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Saturday, February 22, 2025

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Steve 'Snoopman' Edwards
Steve 'Snoopman' Edwardshttps://snoopman.net.nz/
Former editor at Māori Television, who forged his ‘Thunk Evil Without Being Evil’ super-power while writing a ground-breaking thesis on the Global Financial Crisis. Now a dissident journalist, he publishes on Snoopman News.

Frame My Freedom – Why the News Media Plays New Zealand’s Freedom Movement

In this heretical dispatch from New Zealand, former Māori Television news, current affairs and program editor, Steve ‘Snoopman’ Edwards exposes why the media’s news product since the onset of the ‘Great Corona Hostage Crisis’ was performative theater. He draws upon the Propaganda Model presented in the 1988 book, Manufacturing Consent, to demonstrate how the media’s constructed, yet authoritatively ‘neutral’ posture manifests as ‘subtle’ news filtering mechanisms that favor state, corporate and philanthropic power.

During times of crises, each news organizations’ habitual reliance on official sources manifests as a fully-blown toxic co-dependent relationship. Large media organizations become perfect vectors for communicable contagions of propaganda for brainwashing mass populations. Meanwhile, dissenting voices are stigmatized for scapegoating with de-humanizing labels which are used to cast such free-thinkers as common enemies, as the Propaganda Model predicts.

The present convergence of crises are located as part of an engineered reset by Totalitarian Bandits seeking to re-assert dominance over the world’s structural forces — including technological innovations — to forge a Techno-Feudalist World Order.

Key Finding: A social norm of conspiracy denialism — wherein news outlets, academia and government law enforcement do not properly investigate the big conspiracies — actually became a global cult phenomenon at the onset of the pandemic. It turns out, this conspiracy denialism had taken hold since the aftermath of the JFK Assassination. By casting the NZ Freedom Movement — and their Global Freedom Movement counterparts — with an enemy image, the media maintains the status quo, while the global élites attempt to steer the geo-future of humanity without any serious, sustained challenge.

Smear Campaigns by Conspiracy Denialists

The mainstream media frames New Zealand’s Freedom Movement, as well as the Global Freedom Movement, with a smorgers-board of labels to construct an enemy image.

The media’s smear campaign includes labels such as anti-vaxxer, sexist, misogynist, trans-phobic, racist, pro-Putin, neo-Nazi, QAnon Trumpist, far-right-extremists, and climate change-denying conspiracy theorists with a violent agenda.

The biased coverage occurs because the media universally treats every civic movement with disdain until the groundswell is ground to pulp, or it wins respect — by being super-organized, or for becoming controlled opposition.

The news media also amplifies the extreme voices, mistakes, or moments of conflict of any movement in order to discredit the rest because the mainstream news media’s primary job is to maintain the status quo. The 24/7 news cycle exists to distract, divide and defeat humanity no matter what tribe of politics, creed, culture, race or sex or other ideological constructs we identify with or not.

The media’s news product since the onset of the ‘Great Corona Hostage Crisis’ was performative theater, as I show in the full version of, “Frame My Freedom: Why the News Media Plays NZ’s Freedom Movement”.

Dissenting voices have been stigmatized for scapegoating with such de-humanizing labels because they can be used to cast free-thinkers as common enemies, as could be predicted by the Propaganda Model, which was developed by the media scholars, Noam Chomsky and Edward S. Herman.

Frame My FreedomFiltering the News: The Propaganda Model describes how the news can be censored by unofficial means in supposedly open societies.

By drawing upon the Propaganda Model presented in the 1988 book, Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media, I have demonstrated how the media’s constructed, yet authoritatively ‘neutral’ posture manifests as ‘subtle’ news filtering mechanisms that favour state, corporate and philanthropic power.

Propaganda is the mass deployment of persuasive techniques by dominant coalitions in order to gain society’s acquiescence, and always omits or downplays key evidence to keep the underlying objectives, known or likely harms, or power linkages hidden.

The Propaganda Model, as developed by Herman and Chomsky, is comprised of five structural news filters through which news is processed for mass consumption: [1] size, ownership and profit orientation; [2] advertising; [3] expert sources; [4] flak and the enforcers; and [5] ideology. There is also an instrumental filtering mechanism that involves collusion or conspiracy, which was not specifically designed into Herman and Chomsky’s Propaganda Model: buying-out.

