16.5 C
Thursday, September 19, 2024


Decoding the UN Sustainable Development Goals: Indoctrinating your children into the new “Fake Sustainable” World Order

Many of the UN SD goals ‘sound like’ worthy ideals’, for example, who could argue against the goal of eliminating poverty from the world? In...

Depopulation and the mRNA vaccine

Amazingly, The New York Times – 22 May 2021 – predicts massive population reduction over the next few decades. “Fewer babies’ cries. More abandoned homes. Toward the...

The global wave of childhood pneumonia

The news that Northern China is dealing with a mystery pneumonia outbreak in children was headlined in many news outlets worldwide. Chinese health officials failed...

A smoking gun …

Few men are willing to brave the disapproval of their fellows, the censure of their colleagues, the wrath of their society. Moral courage is...

Korean studies indicate what our government is hiding and what the whistleblower wanted to warn us about—a tsunami of health issues

The Korean National Health Insurance Service tabulates health data of the whole population including vaccination status which allows researchers to compare the ongoing health...

Guy Hatchard: What the whistleblower data tells us about the NZ Ministry of Health

This week an interview with a Ministry of Health employee under the pseudonym Winston Smith, who leaked data to former journalist and recent political candidate Liz...

Guy Hatchard: The Big Picture – We have jumped off an evolutionary cliff

Post-pandemic we have found ourselves living in a considerably changed world. A polarised world with elevated levels of social and international conflict. How did we...

BBC accused of bias by own reporters – Al Jazeera

Employees have reportedly complained that the British state broadcaster is downplaying the suffering of Palestinian civilians. BBC journalists have accused the British state broadcaster of...

Covid-19: Sunak wanted to ‘just let people die’ – ex-adviser

Rishi Sunak and ex-PM Boris Johnson shared a laissez-faire attitude toward the coronavirus pandemic, according to Patrick Vallance. UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak wanted the...

Guy Hatchard: An Open Letter to the MPs of the New Parliament

What are you going to do about record levels of excess deaths and anyone advising you that they don’t matter or even exist? The main...

Watch: The 5th wave!

NZ's 'COVID expert' Michael Baker warns of a 'fifth wave' and advises Kiwis to get their boosters in time for Christmas. But in a recent...

Finding our way through a puzzling maze—Why do those in authority continue to ignore Covid vaccine safety signals?

Sometimes it appears necessary to be very blunt in one’s assessments. Some facts are hard to face, but must be faced. This release follows on...

Chronicles of an unvaccinated Leftist

Being a person with a left-leaning ideology, the subject of prejudice has always intrigued me. Understanding society, how people think, and how people react to...

Guy Hatchard: The Covid vaccine fanaticism our newly elected Government must reject

Pressure is growing on the government and the medical establishment to act responsibly to inform the public of risks, end vaccine promotion and repudiate...

How can we wake up the comatose political process?

A new paper should alarm our newly elected politicians and galvanise them into responsible action. A newly published paper from the Netherlands entitled “Suppressed IgG4...

Watch: ‘There has never been a pandemic of a killer virus, there was a pandemic of cowards’ – Swiss medical expert

Swiss cardiologist Dr. Thomas Binder says governments must stop the roll-out of mRNA gene therapies immediately. Binder was a prominent opponent of the Swiss government's...

The Dramatic degradation of the human immune system

In many countries worldwide over the past three and a half years the health and financial situation of the population has been falling downhill...

A message for the new parliamentarians

Congratulations to those who succeeded in their election bid. We won’t know the exact composition of parliament until the tally of special votes is announced...

How NZ government policy came to be dominated by advisers who sought to legitimise risky biotech experimentation

As our last three releases have discussed, vaccine exemptions were widely granted to health service personnel. Now we will discuss the wider pool of evidence which suggests...

The New Zealand Health Debate: Fact Checking Ayesha Verrall vs Shane Reti

Spoiler alert: Neither will be able to improve NZ’s appalling health outcomes On the 16th September, Newshub Nation hosted a debate between Dr. Ayesha Verrall, Minister of...

