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Tuesday, March 4, 2025

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Guy Hatchard
Guy Hatchardhttps://hatchardreport.com/
Guy Hatchard PhD is a statistician and former senior manager at Genetic ID, a global food safety testing and certification laboratory. Guy's book 'Your DNA Diet' is available on Amazon.com.

The failure of the parliamentary process in the age of biotechnology

Gene Technology Bill opinion

This article has two parts: the problem and our response. 

Authoritative mathematical biologist Alex Washburne has published an article on Substack entitled “The Strength of Evidence for a Lab Origin—Probable cause, preponderance of evidence, and beyond reasonable doubt”. This is essential reading for anyone still unsure about how Covid originated. Washburne demolishes the so-called evidence for a zoonotic origin with mathematical precision and then builds the case step by step against the Wuhan Institute of Virology and the Eco-Health Alliance, including publishing the emails which document their efforts to cover their tracks. 

He manages to do so with a dash of ironic humour saying for example: “It just so happens that there is a bat sarbecovirus lab in the same city where this bat sarbecovirus emerged; the specificity of the connection between the virus that emerged and the lab is so high it’s like finding a tiger roaming around the town in walking distance from a big cat sanctuary in Germany, so knowing there is a sanctuary drawing in big cats from around the world provides critical context for the big cat roaming the streets nearby.”

The research being carried out at Wuhan funded by the US NIH was unethical, illegal, and obviously dangerous. Particularly striking was the determination to push way beyond the boundaries of any regulation or common sense in order to create deadly pathogens capable of undermining the genetic foundations of life—science fiction become reality. In this light, any suggestion that the biotech industry can regulate itself or control rogue operators is absurd. Yet this will be the likely outcome of the NZ Gene Technology Bill currently being rushed through the Parliamentary Select Committee process.

The Health Select Committee received over 15,000 submissions, but starting this week, wrapping up in just half a dozen days, the Committee will compile its assessment in order to fulfil the government’s timeline for the Bill to become law and operational by September. To speed up the process, the Committee has divided itself into two, meaning that no single Committee member will have heard all the 400 short oral submissions and none would have had any time to take account of the views of the 15,000 submitters.

The Bill will radically alter our food system, agriculture, economy and medicine, injecting genetic modification into every area of daily life, yet the word ‘label’ appears zero times in the Bill. In other words we will be prevented by the deficiencies of law from knowing what is happening. The obvious context is our overwhelmed and failing health system alongside five years of a pandemic, which, according to the latest data, resulted from unfettered biotechnology experimentation.

We don’t have to look very far beyond our nose to get a sense of unlabelled biotechnology. A New York Times article from this morning is entitled “She’s a Foot Soldier in America’s Losing War With Chronic Disease“. It details the devastating health effects and decreased life expectancy caused by the US processed food industry which is dominated by genetically modified processes and products. Apparently our government is hoping that the Gene Technology Bill will smooth the way for a trade deal with America. If you want to know what that means, read about the effect of the UK-US trade deal in an article in the UK Daily Telegraph “The Americanisation of our diets is destroying our health – and it’s not just about size“.

So how did it come about that our government feels empowered to degrade our food system without adequate consultation or any provision for labelling to support consumer choice? The answer possibly lies in one word—technology. Technology is billed as an escape from the drudgery of tasks, but is it dumbing us all down, draining the joy out of life, limiting our options and exposing us to unannounced health risks?

The technological revolution has heralded a massive decline in literacy, numeracy, and craft skills. Rather than an escape from drudgery, many are too busy to enjoy quality family time, too poor to afford housing and too distracted to appreciate the direction we are heading in. In this situation it is no wonder that the political establishment are taking over the decisions we used to take for ourselves. On the agenda now is what we have for breakfast, dinner and supper.

But it doesn’t stop there, the bio-technocrats are not just suggesting but are busy creating medical interventions which will affect everyone of us whether we like it or not. This has been going on for some time under the radar. A 2020 article in New Scientist was entitled “We now have the technology to develop vaccines that spread themselves“. It advocated radical experimentation under the banner “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”. As it has turned out, despite the focus of the entire biotech industry for five years, they still haven’t discovered any prevention or cure for the Covid-19 pathogen they created. But that hasn’t stopped the continuing development of self-spreading vaccines, aerial spray vaccine delivery systems and food plants that vaccinate consumers. 