Frame My Freedom

[Snoopman’s Note: For descriptions of the Propaganda Model’s six news filters, see the full version of Frame My Freedom on Snoopman News]

During times of crises, each news organizations’ habitual reliance on official sources manifests as a fully-blown toxic co-dependent relationship. Large media organizations become perfect vectors for communicable contagions of propaganda for brainwashing mass populations.

Reporters, camera crews, and news anchors can be observed adopting a neutral bystander posture during moments of heightened conflict, while avoiding any responsibility for stoking the conditions that lead to such crises.

Furthermore, the news media’s habitual self-casting as authoritative narrators becomes more attenuated in times of crises.

Wittingly or not, newsrooms across New Zealand actively participated in the formation of a Corona Cult.

Cult formation occurs with three key features: the suppression of free speech, the infliction of behavioral modifications and establishing group conformity with edicts to wear a new garment.

Buying Out the Media and Academia to Forge a Propaganda Fortress

To this end, the New Zealand Government essentially forged a fortress network out of the existing media, advertising and communications infrastructure during the over-hyped pandemic. And the news media allowed itself to be sucked into the mass formation vortex of the new hegemonic ideology: scientism.

This near-universal ideology had grown exponentially for decades, moving stealthily with quiet ambitions of world domination.

Ironically, New Zealanders and the world were gaslighted to believe public health was the only sector that was immune from corruption, collusion and conspiracy — without this con-job being overtly stated. This con-job could not have worked without the imperial-scale smear campaigns continuing to work as mass character assassinations.

With large sums of corona cash sloshing around, New Zealand’s media cartel became a vector for the contagion of Corona Cult fear-porn, behavior modifications and vaxxism.

“Vaxxism is a contagious strain of totalitarian ideological dogma that prejudices individuals based on their vaccination status by discriminating, penalizing, ostracizing or otherwise violating their human rights because they refuse to comply with a medical apartheid regime, due to its cultural coercion, economic blackmail and Nuremberg Code-breaching treatment of populations as test subjects in mass scale product demonstrations of invasive technological innovations.”

— Steve ‘Snoopman’ Edwards

As vectors of emotional contagion,New Zealand’s news media allowed government officials, valorized public health experts and the international media to emotionally hijack news audiences with manipulated data.

Frame My Freedom

Suppressing Effective Drugs: In the documentary, Uninformed Consent, medical experts argued the use of known effective therapeutics such as ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine were besmirched and banned.

Amid the early stories about a virulent out-break projected to kill millions, the propaganda to ‘flatten the curve’ with lock-downs actually worked to sow the narrative seeds of the Biocracy Bandits’ final solution to ‘rescue’ humanity: vaccines.

Yet, the early surge in deaths attributed to Covid-19 were exacerbated by the pandemic measures, as well as political interference in early treatment protocols that suppressed of the use of existing therapeutics such as ivermectin, chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine, while lethal drug protocols such as remdesivir or midazolam were used in the US and UK to boost the Covid death statistics.

Frame My Freedom

O’Day’s Anatomy of Medical Democide: US health officials and the drug’s manufacturer, Gilead Pharmaceuticals — led by CEO Daniel O’Day — knew that remdesivir caused multiple organ failure, including impairing kidney function, before the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s emergency use authorization of May 1 2020. [Pharmageddon: Snoopman News]

Instead of sustaining serious investigations, the news media heightened the sense of drama during the ‘Covid-19 Pandemic’ with a persuasive fear framing that served to obscure the internal inconsistencies of a ‘rescue’ master frame.

Master frames work as over-arching mechanisms to gain support for specific political goals, to undermine opposition and to construct a narrative, as R. D. Benford & D. A. Snow observed in their paper, “Framing processes and social movements”, which was published in the Annual Review of Sociology journal in 2000.

The narrative arc of the ‘Great Corona Hostage Crisis’ was constructed out of a ‘rescue master frame’ — which sets up the desired strategic solutions — and can been tracked and plotted with the same classic three act story structure used to design the architecture of novels, movies and plays.

