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Monday, March 10, 2025

Popular Now

Open letter to Ministers of Parliament – Will You Remember?

When you retire, what pivotal moments of your career will you remember with pride?

Will you remember your time in the limelight, the media /propaganda attention, or the time you had a proposed Bill drawn that was passed? Or perhaps the times you met a visiting “VIP”, and felt important on a special occasion?

Will you also remember the times you remained silent on issues of national importance that rapidly continued to close the net on the inalienable rights of every living being whom you purport to represent in a country that is only just managing to hold onto the shreds of democracy that is being attacked on all sides?

Will you remember the day you had a choice to speak up for and in defence of the Nuremberg Code and our inalienable right to decide on what medical treatment we choose to receive, along with that for our beloved children?

Will you remember that you did not? Or will you remember at the 11th hour that you did speak up in defence of the Nuremberg Code and you stood up for something that really mattered?

Like the situation beautiful baby W and his loving family currently find themselves in —due to shocking government over-reach and tyranny.

Will you remember that W’s parents organised and had over 20 screened and approved donors ready to supply blood for W, but the blood bank, who previously used to be fine on direct donors, refused to allow it and instead, with the government and doctors, tried to take over control of the health decisions of baby W by temporarily removing him from the care of his parents to do the operation with contaminated blood that could cause his death and tried to do this by putting them through an unspeakably stressful and needless time in court — to put his life at greater risk?

Will you remember this beautiful, vulnerable little baby W, who needed you to stand with him and his parents so that he could receive blood for a heart operation that was uncontaminated with the contents of an experimental gene-based therapy that is still on trial and has been proven to cause harm and death?

Will you remember that you felt that you “couldn’t do anything” because you were instructed, as part of the Party you represent, that you were not to say anything because it was “before the courts” or some other such nonsense?

Or will you remember you stood for baby W because what his parents require for him is readily available, causes the least harm, and gives him the best chance?

If you are not standing up and speaking out for W and his family, what are you doing in Parliament? Why are you there?

When you leave parliament, — that toxic environment that has abjectly ruined the lives of millions of New Zealanders —when the limelight fades, when nobody seeks you out any longer and you’ve become just another politician that did little to stand for the people — when you sit by yourself reflecting on your career — you may remember baby W.

You will remember if you did anything . . .

Or if you did not.

I surely hope you stood up for baby W and his beloved family.

Because if you did not, it is likely to haunt you forever.

But if you did, it will surely be one of the greatest highlights of your life, for it would have taken immense courage, outstanding fortitude and would have created a sense of fulfillment in your career and your life like no other. For not only would you be standing for baby W and his family, but for every New Zealander — and the world. You will be a rarity these days: A politician with integrity, that stands and protects the inalienable human rights of the people. And democracy. A politician standing for the soul of the people and the nation.

Many of you are good people at heart. You know what is right, so you will know that this is and this should be your line in the sand.

Baby W, his precious family, and all New Zealanders, need you to do the right thing.

So does the country.

And the world.

New Zealanders all over the country, and now the world, are standing beside baby W and his family. We are holding them close. One look at those beautiful blue eyes will tell you why, for baby W symbolises the limitless beauty of the soul and all that is good in this world and he ignites love in the souls of all New Zealanders and people all over the world who are standing beside him.

We want you to as well.

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace. — Jimi Hendrix

By Mary Hobbs

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  1. Beautifully written Mary. You have given the reader an opportunity for self examination and reflection. Where do they stand? What will they be known for? Will the callousness of their hearts continue to provide weak justifications as to their involvement or lack of? Will their conscience allow them the peace they will crave when it all comes to an end, and their names no longer remembered.
    NO GOD
    MPS What an opportunity to relay this story to your grandchildren, to see their faces light up with pride when you tell them you said to hell with the consequences! Baby Will needs me! Our nation needs me ! What heroes you will be in their eyes, our eyes, what a strong message you would give them about doing the right thing, no matter the personal cost. … So MPS what will it be? Will you leave a legacy of pride? Or will you leave a legacy of shame?

  2. Brilliantly written Mary, with respect in your heart for all while delivering a message that is pivotal in history.

    A message to all MP’s, I have emailed some of our MP’s several times without a satisfactory reply. The replies I have received, thank you Jacqui Dean, have appeared well vetted by Parliament. I believe you do have a choice, although you feel your hands are tied, you have the choice to leave the ship of piracy that is our current Parliament. To those MP’s who remain in Parliament without speaking up and advocating for NZders then I hold you accountable for the harms caused to society and fellow Kiwis by the covid protocols. There will be Nuremberg trials

  3. Fabulous article. 50 or so years ago I was a branch chairman in a labour MP’s electorate. He always and I mean it, always put his constituent’s needs ahead of the party. This was perhaps his downfall as Rowling tried tirelessly to get rid of. He was a great man and we remember his name to this day, other names have dissapeared into the widerness.

    I am interested to know if Winston will make a difference – perhaps I should invite him to have coffe at my local coffee shop.

  4. As someone who chose not to be vaccinated not because I didn’t think it works. But because I believe we live in an already over medicated society driven by incentives paid to doctors by large pharmaceutical.

    Where my belif is had you caught covid and was dying why wouldn’t you accept medicine if you wanted to live, but as a healthy person why would you accept a medicine for something you don’t have and have very little exposure risk to.

    Should you catch it where as long as you don’t have any other medical issues nor are you in the apparent high risk age group of dying from covid, while you might get sick you also have a high chance of survival without being vaccinated.

    I am undecided about long term effects of being vaccinated and how that may or may not be affect future generations at a gen leveland any genetic mutations as a result. That is only going to be answered by future generations which at worst it will result in two groups those whose family members did get vaccinated and those we didn’t, or at best there will be no discernible difference.

    Having stated my position, I find it appalling that the right to choose a course of medical treatment by the parents has been denied given the expected outcome was to be the same.


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