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Thursday, June 27, 2024

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Macron’s approval rating plummets – poll

Macron election news

The French president’s popularity has reportedly taken a beating following his snap decision to dissolve parliament.

President Emmanuel Macron’s approval rating has fallen to its lowest level in years, French business daily Les Echos reported on Thursday, citing opinion poll results. The survey was carried out after Macron dissolved the national parliament and called a snap vote following his party’s defeat in the European Parliament elections.

The poll, conducted for Les Echos by French research firm Elabe, found that Macron’s approval rating has reached a low not seen during his the start of his second five-year term in May 2022, the publication noted. Approval for the president suffered a drop of five points, falling to 24%.

Macron’s rating was only lower, at 23%, during the ‘Yellow Vest’ crisis in December 2018, Les Echos added. Named after the safety vests worn by protesters, the movement was triggered by Macron’s green tax on fuel and led to months of demonstrations and riots around France.

The pollster surveyed 1,502 adults online on Tuesday and Wednesday. The head of state’s approval rating fell by 12 points to 33% among executives, by two points to 20% among intermediate professions, and by four points to 26% among retirees.

“It is no surprise after an electoral failure of this magnitude,” the research firm’s president, Bernard Sananes, told Les Echos.

“This shows that economic issues remain significant… There is also concern about the instability that Emmanuel Macron himself caused with the dissolution,” he added.

Macron dissolved the National Assembly on Sunday and announced snap elections for France’s lower house of parliament, which will be conducted in two rounds on June 30 and July 7.

The move came in response to the overwhelming victory of right-wing candidates in the European Parliament elections earlier this month. The National Rally, led by Marine Le Pen, won 31% of the vote – more than double the share of the president’s Renaissance party, at 14.6%.

The vote will allow a “clarification” of France’s political landscape, Macron argued in a televised address on Sunday.

According to Bloomberg, the poll result published by Les Echos indicates “an increased likelihood” that Le Pen’s National Rally will come first in the legislative ballot later this month.

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Source:RT News

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  1. Macron started long ago his carriere at Rothchild bank. One should never forget it.
    As a civil servant working at the French Ministry of finance, later in the Prime Minister office, he started to sell French high tech assets to foreign entities, most of them to the US vulture. Even the ones important to the military and national defense. Or to the production of french nuclear energy.
    Since he was ” elected”. I would say ” promoted” by french msm in J**** hands, the state deficit of France’s finances has more than doubled ( in now 7 years). Sponsoring his ” friend” the criminal zelenski with French taxpayers monies and without the legal and necessary approval of the members of parliament. MP for the most totally incompetent and more preoccupied by their own privileges than to defend the interests of France. Macron giving millions aways and spending as if there is no to morrow. You cannot convince me that it is not done on pupose and probably with ulterior motief. Nobody seems to know where the money goes as police, education and hospitals are in state of advanced decrepitude.
    Most people don t pay attention to how the tax payers monies are spent.
    It is wrong, because endebting a country to foreign bankers the best way to enslave a country. And that is what he has been doing al along
    Now he is looking for chaos. He will probably get it, to the satisfaction of larry fink and the likes, owning a big part of the french debt. What is going to happens , nobody can tell.
    He ordered a few years ago, 89 centaures. Vehicules of repression already sent to Nouvelle Caledonie.
    We already saw what he is capable of with the “gilets jaunes.”
    In other times he would be shot for high treason. As the law stand now it is not possible. But it can always be changed.

    • add on :
      Charles Gave a French financial expert think that there will be a vicious attack on french debt and bonds market coming from macron bankers ‘ “friends” . To create high inflation and possibly chaos. To villify Le Pen’ s party or any party winning the parliament ‘s election
      He also is convinced that riots will be organized

      Many video from Charles Gave to be found on YT ( institut des liberté)

  2. You are finished Macron.
    Let our own political figures be on notice.
    Ignore the covid murders and you are out!
    Agree to the instructions to go to war with Russia and you are out!
    Agree to a rapid economic recovery by imposing austerity that is beyond what the people can exist with, and you are out!

  3. Imagine being stupid enough to vote for either creepy Macron or his grotesque nemesis Marine Le Penn.

    The tragedy of ‘democratic’ uni-party non-choice.


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