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Monday, March 10, 2025

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Guy Hatchard
Guy Hatchardhttps://hatchardreport.com/
Guy Hatchard PhD is a statistician and former senior manager at Genetic ID, a global food safety testing and certification laboratory. Guy's book 'Your DNA Diet' is available on Amazon.com.

Has the Ministry of Health lost the ability to count?

Almost every day the Ministry of Health (MoH) holds a live press briefing at 1pm to announce the daily Covid statistics.

Thursday was the 300th briefing of the pandemic, lovingly referred to as the ‘Podium of Truth’ to honour the Ardern dictum that the government should be your only source of truth. Presumably most mainstream media outlets send along their junior stringer to record the information which is then duly reported to us plebs who missed the live broadcast. This is usually the leading story of the afternoon online editions and radio news bulletins.

The surge in Omicron infections, hospitalisations, and a mild sprinkling of deaths has enabled the current briefings to gain the added macabre interest of a Hammer horror film production.

Two days ago, I treated myself to the spectacle, because both Dr Ashley Bloomfield, the Director General of Health and Dr. Caroline McElnay, Director of Public Health were announcing their resignations. In the event, neither of them provided any reason for their departure, but duly congratulated each other on being jolly good fellows. The interesting part of the briefing was hidden away in their daily Covid data announcement.

“Of the 639 cases in hospital with Covid, 27 are in Northland, 99 in Waitemata, 116 in Counties Manukau, and 99 in Auckland. 29 are in high dependency care. Of those in hospital in the Northern Region with Covid, 40 people are unvaccinated or not eligible, 9 are partially immunised, 67 are double vaccinated, 76 are boosted. The vaccination status of 139 cases is unknown.”

What caught my interest was the fact that the MoH did not know the vaccination status of 139 cases in the Northern Region. That is a full 42% of all cases. In fact, since the realization a month ago that mRNA vaccination provides little or no protection against Omicron, the MoH daily briefings have suffered from a conspicuous absence of meaningful reports or discussion about the vaccination status of those hospitalized with Covid. This is presumably too embarrassing for the MoH worthies to mention.

Data irregularities

Those of us who pore over the daily figures are also handicapped by a number of irregularities in reporting. Between March and April the 12+ partially vaccinated group lost 13,117 people, but confusingly the 12+ fully vaccinated group lost 6,919 people with no explanation offered of where they disappeared to. Sometimes the MoH cumulative case numbers are smaller than the previous day. For your information, cumulative totals have to increase every day by definition. Presumably the deeply somnambulant group of reporters at the briefing failed to notice this, but for us data addicts these figures are deeply puzzling.

We wonder if perhaps that one of the adverse effects of vaccination is a sort of amnesic condition that erodes the commitment to count? This perception has been strengthened by reports from a number of countries overseas including the UK where some daily totals and vaccination status information was quietly dropped from reports when hospitalization rates among the vaccinated exceeded that of the unvaccinated. In fact, the MoH reluctance is just an extension of previous practice. It has refused to institute mandatory reporting of adverse effects. This shows a continuing disinterest in accurately assessing the effects of the novel mRNA vaccine.

The Ministry of Health website provides a tantalising clue: “we cannot give detailed information about cases in your district, city, or town, as we must protect the privacy of the people concerned.” A curious attitude towards our right of medical privacy considering that up until now we have had to openly prove our positive vaccination status in order to enter a restaurant or library. MoH officials apparently can’t keep track of the vaccination status of nearly half of hospitalisations despite our sophisticated NZ reporting and data tracking system that is often touted as world beating (and has absorbed some of the $64 billion borrowed dollars the government has spent on the pandemic so far).

It doesn’t stop there. Dr. Ashley Bloomfield announced that 30-40 percent of hospitalised Covid patients are there coincidentally. Their hospitalisation has nothing to do with Covid at all. In saying this, he was directly contradicting another MoH official who announced last month that 75% of hospitalisations with Covid are unrelated to Covid. As the sad Covid death toll rises (it has reached 426 over two years compared to 66,000 from all other causes), we are left wondering how many of the 426 deaths are actually due to Covid?

The virus within

Dr. McElnay, announcing her resignation, treated us to a special insight. One of her main challenges as Director of Public Health was “Misinformation” which she termed “the virus within”. I was not sure if she meant this was within the MoH, which would make a lot of sense to me, but she clarified the matter by hinting that this misinformation virus was coming to NZ from overseas. Since she announced she would be going overseas shortly, perhaps she is going to sort this out for us? I hope not.

The MoH public health department is either too incompetent to properly read full scientific papers, or worse, really have lost the ability to count. Dr McElnay announced at the 1pm briefing (26/11/21) that a study in Scotland had shown the Pfizer jab to be 90% effective against death for the Delta strain. This is the sort of headline announcement that has cemented the public’s understanding that mRNA vaccination is not only very effective but also essential for everyone. This leads people to erroneously identify unvaccinated persons as a source of risk to public health.

This was not in fact a formal study but a letter to the editor of the journal which did indeed claim a 90% efficacy against death. However, as is so often the case, the most interesting part of studies is to be found in the additional ‘supplementary’ documents (the part that few people read – and therefore the best place to bury data which you would prefer the media do not pick up on). This is what the supplementary material showed:

  • There were 74 deaths in the 40,233 unvaccinated people, and 127 deaths in the 62,246 vaccinated people.
  • This means that 0.18% of unvaccinated subjects died, and 0.2% of the vaccinated died (a larger percentage).