This is not to say the Totalitarian Pirates, who engineered this global crisis, can control the entire course of the overarching ‘story’. This epic hybrid war is a conflict over controlling the reset of the world’s structural forces, including the direction that technological innovation takes, as I explained in How the World is Going to Hell in a Corona Hand Basket.

The modus operandi of the Totalitarian Pirates is to win the major battles over the narrative in order to win the war that was stealthily declared when the World Health Organization designated Covid-19 as a pandemic — at a time when the global death toll was under 4700 mortals. This war, however, does not end when the ‘Covid Wars’ run their course, as Trends forecaster Gerald Celenté points out.

Ironically, the news media’s active assistance in the Corona Cult behaviour modifications displaced democratic debate with a full-monty free pass for state actors to inflict a governance by worst case scenarios regime. When the mandates extended to mass ‘vaccination’ programs, informed consent was displaced with nakedly triple X-rated manufactured consent — thanks to the fear-porn media.

These displacements occurred in no small part because the news filtering mechanisms described by the Propaganda Model were, in effect, dialled up to ‘extreme’.

The global military grade psychological operation, or psy-op, to cement the Corona narrative had been observed by numerous public figures teaching communications, dissident journalists and dissenting doctors. This pys-op occurred in accordance with the work-shopped pandemic scenarios to serve powerfully aligned medical, corporate and imperial interests.

For instance, former New York University professor of media, communications, and propaganda, Mark Crispin Miller, stated that during the ‘Corona Reset’, a coordinated global policy, propaganda and de-platforming had occurred with a weaponization of institutional resources to marginalize political dissent on an epic unprecedented scale.

Frame My Freedom

Amputation of Free Speech: Former NYU professor, Mark Crispin Miller, said a coordinated global policy to marginalize political dissent occurred on an epic unprecedented scale. [Unlimited Hangout]

Robert F. Kennedy Jr found while researching his book, The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health, there had been 17 pre-Covid pandemic exercises that served as a staging ground for programming hundreds of thousands of people to work like automated parts of a machine once a global pandemic was declared.

This network included media assets.

For instance, Judith Miller, a New York Times journalist and author of Germs: Biological Weapons and America’s Secret War, was one of at least three players, who took aspects of a Johns Hopkins University pandemic exercise called ‘Dark Winter’ from the tabletop simulation to the real world after the 9/11 Coup D’état of 2001.

As I showed in my investigation, All Techno-Feudalist Roads Lead to ‘Dark Winter’ Amid World’s Third Hundred Years’ War, the subversive pandemic scenarios developed by Johns Hopkins University were performed as penetration rituals to set-up the capture of public health, destabilize liberal democracies and weaponize ‘the news’.

One such pandemic exercise called Event 201, which took place in New York on Friday October 18 2019, was actually the United Nations’ first global pandemic exercise. During this tabletop pandemic exercise, a media communications strategy phrase — ‘flood the zone’ — was repeated like a mantra by the players. The term was used to describe the communications strategy to out-supply counter-voices with official sources, since any criticism of the official narrative would be deemed as rumours, misinformation and conspiracy theories spread by ‘bad actors’.

By implication, dissenting doctors, nurses and scientists and others with valuable expertise who criticized the pandemic measures were ‘drowned out’ by the scapegoating label ‘conspiracy theorist’. This pejorative term— along with ‘anti-lockdowner’, ‘anti-masker’, ‘anti-vaxxer’, and ‘covid denialism’ labels — worked as a ‘safe and effective’ emotive neural pathway mechanism to short-circuit critical thinking.

For example, in April 2020, when a handful of New Zealand academics formed a group called Covid Plan B, they argued that the lock-downs were disproportionate to the threat. Despite the group being founded by Dr Simon Thornley, a senior lecturer of epidemiology at Auckland University, Covid Plan B were labelled as ‘contrarian’ by Dr Michael Baker the same month. Dr Baker, who was also a member of the Ministry of Health’s Covid-19 Expert Advisory Group, claimed his owns views on elimination were based on the evidence, such as death tolls overseas.

However, Dr Baker seemed oblivious to the fact that across numerous jurisdictions of the U.N. member state system, the disproportionate lockdown measures included the shutting down of hospital services for all but those in critical care, shoving patients into nursing homes, and the curtailment of clinic visits.

