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Monday, March 10, 2025

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English Paratroopers Caught on Camera Having an Orgy at Their Barracks

English paratroopers news

The orgy did not appear to involve rape, as the sex is reported to have been consensual, but the incident nonetheless drew scrutiny from the Royal Military Police.

Soldiers from the 3rd Battalion the Parachute Regiment were recorded having an orgy at their barracks with a woman they apparently smuggled onto the base, The Sun reported.

One of the soldiers reportedly saluted as his pal was having sex with a red-headed woman.

According to Belfast Telegraph, up to a dozen soldiers participated in the orgy. Troops from the 16 Air Assault Brigade were seen watching the process.

According to the report, the orgy was consensual.

However, the incident has infuriated the Royal Military Police, with the Army now investigating how the woman was smuggled onto the base and whether it was done in breach of any orders.

“The Army expects the highest standards of behaviour from all personnel,” an Army spokesperson told The Sun. “Anyone not maintaining these standards will be investigated.”
According to the British Army website, the 16 Air Assault Brigade is a “rapid reaction force”, equipped to deploy by parachute, helicopter and air-landing. The brigade is one of the key parts of the Air Assault Task Force.

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  1. Was she fully vaccinated?
    Maybe her cognitive abilities have started to disappear as a result of ‘vaccine mandates’…!
    After all, the Covid Vaccines and follow-up jabs are eating away at brain tissue, ovaries and testicles…!
    Typical behaviours when the subconscience is fading away, and reasoning becomes fogged.

    • These young men put their arse on the line for people like you. Yes, maybe they should’ve found a hotel room, but it is none of your business to judge them or her cognitive abilities with your imposing morals and warped reasoning, Mr. Party-Pooper Goody Two-shoes. Things were consensual, and maybe they had fun your crusty principles are jealous of. Get a life…or maybe you are too old?

      • Oh, dearie me…
        You mean like the Parliamentary Parties during Covid, or the sexual escapades of numerous politicians as documented in The Guardian over the years?
        & BTW- I’m a combat veteran…
        Are you?
        We were held to higher standards without the need for ‘consensual orgies’ on MoD /DoD property.
        What Service Members did off base still carried the threat of Court Martials whether consentual or not.
        & the cognitive abilities are being reduced as per Covid vaccines and boosters due to the spike proteins crossing the blood/brain barrier. That has been submitted by specialists, doctors and GP’s to numerous vaccine-damage courts as evidence.
        Good luck driving on the M4 with those fully boosted and vaccinated…!

  2. When all is said and done there is 3 parts to be addressed to enable sanity to be established.

    (1) the theft of the “sovereignty of law” from all NZ and all NZers, at the end of WW1. Which is precisely identical to the theft of the sovereignty of law of Jesus Christ by these same scoundrels, so that NZ exists under “lawless law”, or satanism disguised as law.

    And (2) the inversion of the direction of the Waka of the South Island, placing the stern at Bluff, while the legendary stern is up by the navigator Tuatara, near Motueka. By the Maori cannibal religion, meaning in full analysis the inversion of the direction of the Ark of the Covenant, while simultaneously removing the Messiah from being the navigator of that Waka. Which is totally pure evil cannibalism religion stuff.

    And also (3) the Treaty of Waitangi, meaning the Treaty of the funeral of water, the Treaty of the funeral of the source of all life, the treaty of the funeral of Christianity.

    At “the beginning of time, so as to comprise all time”, which Jesus Christ explains very clearly in his teachings to Thomas “where the beginning is, there will be the end, he who stands at the beginning will know the end” . . . “he will not die”.

    Very important words about immortal life and the power of Christianity, which finds its way back to the theft of the sovereignty of law and the inverted direction of the Ark of the Covenant, the Waka of the South Island, in NZ.

    The sooner the South Island separates from this totally criminal control by lawless law, and the cannibal child killing religion, the better. It appears to be the only thing that will give the world of people a chance.

    The South Island has Immeasurable wealth available, to enable massive development practically and socially, because of its having the untouched, second largest oil field on earth. Start renting it out like Finland does. Then there is our Kiwi Legend and other stuff, which will create the biggest export drive of NZ product lines and arts and crafts imaginable.

    An export drive and tourism drive, of multi billion $, if not trillion $, that this pure evil criminal organisation that currently criminally controls NZ has caused.

  3. Kim, this also explains the high property prices in Canty.
    Chch is being sold as an up and coming boutique city, and you can bet the human dog kennels that are packed onto the quarter acre sections that once held single family homes, and will now be forever gone.
    Council made $2300 for each single family dwelling.
    Now they make $18,400 based on 8 single bedroom compacted :15 minute hive cells that sits on the same section where the single family home once sat.
    So, expect more of these Communist-inspired housing ‘developments’ where the WEF /PTB / LE / Busy-Bodied Karens and ‘Neighbourly’ can keep their Illuminati All-Seeing Eye on you!
    But don’t worry too much- you’ll only have 3 hours of electricity per day, so you must remember to charge-up your cell phone w/ tracking GPS, and your E-Bike made in China during that time.
    The E-Busses that will be available have all since caught fire and the reservoirs are permanently low due to the average of 18,000 gallons of water required to put out fires from lithium-ion batteries, plus the laser-evaporations on bodies of water that will lead to severe restrictions and crop failures!
    But; the new human dog kennels still have an electric hob where one can roast and sautee’ those luscious cockroaches and melt *chocolate (*politically-correct ethnic sourced, mind you!) for those wonderful chocolate fondue grasshoppers and locusts! Those are best dipped live, like the Klingon worm dish known as Gaah!
    You might be able to even save up enough of your Universal Income via CBDC to purchase Huhu Grubs for your next genetically-engineered 2-egg omelette, even though we will be allocated only 1 egg a week!
    So, all orgies and sex parties will be monitored via satellite link out of Tel-Aviv, and used for blackmailing the average citizen, just like the FBI has done to ‘Mericans overseas…in real time, I might add.


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