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Aerosmith’s Steven Tyler hit by new sexual assault allegations

Steve Tyler assault allegations news

The singer, who is 75, is also facing a separate claim filed in a California court last year.

Steven Tyler, lead vocalist with the Grammy Award-winning rock act Aerosmith, is facing new allegations of sexual assault after a lawsuit was filed in New York on Thursday. It follows separate sexual assault claims submitted by another woman last year.

The latest claims, which date back to the 1970s, allege that former child model Jeanne Bellino, who was then 17, suffered “permanent emotional distress” after she was groped and kissed against her will by Tyler, who is now 75.

Bellino claims in the lawsuit that Tyler, who was 27 at the time of the alleged incidents, sexually assaulted Bellino twice after they met in a New York hotel in the summer of 1975, according to details of the case published by Rolling Stone magazine. Tyler and his representatives have yet to comment on the new allegations.

The lawsuit, which is seeking unspecified damages from the singer, cites “gender-motivated violence” as being central to the claim, Rolling Stone said. It adds that she was groped against her will when Tyler pushed her into a phone booth, and that she was forcibly kissed against her will later that same day in Manhattan’s Warwick Hotel.

Bellino “has suffered and will continue to suffer great pain of mind and body, severe and permanent emotional distress,” the lawsuit claims, adding that she still experiences “physical manifestations of emotional distress, embarrassment, humiliation, physical, personal and psychological injuries,” Rolling Stone said.

It added that she was “hospitalized and medicated as a result of the incident” and that she was “held captive” by Tyler, who groped her breasts, buttocks and genitals in the phone booth while members of his entourage looked on and laughed.

Bellino says she was dependent on a friend for transportation, so returned with Tyler to the hotel where the second assault allegedly took place. The lawsuit does not explain why she waited almost 50 years to make the allegations, according to Rolling Stone.

The latest allegations follow claims filed last year in California in which another woman, Julia Holcomb Misley, says she was the victim of sexual battery and assault of a minor throughout a three-year relationship with Tyler in the 1970s, which began when she was 16. Misley said Tyler used his influence as a prominent musician to “groom, manipulate, exploit [and] sexually assault” her over a period of several months. Tyler has denied Misley’s allegations.

Aerosmith has sold upwards of 150 million albums worldwide, including more than 85 million in the US, making them the biggest-selling American hard rock act of all time. The band has won four Grammy Awards and was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2001.

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Source:RT News

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  1. Child modell Jeanne Bellino says she was groped against her will when Tyler pushed her into a phone booth, and that she was forcibly kissed against her will later that same day in Manhattan’s Warwick Hotel.
    WTH? Must be a very determined gold digger sl*t to go for more.
    Bellino “has suffered and will continue to suffer great pain of mind and body, severe and permanent emotional distress”.These sl*ts have one agenda and only one: get dressed like a sl*t, get into the limelight with a celebrity and later just sue them.

  2. Tyler is also J*****, like 85% of the U.S. ‘entertainment industry’.
    Just ask Harvey Weinstein, and those associated with Jeffrey Epstein and the ‘Lolita Express’ when they traveled to Epstein’s private island of Little St. James…the J*** are ‘entitled’ only because of wokeness and weaponised words and phrases that fall in line of political correctness and the fear of being labeled ‘anti-semitic’…But-
    The current atmosphere and opinions are beginning to turn against the J*** based on their deliberate ruination of the U.S.and the holocaust, holodomor and genocide that is unrelenting in Gaza and the West bank! Just wait until the Zionist-controlled financial systems collapse and see what the Gentile / Goyim reaction is then!
    What is amazing is that all of this crap that the bottom feeders are dredging-up actually in legal terms has a 10 year ‘Statute of Limitations’ which seems to have gone out the window in the so-called ‘Justice / Judicial’ system in the U.S.. hence the Court of Frothy Vaginal Opinion seems to have over-ridden Juris Prudence
    But…then again, look at how the courts ruled (they didn’t) when it came to confronting vote fraud in the 2020 El-ection.
    I no longer date women on a regular basis- my needs are better suited with disease free prostitutes as opposed to bottom feeders sniffing around who they can exploit and steal from…and all of the theft is done via courts ruled-over by J***** judges, and prosecuted by J***** lawyers!

  3. MGTOW supporter, I totally concur with your last paragraph.
    I have a whole group of mates, who have all been shafted by trash females using even their children via Protection Orders based on lies and false allegations, to get MONEY. The Womens Refuge centers are introctrination and conspiracy centers and should be titeled criminal organisations. Same actually with the Family Courts, which are full of fat-a***, ugly, lesbian or trans, man-hating units, who clandestinely favour women and even stifle Court procedures. I have seen generation old farms plundered by the most disgusting cunning females in most disgusting ways. I too have over time lost all respect and sympathy for most females (notwithstanding that you get bastards too, but even they have some limit as to what they conspire).
    Many New Zealand women have an atrocious attitude, have inflated self-worth, have insane expectations and behave like whores, but are too ugly to work as such.

