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Watch: ‘Awkward’ and ‘completely lost’ Biden struggles at D-Day ceremony

Normandy news

The US leader had an uncomfortable moment in Normandy.

US President Joe Biden had some trouble at the event marking the 80th anniversary of the Western Allies’ landing in Normandy, France on Thursday. A viral video of him attempting to sit down has triggered widespread speculation about his health.

French President Emmanuel Macron hosted Biden and US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin at the American memorial in Colleville-sur-Mer. In June 1944, American troops suffered heavy casualties capturing the beach designated “Omaha” from the Germans.

A twelve-second video from the ceremony, which made the rounds on Thursday, showed the US president looking for his chair, while the French leader and both their respective wives kept standing.

“Awkward,” said the only caption posted on X (formerly Twitter) by RNC Research, an account run by the US Republican Party and the presidential campaign of Biden’s rival Donald Trump. It garnered over 1.9 million views in four hours.

Some X users described Biden as looking “completely lost” or “having some kind of episode.” Several claimed he was attempting to sit “on a non-existent chair.”

“There is a chair behind him. He starts to sit but Jill says not yet,” another X user explained. The video showed Jill Biden covering her mouth, prompting speculation that she had instructed her husband to “stand up, Joe.”

Another popular theory was that Biden had soiled himself.

“Is there ever a time when Americans realize just how much of an embarrassment this is on a world stage?” Trump’s son Donald Trump Jr. said as he reposted the video. “Does this kind of incompetence and weakness encourage our enemies to act the way they’ve been acting? Of course it does!”

Another video shared by RNC Research showed Jill Biden walking her husband away from the stage, while Macron stayed behind to shake hands with a handful of surviving veterans of the Normandy operation.

Biden, 81, is the oldest US president ever to take the oath of office. He has been dogged by rumours about his physical health and mental acuity for years, but insisted that he was perfectly fine and more capable than ever.

With all the attention on Biden’s awkward behavior, some of the things he said in Normandy went unnoticed. The US leader appeared to use his speech honoring the American veterans of WWII – who fought on the same side as the Soviet Union – to drum up support for a war against Russia in the present day.

“We cannot surrender to the bullies, it is simply unthinkable. If we do, freedom will be subjugated, all Europe will be threatened,” Biden said, warning that NATO and democracy were “more at risk now than at any point since World War II.”

France initially said it would invite a Russian delegation to the anniversary events, but decided against it last month. The Soviet Union did the lion’s share of the fighting against Nazi Germany in WWII.

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Source:RT News

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  1. As the west slides deeper and deeper into totalitarianism, the celebrations of freedom and democracy claimed to have been preserved by the US get bigger and bigger.
    Macron is as big a joke as Biden. What on earth is France celebrating? As I recall, during WWII the German Army walked into Paris, an open city. The government had run away. And also as I remember, the French Resistance killed more French people AFTER the war than the Germans did during the Occupation. Yet there they stand, hypocrisy at its finest, the representatives of once great countries France and America, now old, sick and laughed at by the rest of the world.

    • well Jayem, if it were not for the French holding back the Germans at Duinkirk, the british army would have had been totally decimated. Thanks to the French the British army did not fight the krauts, but fled back to its ” glorious” island ( courage, fuyons!). With all kind of vessels at hand ,little fisherboats included, asked to rescue a disbanded fleeing british army.

      Did you know that it was France and Great Britain who declare war to Germany ? totally unprepared. Very much like what is happening now between unprepared warmongering US/EU and Russia ??

      Hitler could re arm Germany after WOI thanks to J*** high finance, mostly US and british, but not only, through the Bank for International Settlement ( a creature of rothchild).
      As for liberating Europe from the nazi, it is Russia and its army who did most of he job. They were the ones everybody should be gratefull to and thanking as they payed the highest price in lives and started to fight back the nazi long before ” D day”. Already in 1942 if my memory does not fail me
      But Russia does not have hollywood as a tool of propaganda. Or to ” re interpret ” historical events.
      The US goal was not so much to ” free Europe” than to reduce europe to a US colony. Immediately after D day, they even tried to introduce false US money in France. And it is De Gaulle who knew to stop it.
      But with the EU wich is a US creature and was part of Marshall ” help” , at last can the US rule over europe through all “young global leaders”.
      Hand picked for their incompetence and obedience. Macron is one of them. A traitor and rothchild asset ,working to the demise of his his country as is Ardern to New Zealand

      I agree with you that this commemoration, where De Gaulle always refused to go, is a total hollywood circus, biden representing very wel what the USA has become as wel as the US puppet macron. Decrepitude, decline and corruption . Decaying western societies. And the whole european and US ” upper crust” was there in Normandy, june 6th, as a mix of mode show and toys soldiers.
      Yes, a total hollywood circus.

      For the role of the US and international high finance read

      The tower of Basel by Adam Lebor

      This i discovered very recently. Very ingeresting indeed. Never too old to learn.


  2. Jeeze, I’m 71! Hope I’m not doing THAT in 10 years!
    (It’s 100° here in the Midwest, gotta go clear a fence line, ttyl).

  3. Yes, the Presidential Nappies seem to be filling every 2 hours…must be the ice cream!
    Or, perhaps chem-trails and cell towers?
    Biden seems to wear a lot of blue suits these days-guess he doesn’t want to be a victim of his own DEWs, but is certainly a victim of another type of…DOO..!


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