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Robert Bridge
Robert Bridge
Robert Bridge is an American writer and journalist. He is the author of 'Midnight in the American Empire,' How Corporations and Their Political Servants are Destroying the American Dream.

Why Klaus Schwab is pushing Critical Race Theory

By praising CRT, the World Economic Forum is apparently seeking to aggravate tensions between races.

The World Economic Forum, the exclusive talk shop that meets yearly in Davos, is at it again, this time looking to drive a wedge between the races. This begs the question: Why are capitalists so gung-ho about ‘Marxist’ ideology?

Critical race theory news

Once upon a time, in some mythical ‘golden age’, the only thing common folk had to fear whenever the robber barons met for a weekend of cocktails at some remote resort was that a further deterioration of living standards would quickly ensue. Those happily predictable days are over.

Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum (WEF) – the same movers and shakers who informed the planet that by the year 2030 we’ll “own nothing and be happy” – are now singing the praises of ‘Critical Race Theory’ (CRT), a controversial concept that lays blame for global inequalities squarely at the feet of white people.

Betraying a glaring lack of neutrality and objectivity, the short WEF explainer video tilts heavily in favor of the CRT crusaders. For example, when arguing that people of color face racial inequality due to their “historical subordination,” the only evidence given for that sweeping generalization is that “black Americans are imprisoned at five times the rate of white people.”

Can it really be the case that all of those incarcerated black men, locked up alongside millions of whites and Hispanics as well, found themselves behind bars due to the inherent racism of the local police forces? That seems to be a major simplification of a highly complex problem. After all, what happened when the city of Seattle attempted to create a police-free ‘summer of love’ zone during the Black Lives Matter protests? In a matter of days, the very same protesters who had been hurling rocks and bottles at the authorities were suddenly dialing 911, demanding police protection as murders began to occur.

More to the point, however, is this question: How did we come to inherit a situation where a bunch of moneyed elite – unelected and unaccountable to ‘we the people’ – are able to determine our collective fate between sips of champagne and trips down the ski slopes at a mountain resort in Davos, Switzerland? Surely, the ancient Greeks were not imagining downhill skiing and afternoon power lunches when they talked about a fully functioning ‘democracy’.

The answer is that we simply had no choice in the matter. After all, who is going to stop those private jets from airlifting their precious cargo into Switzerland year after year (or to the other elitist confabs, like Bilderberg and Bohemian Grove, which are also completely roped off to the prying public)? Thus, the only viable option left for people is to try and adjust their lives to whatever decisions the global elite thinks is in ‘their’ best interest. So if Davos Man decides one afternoon that teaching Critical Race Theory to schoolchildren is a brilliant idea, then it will be Joe Six-Pack who must contend with the consequences. And there are consequences.

When the unproven ideas of CRT, for example, are mixed up with the non-stop virtue-signaling pageant known as cancel culture, the result is a wicked cocktail that has the potential to spread fear and hate faster than a Panzer tank division. Already, the woke shock troops have convinced millions of intellectually-stunted people that the cornucopia of Western (white) society – classical literature, classical music, mathematics, even Dr. Seuss – are part and parcel of a white hate-scape that is responsible for oppressing minorities. And if anyone doubts the brave new gospel, there is no shortage of enterprising entrepreneurs charging top dollar for white people to sit through a full course meal while being lectured on the inherent evils of their race. All this seems very strange and even sinister when considering that the United States is one of the most racially diverse places in the world, and more so since Joe Biden opened up the US-Mexico border.

So what would be the ultimate reason for people like Klaus Schwab to thrust these half-baked ideas, descended from a gnarled offshoot of communist ideology known as ‘Cultural Marxism’, onto an unsuspecting populace? One possible answer comes down to ‘liability’. After all, it’s not rocket science for the insanely wealthy to protect their lofty positions by aggravating tensions between the races.

It should not be forgotten that we have just experienced, amid the ongoing pandemic, the greatest transfer of wealth (mostly to the wealthy, of course) in recent memory. The World Inequality Report estimated that billionaires collectively own 3.5% of global household wealth, up from around 2% at the start of the pandemic in early 2020. Much of this mammoth wealth accumulation was due to the deliberate destruction of the middle class thanks to lengthy lockdowns that forced thousands of small businesses into bankruptcy. This silent catastrophe made merely rich individuals astronomically wealthy almost overnight. So wealthy, in fact, that the biggest problem now plaguing Amazon founder Jeff Bezos is how to squeeze his superyacht under a Dutch bridge.

