans had advanced sewer systems dating back to the Etruscan’s around 500BC
    Britain ‘Londinium’ did not have functioning sewers until around 1857
    All effluents were washed into the tidal Thames along with all the pig excrement a product of the swine that were driven through the streets to clean up the crap
    Don’t touch the carcass
    Chamber pots were emptied into the streets with a ‘sometimes’ warning to those below
    Not a golden shower
    Thousands of people died from diseases which can be compared to Chicago before the River was made to run backwards out of Lake Michigan and not into


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