Guy Hatchard: Cancers rise dramatically in tandem with Covid vaccinations

This release reports increased trends of cancer incidence that suddenly accelerated after the vaccine rollout began. First we consider what the media are currently reporting...

The sobering lesson of published Covid science: STOP taking mRNA Covid vaccines now

Last week we reported two recently published scientific studies. One of these found that Covid vaccination increases susceptibility to bacterial and viral infection among the young—it...

E-scooter ban hits Paris

Residents voted to nix electric rental scooters in April after the mayor reversed her position on the devices. The last of Paris’ 15,000-strong fleet of...

The Uninformed Election that has become a Gateway to Chaos

After three years of pandemic pandemonium that has all but destroyed the New Zealand we knew and loved, we are heading into an election...

Startling revelations change everything New Zealanders have been schooled to believe

Bombshell revelations reported this weekend by The Australian, a leading broadsheet owned by the Murdoch group, have huge implications for pandemic policy here in...

Open Letter To Dr. Shane Reti, National Party Spokesperson on Health

Dear Dr. Reti I would like to commend your efforts over the last three months to accompany ambulance staff up and down the country as they...

The Long Read: How political ideology, scientific hubris, and pharmaceutical greed changed the established canons of science and sealed the fate of billions

Many of my undergraduate courses covered the process of scientific progress. We were required to examine key watersheds including the advent of relativity, quantum mechanics, and...

How poorly educated politicians were fooled by pandemic technocrats and still are

Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook and Instagram parent Meta has now admitted that they incorrectly censored information about the pandemic under pressure from governments. In...

‘The only thing we have to fear is fear itself’, and of course government propaganda

At the height of the fear and panic about possible pandemic outcomes, there is no doubt people acted under a fight or flight psychology. Anyone familiar with...

Guy Hatchard: A seismic shift in scientific understanding is underway

Members of the public adversely affected by Covid vaccines may be the last to hear about it. In his book Structure of Scientific Revolutions Thomas Kuhn describes...

The facts being kept hidden from the NZ public at all costs

An article “Effectiveness of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Bivalent Vaccine" has been published in the journal Open Forum of Infectious Diseases in their June 2023 issue. The...

The New Zealand Government has tabled proposals to appoint a chief wizard. How on earth did this happen?

The Department of Internal Affairs has released a consultation document containing proposed changes to censorship procedures. Read a sobering commentary by the Free Speech Union here. The...

Guy Hatchard: Inside the Covid Cult

The British Heart Foundation (BHF) has announced that the incidence of atrial fibrillation has increased by 50% over the last decade. Atrial fibrillation (AF) is...

Fall of the Experts

In July of 2020, I was heartened by an interview by Freddie Sayers on Unherd with Anders Tegnell, the architect of Sweden’s COVID response. The...

Guy Hatchard: When Worlds Collide

We have arrived at a point in an election year when our votes matter, so expect some surprising replies to our emails and even...

Guy Hatchard: Are we going backwards or rushing ahead?

On Tuesday, along with Winston Peters, Gary Moller, and others, I spoke at the Wellington conference opposing the Therapeutic Products Bill (TPB). I was gratified...

Dr. Deborah Russell MP, Minister for Statistics and Associate Minister for Justice Responds to the Wellington Region Health Data Leak

  One of our subscribers forwarded yesterday’s article “NZ Government Formulated Policy Contrary to Evidence They Had on Their Own Computers. Why?”on the Wellington Region...

What is ‘Arcturus’ COVID-19 variant detected in 22 Countries so far?

The Covid subvariant, one of hundreds to spawn from the Omicron variant of the SARS-COV-2 virus, doesn’t seem to be more lethal than the...

Guy Hatchard: Cancer Research Unveils A New Era of Genetic Chaos

Every so often you come across a scientific study that changes all the rules and undermines the certainties that people think apply to life...

The Taliban did in one year what Washington couldn’t in 20, sparking new panic

The ban on Afghan poppy cultivation is set to hit Europe’s heroin supplies. It’s been nearly a year since the Taliban banned Afghan poppy farming...

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