Frame My FreedomDial-a-Scientists: Crown-funded scientists who spun the New Zealand Government’s narrative essentially ‘subsidized the news’.

Indeed, former professor of physics at the University of Ottawa, Dr Denis Rancourt and his team found in several All Cause Mortality studies that pandemic measures across the world continued to impact society’s most vulnerable amidst a global program of democide. In June 2020, Dr Rancourt showed that across multiple jurisdictions of Europe and North America, the lockdowns triggered by WHO’s pandemic declaration of March 11 2020 resulted in clear death spikes in April and May of 2020.

These deaths spikes were used to amplify the contagion of fear-porn that had escalated through the global news-chain since January and February 2020.

In a follow-up study, published in October 2021, Rancourt and his team focussed on the United States, and showed such measures continued to impact society’s most vulnerable amidst a global program of democide. The authors of the study entitled, “Nature of the COVID Era Public Health Disaster in the USA: From All-cause Mortality and Socio-geo-economic and Climatic Data”, blamed “large-scale medical and government responses” for causing one million excess deaths in most vulnerable and underprivileged residents of the USA in the COVID‑era.

Meanwhile, lethal drugs such as remdesivir were favored by health officials in the US, as I showed in my investigation Pharmageddon — How masked bandits in the US FDA, NIH & CDC used Gilead’s Remdesivir to democide ‘Covid-19 patients’. By December 1 2021, Gilead’s Veklury and the generic anti-viral Remdesivir have been made available to more than nine million patients around the world, including 6.5 million people in 127 middle- and low-income countries including New Zealand.

Frame My Freedom
Metadata of Democide: Large-scale medical and government responses caused one million excess deaths among the most vulnerable and underprivileged residents of the USA in the COVID‑era.

The deaths caused by Remdesivir, as well as the midazolam and morphine combination are often attributed to ‘Covid Pneumonia’. In short, a democide program through the United Nations’ system underpinned the world covid death toll.

Similarly, another of New Zealand’s media missionaries’ favourite Dial-a-Scientists, Auckland University microbiologist Dr Siouxsie Wiles, derided the Great Barrington Declaration as the work of “a small number of contrarian or fringe academics”. In her October 2020 opinion piece, “Don’t fall for the Covid contrarians”, for the tribally leftist publication The Spinoff, Wiles compared the Great Barrington Declaration to New Zealand’s Covid Plan B group who were opposed to the NZ Government’s “extreme ‘elimination’ and lockdown strategy”. Dr Wiles not only slandered the Covid Plan B group.

As a barometer of the kind of flak that got a pass by The Spinoff editor’s desk, Wiles typed:

“[Covid Plan B’s] premise is simple: the cost of “lockdowns” is too high so we should protect the vulnerable and learn to “live with the virus”. It’s an unethical, eugenicist, have-your-Swedish-cake-and-eat-it-too sort of model.

— Dr Siouxsie Wiles

Due to her apparent ignorance of the individual, institutional and ideological interests connected to eugenics, Dr Siouxsie Wiles lacked the circumspection that an open-minded debating society such as academia is supposed to facilitate. Since Dr Wiles stepped out of her area of expertise and into commentary touching upon geopolitics, human psychology and anti-vaxxer rhetoric, I summarized the linkages between the Gates Crime Family and the Rockefeller Crime Family as crypto-eugenicists, in part 2 of my investigation, New Zealand’s Stealthy Pivot to Police State Status.

A crypto-eugenicist is a person who denies or hides their support of eugenics ideology, which holds that the human race can be improved by eliminating groups of people considered inferior, while favouring groups judged to be superior.

Early on in the pandemic, a pattern to these ‘perils of the rabbit holes’ hit-pieces also emerged that essentially became a fully-blown conspiraphobia genre, since such hit-pieces were like dessert in the multi-season psy-op served on breakfast, lunchtime and dinnertime news shows.

The Rabbit Hole Conspiraphobia format presents a list or imagery of well-known conspiracies and mixes them with junk conspiracy theories without actually engaging in any of the literature, interviews or documentaries that examine the counter-evidence.

