16.5 C
Thursday, September 19, 2024


Welcome to Zombie America

Opioid addiction and death rates continue to climb, as 1 million Amercians have died of a drug overdose since the year 2000. In the latest...

The devastation is deeper and wider than we know

Three years ago, Covid-19 struck the world. In the face of a rapidly evolving public health crisis, governments and institutions implemented policies to mitigate the...

Pandemics are not the real health threat

The Western world has been caught in a spiral of self-harm and debasement for the past three years. Aspects of the underlying psychology have been...

The last ditch deceptions aimed at saving the doomed and deadly Covid vaccines

The last ditch deceptions aimed at saving the doomed and deadly Covid vaccines. An article by Penny Murray, Stuff newspaper’s news director, appeared yesterday with...

Guy Hatchard: Sir Ashley Bloomfield is incorrect

NZ has suffered the worst health disaster in our history and it is not over. Is this due to miscalculation, subterfuge, or lies? Sir Ashley Bloomfield...

Why are the chickens so sick?

As the nation suffers through yet another High Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) outbreak, questioning the orthodox narrative is more important than ever. At a time...

NATO’s Use of Depleted Uranium Weapons in Serbia in 1999: The War that Won’t End

More than a decade and a half after the US-led NATO’s war of aggression against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (SRJ) in violation of...

Deliberate manipulation of public opinion during the early months of the pandemic and the vaccine rollout has led to ‘Learned Helplessness’

Damaging revelations from UK Health Minister Matt Hancock’s 13th December 2020 private WhatsApp messaging show just how much the UK government sought to manipulate the...

NZDSOS: Will you buy the bivalent lemon?

New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out With Science (NZDSOS) responds to Helen Petousis Harris' interview wih Corin Dann to discuss the latest mRNA technology injection...

Please – Hear their cry for help

Today, and over the last ten days, many mourn for the loss of their loved ones in the Hawkes Bay area that was hit...

Mattias Desmet: My book is being burned

On January 25, 2023, Ghent University banned the use of my book The Psychology of Totalitarianism in the course “Critique of Society and Culture.”...

Seismologist warns of next massive earthquake

The Turkish expert claims а large-scale event could soon occur near the port of Canakkale. Another magnitude-7 earthquake could soon occur in western Türkiye, warns...

Amendments to WHO’s International Health Regulations: An Annotated Guide

The Covid-skeptic world has been claiming the World Health Organization (WHO) plans to become some sort of global autocratic government, removing national sovereignty and...

A week of extraordinary revelations. Studies confirm serious adverse effects after Covid vaccination

Flying under the radar, the BBC has been accused of orchestrating an alliance of legacy media outlets and social media sites to suppress competition...

Will medical professionals speak freely to an ‘anti-vaxxer’ colleague now mandates are over?

The Ardern regime and its single source of truth, have spent the past two and a half years censoring any discussion which wasn’t aligned...

State Power and COVID Crimes: Part 3

Last June, a paper by a team that included the British Medical Journal editor Peter Doshi concluded that data from the Pfizer and Moderna...

State Power and COVID Crimes: Part 2

The real-world effectiveness of Covid vaccines has not matched the hype of the 95 percent efficacy claimed in manufacturer trials on the basis of...

Up to 500 dying every week because of UK hospital delays – physician

Britain’s National Health Service is currently grappling with the effects of strikes and a severe flu outbreak. Delays in British emergency departments could be causing...

Watch: UK doctors tell government to ‘Stop the Jabs now’

The doctors also call for an immediate investigation into COVID mRNA injections. DFPUK was launched in September 2022 and has become a fast-growing group of...

Historical Analysis of the Global Elites: Ransacking the World Economy Until ‘You’ll Own Nothing’

Part 1: 5,000 Years Setting the Stage According to a video published by the World Economic Forum in 2016, by 2030 ‘You’ll Own Nothing. And...