Thus, by foisting the ‘problem’ of ‘white supremacy’ into the marketplace of ideas courtesy of a complicit media, the more deserving question involving class strife between rich and poor goes missing in action.

There are other reasons, however, for adopting a ‘divide and conquer’ mentality. In this brave new world we’ve come to inhabit, Klaus Schwab has spoken enthusiastically about a shiny ‘post-human’ place where the world of science merges humans with artificial intelligence to create something truly horrifying known as ‘transhumanism’. Considering the vast moral and physical implications of man attempting to play God, it would be more convenient to the elite if the bulk of humanity were consumed with race riots and food shortages than with the question of if there will even be a human race in several decades.

Is Schwab a good man with merely stupid ideas? I really can’t say, but, back in 2009, I had a chance encounter with him in Moscow during a Valdai Discussion Club meeting where we were both attendees. During a break in the conference, where then-Russian President Dmitry Medvedev was the speaker, I went to a side room to have a coffee and – much to my surprise and slight horror – found myself standing at a small table directly next to the global mastermind himself, Herr Schwab.

At the time, I only knew him as the international powerbroker who gathered around himself a constellation of powerful individuals for the sole purpose ​​– or so I had naively imagined – of accumulating ever more riches for himself and his ilk. So we exchanged casual pleasantries about the weather and his impressions of the Russian capital. I even managed to get his surprisingly bland business card. Today, however, I find myself remembering with a bit of disappointment that brief and all-too polite chat. In light of the many things that have since emerged about Klaus Schwab and Davos – an organization of unelected individuals attempting to radically transform society without an ounce of democratic intervention – I like to imagine how differently our conversation would go today.

The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of Daily Telegraph New Zealand.

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Source:RT News

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  1. “We must realize that our party’s most powerful weapon is racial tensions. By propounding into the consciousness of the dark races that for centuries they have been oppressed by whites, we can mold them to the program of the Communist Party. In America we will aim for subtle victory. While inflaming the Negro minority against the whites, we will endeavor to instill in the whites a guilt complex for their exploitation of the Negroes. We will aid the Negroes to rise in prominence in every walk of life, in the professions and in the world of sports and entertainment. With this prestige, the Negro will be able to intermarry with the whites and begin a process which will deliver America to our cause.” — Israel Cohen, World Zionist Organization, Communist Party USA

    • Keith, I disagree with your quote !

      I consider the content of that quote and your posting it as being inhumane, cruel and profoundly unintelligent. It is exactly this attitude which causes so much deep hurt, anger and division, and exactly why critical race theory exists.

      I don’t agree with using critical race theory to further and foment racial division and hurt. That said, unthinking entrenched racism is a reality in our and almost every society, and can exist within and between any ethic groups. However, we should each consider how we treat and speak about each other merely because of the pigmentation of our or another’s skin or any other characteristic.

      African Americans were absolutely abused and oppressed in that country. Firstly by being captured illegally, manacled, chained and taken in unthinkable conditions by ship to the US and elsewhere, then bought as slaves to work for, mostly, Europeans. Stripped of every human right, traumatised, most paid scarcely a cent, raped, whipped, worked finger to the bone, separated from children and loved ones by being sold apart, hunted, maimed and tortured. Then after abolition, many of those who were fortunate to even be granted a small tract of land, had even that seized from them.

      Have you, Keith, ever considered how extremely hard it is to get on your feet, financially and socially, to start from literally nothing in a society that has deeply traumatised you and unfairly denies you access to almost every opportunity then also constantly attempts to make you feel inferior to them. No, I’ll bet you haven’t.

      I am so utterly pleased we now live in a world and societies where more and more people see and treat each other as equals – and we can love, marry and have children with whomever we choose and love because of who they are.

      I fully celebrate this and all beautiful humans doing so.
      Long may love and positive humanity thrive and prosper!


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