The format can also include a presentation of interview subjects who fit the ‘gullible’ stereo-types falling for the junk conspiracy theories. I call these formulaic presentations the ‘Dial-a-Former Conspiracy Theorist’ interviews. Such presentations recount recollections of the commonplace messy, perilous and sometimes harrowing awakening stage, and follows-up with the ‘Dial-a-Psychologist’ interview, or some psychiatric study that locates the phenomena as a mental health issue.

Frame My Freedom

Rabbit Hole Conspiraphobia Genre: This propaganda format frames credible conspiracy counter-narratives as a mental health issue, and often mixes junk conspiracy theories with well-known conspiracies, and frequently includes Dial-a-Former Conspiracy-Theorist and Dial-a-Psychologist interviews.

The stigmatization works more effectively on the popular psyche when their polarizing opposite is presented in times of crisis as favoured public figures for valorizing.

Such valorizing treatments fawned at the status of officials, scientists, and academics including epidemiologist Dr Michael Baker, winner of the 2021 Prime Minister’s Science Prize; microbiologist Dr Souixsie Wiles, a principle investigator of the Crown-funded research group, Te Pūnaha Matatini and 2021 New Zealander of the Year and Health Director General Dr Ashley Bloomfield, a student of Oxford University’s leadership program at the Saïd Business School, which was founded by Wafic Rida Saïd, who facilitated the Al-Yamamah arms deal between the United Kingdom and Saudi Arabia in 1986.

One of Te Pūnaha Matatini’s sub-projects, called “COVID-19 Modelling Aotearoa”, which began projecting impacts of the coronavirus outbreak since January 2020, is directly funded by the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, after initially being funded by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment. The “COVID-19 Modelling Aotearoa” research unit created computer models to legitimize behavioural modifications such as lock-downs, mask-wearing and mass vaccinations.

Another Te Pūnaha Matatini sub-project called ‘The Disinformation Project’, is funded by the New Zealand Government’s Tertiary Education Commission (TEC). It was ‘The Disinformation Project’ that cast blame on 12 un-named individuals and groups for allegedly being purveyors of dangerous speech, stoking toxic attitudes and fanning the flames of ‘fury’ during the climatic end of the Parliament Grounds Occupation on March 2nd 2022.

Ironically, the Disinformation Project is a sub-project of Auckland University’s Te Pūnaha Matatini, whose principal investigators were able to dominate the Corona Cult narrative.

This narrative domination occurred, in part, because the project is Crown-funded, and it is affiliated with every major New Zealand University, and many of its key people are also teethered to a public health association, One Health Aotearoa, whose members the media turned to as their ‘Go-to Science Experts’. Such expert sources, in turn, ‘subsidized the news’, since their graphs, numbers and opinions were presumed to be accurate — as the Propaganda Model predicts.

The JFK Assassination: Origin of the Conspiraphobia News Genre

A social norm of conspiracy denialism — wherein news outlets, academia and government law enforcement do not properly investigate the big conspiracies — actually became a global cult phenomenon at the onset of the pandemic.

It turns conspiracy denialism had taken hold since the aftermath of the assassination of American Democrat President John F. Kennedy.

A left-liberal ideological ‘no-go zone’ to call-out U.S. home-grown terrorism had been cemented from the JFK Assassination onward, as former New York University Professor stated in an interview entitled “Propaganda in the Covid Era with Mark Crispin Miller”.

Miller says the genius of the conspiracy’s planners was that they cleverly cast Lee Harvey Oswald as a deranged communist killer acting alone, which was designed to scare the political left away from investigating the flimsy cover-story at a time when liberal public figures were still traumatized by the McCarthy-era hunt for communists in Cold War America.

In his documentaries The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy: The Jim Garrison Tapes and The American Media: The Second Assassination of President John F. Kennedy — The Jim Garrison Tapes Part 2, John Barbour demonstrates how the media protected the CIA, the FBI, the Secret Service, the Dallas Police, and the Joint Chiefs of Staff and other conspirators.

Frame My Freedom

Mockingbird Media: John Barbour shows in his documentary, The American Media: The Second Assassination of President John F. Kennedy, how CIA assets in the media covered-up the hit on the US president in the immediate aftermath, as well as after the corrupt Warren Commission ‘inquiry’, and in the sabotaged trial of one of the conspirators, Clay Shaw.