But it doesn’t stop there, A UK Ministry of Defence paper developed jointly with Germany is entitled “Human Augmentation—The Dawn of a New Paradigm. A Strategic Implications Project“. The paper foresees “an impending biotech revolution that will radically transform every aspect of our lives”. It says “We must begin to understand the implications of these changes and shape them to our advantage now, before they are thrust upon us.” In other words, we are faced with a tsunami of biotechnology including bioweapons, and the military advises we should get involved in developing even more powerful ones ourselves. As if sitting on the beach facing an approaching tsunami, the best strategy is to create an even bigger wave ourselves, rather than simply running to higher ground.

What are we facing?

Here in New Zealand, the government is poised to appoint a regulator within the next six months who will oversee the introduction of biotechnology into every area of our lives:

  • The Gene Technology Bill contains no red lines. It doesn’t prohibit gain of function research or germline genetic engineering. It doesn’t say anything about transhumanism, bioweapons or airborne vaccination, but it does REQUIRE the regulator to approve biotechnologies used overseas, (yes it is mandated, NZ will have no choice). 
  • It contains a presumption of safety for which there is no evidence, or rather for which there is abundant evidence to the contrary showing great danger. 
  • It strikes no note of economic caution, despite multiple countries among our trading partners restricting GMOs. Moreover it opens NZ up to massive predatory profit taking by overseas corporations who hold the patents on crops and gene editing techniques.
  • It contains nothing whatsoever to suggest that consumers have a right to know what they are eating. 
  • It glosses over the appalling track record of adverse events associated with gene editing of animals and humans. 
  • It completely ignores the well documented and researched inherently mutagenic outcomes of CRISPR gene editing, instead opting to describe the results as equivalent to natural products in no need of regulation. 
  • It fails to address the genetically modified microorganism (GMM) contamination of batch fermentation production routinely used by the gene industry to produce everything from foods to medicine. 

In short, Parliament has failed to do its homework, yet in the space of a few short hours spread over next week, with little or no opportunity to cross examine or challenge the motives and intentions of Parliament, with little time to cite or explore published research, it is proposed to pass the Gene Technology Bill into the statute books unquestioned by a sleeping media.

The regulator, whoever they are, (probably singularly unqualified to protect the public), will know what to do to please the government, which is to wield a rubber stamp and wave the traffic through. If successful, no doubt Luxon will hold up his copy of this worthless and destructive piece of legislation and declare “Economic Prosperity in Our Time” or hollow and deceptive words to that effect. History, if there still is one left after he has finished, will judge him and his ilk very harshly.

What are the alternatives?

We have already published a cautionary tale of GM food here in New Zealand and listed what to avoid. We have encouraged changes in lifestyle, exercise and pointed to the need to rediscover and honour traditional spiritual practices. The challenges that we face result from the distorted and incomplete understanding of biotechnology. To combat this we need to understand more fully what is at stake and find the fulcrum points where we can leverage a deeper understanding.

There are now 3,400 writers on the Substack platform who are expressing concerns about Covid-19 and genetic vaccines. GLOBE and the Hatchard Report are among the very few calling for an outright ban on biotechnology experimentation. We are doing so for one very simple and entirely cogent reason: no one in the field of biotechnology understands how genetics supports the expression of consciousness. In other words, the vast and growing biotech industry is prepared to put our capacity for awareness and self-reflection, the defining characteristic of life, at risk for the sake of a failed paradigm.

GLOBE and the Hatchard Report are going a step further than calling for a ban by offering an alternative paradigm. Recently in September 2024, eminent historian William Dalrymple published a book “The Golden Road—How Ancient India Transformed the World”. His fascinating study documents how our number system, architectural ideas, our scientific perspective and our early medical knowledge originated in the Indian subcontinent and slowly made its way to the West via the Greeks, the Egyptians and the Arab world. With the peaceful Christian takeover of Toledo in 1085, the vast libraries of works translated from the original Sanskrit and studied by the Arabs, Egyptians and Greeks became available to the monastic centres of Christian learning. One outcome was the blossoming of the western scientific method over a period of a thousand years.

Our objective rational scientific method has now brushed up against the field of consciousness in physics, biology and medicine. In doing so, it has begun to lose its way, distorting and mutating something we have yet to understand. Something absolutely essential to knowledge is missing—the knower, individual consciousness, our identity.

To make sense of the quantum reality they were discovering at the start of the 20th century, leading physicists referred to the Vedic Literature: 

  • Niels Bohr found connections between the Vedic concept of interconnectedness and the quantum idea of entanglement.
  • Werner Heisenberg was fascinated by the Upanishadic concept of the observer influencing reality, which aligns with the observer effect in quantum mechanics.
  • Erwin Schrödinger considered the Upanishads to be the most accurate perception of reality and heavily incorporated their ideas into his theories.
  • Robert Oppenheimer was deeply impacted by the Bhagavad Gita, particularly its themes of responsibility and the consequences of action, especially in relation to his work on the atomic bomb.
  • Einstein expressed a fascination for Upanishadic philosophy and was familiar with the Bhagavad Gita—a pocket book of Vedic wisdom.