The vaccinated and unvaccinated cohorts were very similar in terms of demographics, comorbidities etc, so it is unclear as to how the authors justified their conclusions. I guess if your results show that the vaccinated are ever so slightly more likely to die, you will need to make enough surreptitious data adjustments to end up with a result that will actually get you published in the current pro-vaccine climate. I highly doubt they had sufficiently investigated the supplementary PDF before making the announcement.

Time to admit the true figures

We come to the nub of the problem, for two years the government has been telling the population that the vaccine is safe and effective. Not so much telling us, but drumming it into our heads ad nauseum through an endless saturation, and certainly very costly, advertising campaign. At this point, a change of gears would be quite worrying for a majority of New Zealanders who are cocooned in an illusory safety net constructed from a web of half truths. Yesterday I noticed a disturbed government supporter insisting on FB that no one has ever been hospitalized with Covid who has been vaccinated. A measure of just how opaque the government’s daily Podium of Truth is.

There is no doubt we have arrived at a moment of crisis. Many people are waking up to the ineffectiveness of mRNA vaccination, but the MoH is not admitting that. The vast majority of us have been lulled into a comforting world where vaccination reduces the incidence and severity of Covid, against all evidence. If we believe the government—no matter what the severity of our infection, we will presume that vaccination lessened our symptoms. Thus for the trusting layman, the government’s current advice cannot possibly be falsified, that is unless the government were to start reporting the statistics in a complete and unbiased fashion. If the government continues to insist that boosters and masking will protect us stretching out into the future, as Dr. McElnay gaily announced on the eve of her departure, we may be both daunted and assured, but we will also be deceived. The vaccine has been largely ineffective against Omicron, the implications of that truth need to be faced.


Guy Hatchard PhD was formerly a senior manager at Genetic ID a food testing and certification company (now known as FoodChain ID). Website: HatchardReport.com.

Guy is the author of ‘Your DNA Diet: Leveraging the Power of Consciousness To Heal Ourselves and Our World. An Ayurvedic Blueprint For Health and Wellness’.

The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of DTNZ.

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  1. Barry sober on news talk ZB says doom field and mcelnay left because they were going to lose their jobs anyway. He says the government is restructuring public health and there is no part for them to play. He says lots of DHB staff will be looking for jobs elsewhere. You can read the article on news talk zb by Barry soper. Who knows what debacle she’s implementing now, I think we can safely say it will be a bloody nightmare!!!! ????????

    • Our health will soon be managed with digital identity by overseas Corps for better outcomes and innovation. For example, horse face correction cosmetic surgeries will become free. Joking.

      Tyranny is in full swing. If we dont comply to mandates and other directions, we will be penalised. Just another NWO globalist agenda implemented slowly by the agents like Jabcinda.

    • when did his title change from chief medical officer of healt to director general? was this a changr in role or merely title? i ask because chief medical officer has a crucial legal role in enabling the govt tyranny. did someone else acquire this role when his title changed? if not i wonder if the ramifications of this restructuring include cabinet arrogating the power of the chief medical officer

  2. Now, we have the situation where many of the double jabbed, refuse the booster. In a way they have become anti-vaxxers. In conversation yesterday with one of these new converts. Her comments started with ” No way, I’m getting the booster, too many people I know, now having heart and stroke problems”. So, having sparked my interest, I asked if she had had any problems on the first two shots. Her reply: “No, though I think the booster, is causing heart and stroke problems for people.”
    I left the conversation, with her belief, she’s not been vaccine injured.

    • I got three members of my immediate family in the same situation. All were pro vax before, but seeing their friends or work colleagues still getting covid and some pretty bad reactions in others, and also themselves all coming down with covid, they all refuse to get the third booster.

  3. I think Doomfield and many others at MOH know the real data, and they are worried and can count. In their minds, If they bale out, someone else can be left to explain all the discrepancies and half truths, and so many wrong doings for the last 2 years.
    They won’t get away that easily. We won’t forget. You can’t absolve yourself from responsibility because you left the job when its getting too hot. Enjoy your hero status while you can Ashley. Time won’t be good for you. You still have to live with your conscience.

    • I agree Rich. I think they are bailing en mass because they know what’s coming. Unfortunately the system is rigged and there is no accountability at all. No one will get prosecuted because our judiciary has been compromised. These mob will be well gone to their cushy jobs abroad if ever criminal lawsuits get filed.

      The government to protect themselves, cynically implemented new legislation under the Covid Protection Framework which gives them powers to pretty much do what they want. Unless this law is repealed, victims will be pushing the proverbial uphill.

  4. Many of the key players responsible for this public health abuse will have to live in exile, even our PM. The backlash of wrath from the citizenry will be intense.

  5. I doubt there will be much backlash, the truth will never register with the sheeple. Just look at the level of mask-adherance, as one eg. It still beggars belief. The sheeple do not want to believe their govt are psychopathic liars and oligarths. The data will continue to be enormously muddled on purpose, to ensure the continuation of chaos, fear and uncertainty which are stalwart tools of the marxists in control.

  6. Great South boss dies of suspected heart attack. Surely it is not pfizer related as per the MoH yet to be released but predictable assesment as they done in hundreds of other cases.

  7. Megan Whelan, Head of Content, RNZ is writing a “Diabetes and me” is a weekly column on Wednesdays.

    She is big woman and now suffering. Only when it hurts them, the system pig journalists start talking about health. Did she played a truthful role about jabbing? No. Did she voice concerns on experimental therapy? No.
    Her diabetes is another opporunity to promote herself and earn six digit salary.


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