The CIA, for its part, was extremely concerned about genuine investigations into the JFK Assassination and directed its staff to persuade existing Establishment Media propaganda assets — recruited earlier in the 1950s under Project Mockingbird — to discredit such efforts as wild conspiracy theories.

In 1967, the CIA sent out a memorandum detailing techniques to counter and discredit the claims of the so-called ‘conspiracy theorists’ who were challenging the official narrative of the JFK Assassination. For instance, CIA Memorandum 1035-960 encouraged its staff to employ propaganda assets to steer the production of book reviews and feature articles that [negate] and refute the attacks of the critics as “conspiracy theorists”.

The Central Intelligence Agency could not publicly attack authors — such as Mark Lane for his 1966 book, Rush to Judgment: A Critique of the Warren Commission’s Inquiry into the Murders of President John F. Kennedy, Officer J.D. Tippit and Lee Harvey Oswald — because that would have drawn suspicion.

Frame My Freedom

April Fool’s Day Birth Certificate of a Pejorative Term: Amid challenges to the Warren Commission’s JFK Assassination report, this infamous document, CIA Memorandum 1035-960, dated April 1 1967, encouraged its staff to employ propaganda assets (friendly elites, including politicians and editors) to steer the production of book reviews and feature articles to negate and refute the attacks of critics, who were cast as “conspiracy theorists”.

This does not mean that all 400 had foreknowledge, or knew whole plots. But, it does mean they knew how to ‘fix the news’ when the ‘old boys network’ was closing ranks.

And it does mean that many journalists, academics and public figures in the center of the political liberal left and conservative right avoid investigating home-grown American Deep State events inflicted at the empire’s core. Ironically, they ‘fail’ to see the official narratives as ‘cover stories’, the official investigations as part of the cover-up, and the subsequent Establishment Media-endorsed accounts — as more subterfuge.

It is especially ironic that the JFK Assassination is the ‘watershed moment’ when the impacts of such a huge ideological no-go zone are unpacked.

Ironic, particularly when it is recalled that left liberals often accuse the conservative right of being racist. Yet, left liberal public figures, who have internalised conspiracy denialism, are essentially saying white Western élites only attack black, brown and yellow people abroad, but would definitely not attack white Americans at home, or white citizens in other nations of the Western Alliance.

And especially ironic, when it is realized that the effects are so enduring, this dogmatic filtering makes so many in the news media mentally blind with conspiraphobia.

Masking a Global Heist with the Cult of Scientism

The news media doesn’t care about the nuances of ideas written on placards, banners or skin, or the substance of counter-arguments in speeches. And the media missionaries won’t care about the depth or diversity of support — until the culture has changed.

Dangerously, this ongoing smear campaign occurs against the backdrop of an epic contest over the political direction of the planet, amid a convergence of constructed crises, which include: supply chains, food, costs inflation, assets deflation, debt, business collapse, health emergency, military conflict, epic wealth transfers, regulatory capture, authoritarianism, and mass ideological formation.

Ironically, the media essentially cheer-led the unprecedented globalization of economic shutdowns that occurred under the rubric of stealthy Medical Martial Law. Predictably, the shutdowns triggered breakages in supply chains across the fragile globalized world economy, which were subsequently exacerbated by the engineered Russian-Ukraine War and the machinations by multiple state, corporate and think-tank actors to stoke its longevity.

The classic tri-fecta of famine, pandemic and war will worsen conditions, as former ‘Green Beret’ Michael Yon stated in a recent interview with Professor Jordan Peterson. The convergent crises will snowball and are intended to exacerbate the strategic sabotage of industries, as well as destroy household autonomy and to subsume nation state sovereignty in order to wreck humanity’s free-will — forever.

Frame My Freedom

Dire Warning: Robert F. Kennedy Jr said humanity needed to act effectively and quickly to counter the turn-key totalitarianism that is presently being fast-tracked.

By casting the NZ Freedom Movement — and their Global Freedom Movement counterparts — with an enemy image, the media maintains the status quo, while the global élites attempt to steer the geo-future of humanity without any serious, sustained challenge. The present convergence of manufactured crises are located as part of an engineered reset by Totalitarian Bandits seeking to re-assert dominance over the world’s structural forces — including technological innovations — to forge a Techno-Feudalist World Order.

