9.2 C
Tuesday, September 17, 2024


Guy Hatchard: More critical evidence of increased vaccine-induced strokes and deaths

Ardern’s government had an emotional response to the crisis and a mistaken understanding of science which led to multiple vaccine-induced deaths. It requires a deep...

Alarming acceleration in NZ excess deaths, latest official figures up 70% on last year

Our health system is collapsing but health tsars are in complete denial, desperately trying to hide the deaths and distort the science. Here is a...

The veil of silence over excess deaths

Around the world, there has been a deafening silence over excess deaths from governments and the mainstream media, who not so long ago were...

Guy Hatchard: The Good Doctor and Cancer Deaths

We have reported record levels of excess deaths in New Zealand and around the world in our articles during the last two years (see...

Deaths up 14%, natural live births down 28%, Disability up 37.5% – NZ official birth and death figures for 12 months to the end...

Stats NZ released the official figures for births and deaths for the period 1st July 2022 to 30th June 2023 today. The short summary accompanying the...

Are record NZ excess deaths normal as Stuff claims?

Or are we victims of social manipulation and biotechnology experimentation? Stuff newspaper has published an article “Fact checking claims about New Zealand's 2022 death rate”....

Murder charges laid over Ruakaka deaths

Northland Police have charged a woman in connection with the homicide investigation underway in Ruakākā yesterday morning. Police were called to a property in Peter...

Investigation opened into Ruakākā deaths – update, double-homicide

Northland Police are in attendance at a sudden death incident at a property in Ruakākā this morning. 'Sadly, we can confirm two people have been...

Heart attacks have increased by 83%—The alarming implications of the leaked NZ health data

Friday’s release: “Te Whatu Ora Are Hiding the Alarming Figures—a Tsunami of Illness” has raised a lot of questions. What exactly is to blame for...

40% rise in non-Covid deaths in Indiana

The data landscape is changing rapidly. Non-Covid death rates accelerate alarmingly. Alarming reports are being published in a number of countries of increased ill...

Erasing an orchestrated litany of lies

Many people, especially ignorant people, want to punish you for speaking the truth, for being correct, for being you. Never apologize for being correct,...


Did you join the baying crowd when they came? Did you remain silent? Or did you – with the hallmark of the brave –...

Guy Hatchard: Death stalks mRNA vaccination in New Zealand

As we enter into another year, excess all cause deaths for the first six weeks of 2023 in New Zealand are running at 700...

Newly released NZ Government figures demonstrate that mRNA boosters have had a deadly impact, increasing all cause mortality

Information concerning mortality in 2021, 2022, and 2023 correlated with vaccination status has been released by Te Whata Ora—Health New Zealand following a Freedom...

Guy Hatchard: The Road to Ruin

A May 31st report in the Guardian entitled “Three jabs best for preventing Covid infections, global analysis finds” reports on a study published by...

Boeing tire explosion kills two

A Delta Air Lines jet maintenance incident reportedly “sent a piece of metal flying like a missile”. The explosion of a Boeing jet’s tire killed...

Drunk and drugged drivers targeted by new road policing programme

Drunk drivers and drugged drivers will be heavily targeted to improve safety on NZ roads by the new $1.3 billion Road Policing Investment Programme...

A week in politics that stole our rights and changed our nation forever

This week Judith Collins, Minister for Science and Technology, and Chris Luxon, Prime Minister, decided to introduce a policy change with a Laurel and Hardy...

German study suggests correlation between COVID jab and excess mortality

A recent study investigating the impact of COVID-19 on mortality across Germany’s sixteen federal states has highlighted significant variations in excess mortality throughout the...

Delayed response to fatal fire highlights flaws in emergency call system

A delay in dispatching an ambulance to a fatal house fire in Auckland's Hillpark suburb on May 13 was caused by a glitch in...

Andrew Bridgen – Courage under fire: The UK politician brave enough to tell the truth

Andrew Bridgen: “Controlled by nobody. Representing everybody.” The UK is in turmoil. Elections are to be held on 4 July 2024, an unprecedented number of...

The WHO takes another step towards the pit

Last week, amid fanfare from both advocates and opponents of centralization of future pandemic management, the world continued its unfortunate stumble back to old-fashioned...

The Long Essential Read: The Dam is Breaking—The Biotech Bubble is Bursting

For the last couple of years the Hatchard Report has been asking the government and the medical establishment to compare the health outcomes of...

Tedros must face reality

It would be easier to ignore the World Health Assembly’s (WHA) deliberations in Geneva this week, but the opening address of the Director-General, Tedros...

The Pandemic Treaty will compound past mistakes

The new Pandemic Agreement and revisions to the International Health Regulations (IHR) – both legally binding instruments – are being negotiated for adoption during...

Macron addresses unrest in New Caledonia, pledges to restore order

French President Emmanuel Macron has labelled the recent violent protests in New Caledonia as an unexpected "unprecedented insurrection movement." While visiting police headquarters in Nouméa,...

The media slowly backpedals

Early in my legal career, I handled many one-day trials. Late one afternoon, I returned to my office. Still wearing my suit and carrying my...

Guy Hatchard: One last throw of the dice for humanity

Professor Michael Plank of Covid-19 Aotearoa Modelling and Te Punaha Matatini is a mathematical biologist and epidemiologist commissioned by the New Zealand government to...

One speaks out among the silent majority

So there is at least one NZ official who is prepared to put their little finger up above the parapet. Coroner Sue Johnson has ruled that...

Blatant disregard for the tragic facts

An update from the Covid Royal Commission of Inquiry. This week my closest friend and colleague from university days passed away from cancer. It came...

Guy Hatchard: Action to face the medical crisis can no longer be postponed

Government inquiries seldom change reality. Public submissions to the Royal Commission of Inquiry into COVID-19 Lessons Learned are now closed and the Commissioners blandly note on...

The WHO Pandemic Agreement: A guide

The World Health Organization (WHO) and its 194 Member States have been engaged for over two years in the development of two ‘instruments’ or...

Guy Hatchard: The world of drug regulation meets the biotech wunderkind

A large number of recent articles and studies raise crucial questions about the standards being applied to drug assessment and regulation. Are the regulators facilitating...

The government, the media, and the health service have buried their heads in the sand and promised our health problems will go away

Today the government announced new health targets promising greatly shortened wait times and faster treatments, but incredibly failed to address why so many people...

15 new Roads of National Significance

The Coalition Government’s priority for investment in the draft Government Policy Statement (GPS) on Land Transport is to support economic growth and productivity and...

Guy Hatchard: The need for a comprehensive health service audit

Two papers published this week present starkly contrasting views of the scientific process. Dr. John Gibson economist at the University of Waikato published “Cumulative excess...

Open Letter To: The Hon. Dr. Shane Reti, NZ Minister of Health

How Dialogue and Data can Solve the NZ Health Crisis Open Letter To: The Hon. Dr. Shane Reti, NZ Minister of Health, shane.reti@parliament.govt.nz Cc: The Rt. Hon. Winston Peters,...

The Network of Denial and the Trail of Deceit in New Zealand

As you know we live in extraordinary times, of note not just because of our technological achievements, but also because of the pervading mood...

Cancer cases set to soar by 77% – WHO

The World Health Organization's International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has projected a significant rise in global cancer cases, estimating over 35 million...

Top Thai medical experts release statement of concern over COVID vax injuries and ‘Long COVID’

The three experts are high-ranking academics at Thailand's leading medical institutions. They are Professor Dr. Thiravat Hemachudha from the Thai Red Cross Emerging Infectious Diseases...

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