    • What is exceedingly appalling is the ‘Chloe Swarbrick’-types who hate the Boomers, and always give an attitude of over-importance, are very mouthy, and tend to either talk at you or down to you in an arrogant know-it-all manner! This is what is taught at the all-female schools in this country, in addition to sliding condoms on cucumbers, and experimenting with baby carrots in the rectum as taught by dildos-on-a-chain radicalised FemiNazi lesbians!
      Almost ALL of my brothers and male cousins were married an average of 2.5 times overall, and were bankrupted each and every time. One still sleeps in his Toyota Van that is 12 years old, even when parked on our driveway (of course, the first one to complain about this is a diesel-fuelled nosy-parker hag that has pumped-out 5 kids, each to different fathers…), and even accused my cousin of being a paedophile, the latter being a tactic that they pull on males similar to when one criticises the J*** and are labeled ‘anti-semitic’.
      & you’re right about the women’s shelters being a place of instilled male hatred. When have you ever heard of same-sex lesbians being abused and one ending-up in the women’s shelter? Seems to be increasing with every dripping KY Jelly-covered p****us that ends up collecting dust bunnies under the beds over at the shelter(s)!
      And, 4 years ago I went to the U.S. and Canada, then over to the U.K., and it’s REALLY bad over there with the cockiness of the women. Men can only take so much s*** in life, and when they lash out at the women who are instigating the problems, then the little labias play the victim to a tee!
      One cousin lost the family farm, so it behooves everyone to have a customised trust to put the property into.
      The men in this country need to become more aware that we’re being played, and need to direct their attention to keeping these obnoxious c****ral owners in their place and in check, and forget about the over-emphasis on sports.

      • RE: all female schools: I have a granddaughter with whom I regularly read school provided books.
        Now get this: this little 7 year old girl, while reading these books, wondered “where are all the daddies?” Every second book we read is depicting an of course Milo-coloured mix-type unidentifiable skin coloured race “family” , where NO MALE ROLE MODEL FATHER is present. This was picked up and questioned by a 7 year old girl, I kid you not!
        I am getting increasingly irritated by this clandestine social shaping.
        And I am also getting increasingly vocal about this social conditioning by this s***y ‘education’ system, that you described in brilliant way. You will fathom that I am recently almost a ‘persona-non-Grata’ at that public school, after many welcomed ‘help-outs’ before I voiced my dismay. The ‘principal’ is a soy-boy beta creature who seemingly is under the ‘weather’ of the all female board and teacher colloquium.
        This cuntry is going down fast!

        • ‘Cuntry’ is right!…the labia majority party and their bi-valve participants are increasing their efforts at ‘trying it on’, but a number of men I know have lawyered-up in dealing with the labias that are dripping with delight when they think that they have crushed the manhood of anyone standing-up to them.
          Once the letters, subpoenaes, and ‘notice to appear’ go out, they seem to clam-up (literally) and make themselves scarce, but re-surface somewhere else.
          Yes, let’s see what the ‘new’ old government is going to do about the social / sexual perversions in their libraries, classrooms, and lesson plans…probably nothing, as David Seymour is more interested in getting and maintaining votes, financial political support, and serving his Zionist constituency.
          Luxom (aka the John Key go-fer…) hasn’t mentioned anything about cancelling ‘wokeness’ and the homo agendas of getting in one’s face to accept their counter-(human) productive lifestyle.
          After all, the PTB via Deagel want the populations to drop by 90% globally, as verified by the now-dynamited ‘Georgia Guide Stones’.
          Homos and lesbians do not normally reproduce unless prior non-committal adoption arrangements are made, so that is why in part their lifestyles are being promoted.
          We noted that Ch**e Swarbr*ck was mediating with the J***** / Zionists here in NZ; that has finally confirmed her religious preference not otherwise published or found anywhere (ie Wikipedia, etc.) , so watch for more of her disruptive quips (OK Boomer), and intimidating, screeching lawyer-based behaviours that are designed to shut-down legitimate and logical opinions of non-Zionists, non-homos, and those who do not subscribe to the ‘Green Agenda’ (green is the new red, as in communism which J3wi$h Bolsheviks founded and later murdered 65 million Russian Orthodox Christians between 1917-1988)
          This is what the Greenies subscribe to without even studying or questioning their origins!
          At least one Green MP who saw what was going on called out Ch**e for acting like a whinger (or something like that) and that MP later left Parliament.
          There’s nothing worse than an inexperienced, newly-qualified 20-something female that arrogantly pushes her agenda, thoughts (nothing original there…) and imposes shutdowns via false shaming, mis-directed focused guilt onto others, and politically-correct modus operandis that are straight out of Lenin’s Red Book.
          But, in all fairness to those human beings who still acknowledge that they are properly female, may they continue to call-out the tyranny that we live under, like Liz Gunn (aka Liz Cooney), Sue Grey, and the ladies over at VFF.
          Still, one must be vigilant to insure that a sudden swing in policies, opinions and due process isn’t suddenly compromised in a surprising manner…!


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