Absent a core that transforms the culture with resistance, research and resilience, the news media will continue to feed on conflict, like psychic vampires. Therefore, this exposé of the fear-mongering mainstream media and their sectarian auxilliaries in the ‘independent media’ suggests the concept for bona fide solutions: emancipatory evolution.

In my humble opinion, humanity’s evolution has stagnated, and is held back by hierarchical structures, deep state networks and manipulative ideologies designed as systems of social domination, which maintain control over structural forces, such as technological innovation — lest the ruling élites lose power.

As an embedded dissident journalist inside the Parliament Grounds Occupation of February 8 to March 2 2022, I can say there were many conversations about the need for ‘parallel structures’ to ride out the current lurch to totalitarian systems of social control.

Frame My Freedom

Open Rebellion: The NZ Parliament Occupation creates bad optics for the Government, because the camp depletes the Government’s ‘political capital’, or voter credit.

Since that time, the pro-medical choice group, Voices for Freedom, for example, have launched their Rebuild Free Project, which embraces the idea of transforming society with a resilient culture, through resistance, replacement and rejuvenation. This project identifies the need to build resilience among a core of the population by educating communities on the immediate need to develop food security, and other reserve supplies such as cash, water, and general goods including clothing, and off grid fuel, energy and communications networks.

Meanwhile, the ‘Mockingbird Media’ continue to be active agents in the censorship of free speech, amid manipulated algorithms by Big Tech and the scapegoating of dissenting voices attempting to supply counter-evidence at the hands of medical councils, employers and government agencies.

Frame My Freedom

The Failed Siege: Dissident journalist Steve ‘Snoopman’ Edwards describes the police scrum tactics to shove and snatch protesters on day three of the NZ Parliament Grounds Occupation, February 10th 2022. [River of Freedom]

For instance, a recent state-funded documentary entitled, Fire and Fury, was so myopically focused on discrediting the NZ Freedom Movement with its one-sided biases, that its attempt to cement the dominant narrative of sensible Kiwis fooled by an ‘unsavoury cast’ of evangelical Christian Trumpists, crypto-fascist conspiracy theorists, and opportunistic entrepreneurial influencers — that former North&South journalist, Graham Adams, opined the film was often unintentionally funny. Mr Adams also said the Stuff Circuit documentary was textbook conspiracy theorist genre ‘journalism’ and he ventured that perhaps “conscientious objectors” was a more fitting descriptor for the protesters.

By amplifying the backgrounds, rhetoric, and behaviours of some individuals — who either appeared unhinged in moments of heightened conflict, or who have a habit of threatening rhetoric — Stuff Circuit reporter Paula Penfold sought to besmirch the entire Freedom Movement, including key figures by association.

Because, by filtering-out their voices to reply, Stuff Circuit’s documentary was factually inaccurate in its central thesis. The makers of the propaganda film, produced by Stuff Circuit of the Stuff newspaper chain, framed the accused ‘protagonists’ as driving a violent, misinformed New Zealand with false information in a conspiracy of strategically-aligned players and groups planning an uprising against authority to make NZ ungovernable.

Frame My Freedom

Fire and Fury Conspiracy Theory: Stuff Circuit’s propaganda film framed the accused ‘protagonists’ as driving a violent, misinformed New Zealand with false information in a conspiracy of strategically-aligned players and groups planning an uprising against authority to make NZ ungovernable.

This framing is explained by the operation of the first five filters of the propaganda model, and also by the sixth, since the narrative is deliberately scripted to omit the legitimate resistance efforts in civil disobedience, engaging in public discourses and developing resilient communities with parallel structures.

In this way, critical counter-voices remain filtered-out as if they are made of sludge threatening to block the hymn-singing voice pipes of media missionaries, who persist in valorizing the Totalitarian Pirates and their Biocracy Bandits like they’re demi-gods benevolently saving the world.

This biocracy, or Medical Industrial Complex, Robert F. Kennedy Jr wrote, is fused with the intelligence agencies such as the CIA and MI6 through agents working on multiple foundation, university and regulatory boards, planning pandemic exercises, supervising pandemic responses and censoring credible counter-voices.

