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Tuesday, September 17, 2024

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Watch: Australia’s Chief Scientist can’t answer basic climate change question

In a recent estimates hearing, Australian Senator Gerard Rennick grilled Chief Scientist Dr. Cathy Foley on the mechanics of heat transfer from carbon dioxide (CO2) to nitrogen (N2) and oxygen (O2), the two primary constituents of the Earth’s atmosphere.

The question stemmed from concerns over the scientific justification for transitioning from traditional energy sources to renewable energy, a shift involving substantial financial investments, which Rennick estimates will be in the trillions of dollars.

Rennick tweeted the exchange and called Foley’s response “word salad” as the scientist appeared unable to address his query on the heat transfer process, which is grounded in basic scientific laws.

The Senator challenged the fundamental premise of the greenhouse gas effect, arguing that CO2, a gas, cannot function like a solid greenhouse that traps heat through convection. N2 and O2, which make up around 99% of the atmosphere, are transparent to radiation and can only gain heat through collisions with CO2 molecules. Highlighting the principles of thermodynamics and Newton’s third law, Rennick suggested that the energy transfer process described by climate scientists is flawed and insufficient to justify the massive spending on renewable energy infrastructure.

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  1. You can see why people believe climate change is real when you see utter brainwashed morons counter protesting against people who realise that migration of men who pretend they are escaping war to claim benefits, lodging and 3 meals a day are actually not refugees and are there to become dominant over the country they have invaded.
    Just wait and see.

  2. She does not possess a clear and concise understanding of the ‘science’ she purports to be an expert about.

    Her expensively expounded pseudo-science is predicated on fuzzy inaccuracies supported by the voluminous dispersion of the CO2 she is exhaling during her verbose vacuum in a chamber.

  3. Would not the huge, huge energy consumption of the data farms running A.I.s have an impact on the global imbalances we are now experiencing? Just saying

  4. SO SAD to see the Daily Telegraph’s reporting about this encounter of Rennick showcasing his imbecilic interpretation of ‘greenhouse gases’. “Watch: Australia’s Chief Scientist can’t answer basic climate change question In a recent estimates hearing, Australian Senator Gerard Rennick grilled Chief Scientist Dr. Cathy Foley on the mechanics of heat transfer from carbon dioxide (CO2) to nitrogen (N2) and oxygen (O2), the two primary constituents of the Earth’s atmosphere.”


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