NZDSOS: Coroner’s refusal to analyse evidence

Teenager Isabella Alexander's medical history was shown to the world in a flagrant, desperate attempt to blame the victim again and keep Pfizer off...

Breaking News: New Zealand Government Report admits you may die or fall ill after Pfizer mRNA vaccination, but advises people not to worry

Time series analysis of NZ data supports a relationship between mRNA vaccination and death that is consistent with a German autopsy study. On 14th December...

UK doctors warn of ‘biggest cancer crisis’

The NHS has put treatment delays down to staffing shortages and insufficient diagnostic capacity. Britain is in the midst of a major healthcare crisis as...

Guy Hatchard: The urgent need to keep up with published Covid findings

Health experts appearing on or writing in mainstream media to discuss Covid are reassuring the public that they are keeping up with science publishing...

Epidemiologist Michael Baker is doing his best to make sure we become a real hobbit nation

As the published Covid science narrative evolves overseas, Professor Baker is doing his best to prop it up here with his own special brand...

Recovered Covid-19 hospital patients found to have altered functional connectivity in the brain—Implications for public policy

The recent confirmation via biomolecular studies that Covid is very highly likely to have resulted from the lab escape of an engineered pathogen, places both Covid...

NZDSOS: Cloudy with a chance of lockdown

It appears as though the fear is being ramped up so restrictions can be enacted again. The beating of the lockdown drums appears to be...

Do The Political Class, The Medical Establishment, and The Media Care Whether We Live or Die?

It is all the fashion today for the media to talk about the next raging contagion and what to do about it. Stuff newspaper chimes in this...

Watch: Mike King calls bull**** on coroner’s lower suicide rate claim

King said there was 'no way' in the current environment suicide rates were dropping. New Zealand's suicide rate has dropped again but Māori continue to...

Guy Hatchard: New Zealand is Stuck in the Dark Ages—Excess Mortality Trends in New Zealand and Overseas

The fourth year of the pandemic has already started and we are still left wondering about the whys and hows. We could easily be participating...

NZDSOS: Coroner’s amendment bill raises serious questions

A report produced by New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science (NZDSOS) on the Coroner’s Amendment Bill has brought up serious questions about investigations...

Guy Hatchard: The pandemic response has broken the social compact

Evidence of high rates of vaccine harm recorded by the CDC has been released after a prolonged legal battle in the USA. The Social Compact...

NZDSOS: Will medical professionals speak freely to an ‘anti-vaxxer’ colleague now mandates are over?

The Ardern regime and its single source of truth, have spent the past two and a half years censoring any discussion which wasn’t aligned...

Guy Hatchard: Cause of Death—Can it be Genetic Dysregulation?

Over the last few weeks the Hatchard Report has been discussing high rates of excess all-cause death around the world. The connection with Covid vaccination...

Guy Hatchard: Is the spike protein causative in haemoglobin disorders and clotting?

What are the wider implications for personal health, pandemic policy and mitigation strategies? For some time there have been anecdotal reports circulating concerning the appearance...

Guy Hatchard: The Biotech Tipping Point

We have been wondering where all this is going. As time goes by some longer term outcomes are becoming apparent. Excess all-cause mortality is rising...

How biotech and pharmaceutical companies with the help of the Ministry of Health modelled their Covid sales strategy on investment scams

Last week a college student (with a rich uncle) made $110 million by investing in struggling US retailer Bed Bath and Beyond. BBB’s shares were at a...

Guy Hatchard: The dead do not have a voice, but they are entitled to justice

Last week a school child died of a sudden medical event in New Zealand while running and 12 thousand miles away the 24 year...

Guy Hatchard: The New Zealand Herald stokes the fear factor

Our Covid-19 infection rate is declining but the New Zealand Herald continues to stoke the fear factor. They lead today with “Analysis: Covid-19 now one...

Guy Hatchard: The Long Read – Is mRNA vaccination affecting our psychology?

The police and other ‘experts’ in New Zealand are complaining that digital ‘deep fake’ tools pose a threat to our justice system. A rendering...

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