Kennedy — whose uncle was assassinated by dark forces because his vision was to forge a genuine peace based on supportive co-development rather than a peace enforced by an imperial Pax Americana paradigm — warned that humanity needed to act effectively and quickly to counter the turn-key totalitarianism that is presently being fast-tracked.

While the Canadian Truckers’ Convoy to snowy Ottawa in late January 2022 inspired Kiwis to pack their tents, jump in their vehicles and cruise to Wellington to demand an end to the Corona Cult mandates, many in the NZ Freedom Movement who gathered at the Parliament Occupation were well aware of this looming rise of totalitarianism.

Frame My Freedom

Manufacturing Civil Unrest: [Afrikaner Broederbond Apartheid conflict in 1981: pictured left] The NZ Government breached an international treaty to allow the South African rugby team to tour, knowing their presence would cause civil unrest; [Biocracy Bandits’ Medical Apartheid conflict in 2021: pictured right] NZ PM Jacinda Ardern admitted vaccine mandates created a new class system.

The principle of the right to sustain an occupation as a form of effective protest is a key tenet of so-called liberal democracies. Yet, in order to maintain its in-group status with state power, New Zealand’s media missionaries repeatedly punted its own core principle of freedom of expression — to touch.

With this ‘punting to touch’ of its own core principle of freedom of expression — which underpins the rights of free speech, free association and free movement — the media amplified the framing of an allegedly toxic movement said to be comprised of violent, hateful, anti-vaxxer, racist, sexist, trans-phobic, misogynist, bigoted crypto-fascists.

Blind to their own sanctimonious bigotry for suspending meaningful free speech for two years, Aotearoa’s media missionaries proved they preferred the spectacle of state violence than to admit their own Stockholm Syndrome-esque fears, loathings, and prejudices — as I showed in my eighth Wellington dispatch entitled, NZ Newsrooms Cover-up Police Breaches of Peace at Parliament Occupation.

Frame My Freedom

The ‘Cultural Authorities’ (8 Feb-2 Mar): The media turned the NZ Parliament Occupation into a one-horse race contest for the construction of reality.

Given that New Zealand’s media ecosystem behaves and performs as game theory economists, militarists and litigants would expect of a cartel, it’s participation in the ideological construction of the corona rescue master frame, reflects the fact that the five filters of the Propaganda Model have been fully operational. The media cartel’s stigmatizing attacks belies an irrational ideologically dogmatic adoption of war-time propaganda to construct an enemy image.

Frame My Freedom

One Horse Race: All six news filters of the Propaganda Model were in operation during the Parliament Occupation when NZ’s media cartel ignored the glaring contradictions to defend the state’s Corona Cult.

The Corona Cult dogma formation in New Zealand’s newsrooms reflects a group-think that has set like glue, against a backdrop of hegemonic scientism, rather than a collusion and conspiracy explained by the buying out filter. However, in spite of their adoption of the Corona Cult’s ideological elements, including conspiracy denialism, NZ’s media outlets crossed the line to collude with one another and conspire against the Parliament Occupation when faced with glaring contradictions.

For these reasons, New Zealand’s mainstream media-scape continues to be a toxic soup because of its own refusal to supply interviews, debates and discussions from diverse voices, which is ironic given that the so-called anti-vaxxer movement is accused of being diversity haters.

Steve ‘Snoopman’ Edwards is a dissident journalist, who worked at indigenous broadcaster, Māori Television, for 14 years as an editor of news, current affairs and general programs. He graduated with First Class Honours in a Master in Communication Studies at AUT University after writing his ground-breaking thesis on the Global Financial Crisis (GFC), titled — “It’s the financial oligarchy, stupid” — to figure out the means, modus operandi and motives of the Anglo-American Oligarchy. He writes at Snoopman News.

This is not medical advice. Any mention of drugs, dosages, or doctors is for informational purposes only and not for medical use. Consult a medical professional.

Snoopman’s Note: If we have made any errors, please contact Steve ‘Snoopman’ Edwards, with your counter-evidence. e: steveedwards108[at]protonmail.com

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  1. […] A social norm of conspiracy denialism — wherein news outlets, academia and government law enforcement do not properly investigate the big conspiracies — became a global cult phenomenon at the onset of the pandemic. This conspiracy denialism had taken hold since the aftermath of the JFK Assassination, as I argued in my article, Frame My Freedom. […]


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