The influence of the Veda and Vedic literature, which Dalrymple documents, took root not just across the sub continent but soon extended from ancient Persia to Egypt, Greece, Rome and the Caucasus mountains in the West and to the East as far as Thailand, Cambodia, Bali and Japan. Although widely revered, the Veda is not a religion, rather a vast body of scientific knowledge that has at its heart the understanding and investigation of consciousness, but this deeper aspect of Indian culture had limited impact on the West.

The quote that “war begins in the mind of man” used in the United Nations charter is originally attributed to Atharva Veda, a branch of the Vedic Literature. The Vedic endeavour to comprehend and develop the full scope of the human mind is also a quest to avert human conflict before it arises. We discuss the science behind this in our book Your DNA Diet available from Amazon as a Kindle. 

Now might be a time to dig deeper into the roots of ancient traditions around the world for the vital clues that could avert the looming disaster of biotechnology. There are some scientists who are already taking up this challenge with some success. A study published in Brain, Behavior and Immunity in 2023 entitled “Transcendental Meditation practitioners show reduced expression of the Conserved Transcriptional Response to Adversity” has investigated altered expression of 200 genes associated with a healthy response to stress, adversity and disease. This included down-regulated pro-inflammatory transcription and up-regulated Interferon Response Factors.

Many diseases can be aggravated by inflammation, including cardiovascular disease, cancer, arthritis, asthma, inflammatory bowel disease, mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety, and neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.

Interferon is a protein that helps the body’s immune system fight infection and disease. It’s produced by white blood cells and other cells in the body. Interferons activate immune cells, such as natural killer cells and macrophages. They can limit viral replication in infected cells and viral spreading in non-infected cells. They can help the immune system recognise and attack viruses, bacteria, or cancer, preventing growth and division.

A follow up study published in Biomolecules in 2025 found results consistent with reductions in biomarkers of chronic stress and biological age in long-term meditation practitioners. They are also consistent with results from a previous study suggesting that meditation practice lowers energy consumption or leads to more efficient energy metabolism.

Meditation is not a belief system or a religion, techniques have been known and honoured in every country. They have formed a key part of cultural history around the world. The fact that TM beneficially alters gene expression points to the existence of a non-invasive technology of consciousness accessible for anyone. At this point in time, meditation is an opportunity to move away from the depressing cycle of diet-induced chronic disease and drug-initiated adverse effects which are overwhelming our health system, affecting people of all ages including the young and working adults. Hundreds of scientific studies support meditation’s profound benefits for health and longevity.

These are not experimental results without a basis in scientific theory. A book  by Tony Nader MD PhD, compiled with the guidance of renowned exponent of ancient Vedic wisdom Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, is entitled “Human Physiology, Expression of Veda and the Vedic Literature. Modern Science and Ancient Vedic Science Discover the Fabrics of Immortality in the Human Physiology” now published by Motilal Barnarsidass. 

It locates a sequential self-unfoldment in the sounds and the gaps between sounds which automatically leads to the diversified structure of the branches of the Vedic Literature. Nader and his scientific collaborators working with Maharishi were able to draw an exact parallel between this structure and the sequential unfoldment of human physiology starting with the first cell. Their 600 page book details the mathematical correspondence between the sequences of sounds and gaps in the forty branches of Vedic Literature and the structure and functions of human physiology. It dazzles and astounds with its breadth of scholarship and deep insight. It can fill huge gaps in our current understanding of genetics.

Our connection with the Cosmos has been there all along since ancient times, remembered by our great cultural, philosophical and religious traditions, but like the foundation of a building it has remained largely out of sight in daily life or even forgotten. Now the connection is in need of repair, it is the time for revival of knowledge, an expansion of our understanding and the unfolding of our latent potential. In this we can glimpse a whole new horizon of knowledge which is capable of enriching every aspect of life.

The government is a reflection of the collective consciousness of the nation, bemoaning the shortcomings of the government is just whistling in the wind unless and until our education system is able to develop the full potential of the individual, mind and body, consciousness and physiology.

Image credit: Getty Images

Guy Hatchard PhD was formerly a senior manager at Genetic ID a global food testing and safety company (now known as FoodChain ID). You can subscribe to his websites HatchardReport.com and GLOBE.GLOBAL for regular updates by email.

He is the author of ‘Your DNA Diet: Leveraging the Power of Consciousness To Heal Ourselves and Our World. An Ayurvedic Blueprint For Health and Wellness’.

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