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Minister of Justice refuses to protect unborn children

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Abortion opinion news

Dear Sir,

Right to Life believes that our nation has a right to a Minister of Justice who is committed to protecting the lives of every New Zealander from Implantation to natural death. If she is not prepared to protect the innocent and defenceless unborn why should we trust her to protect us?

Right to Life is disappointed that the new Minister of Justice, Kiritapu Allan, refuses to recognise the status of the unborn child as a human being endowed by its Creator with an inalienable right to life.

The Minister of Justice has a duty to seek legal protection for every human being from conception to natural death. As a professed Christian from a missionary family of ten children, she should be aware that abortion is intrinsically evil, violates human rights and is a crime against humanity.

Right to Life wrote to the Minister in June following her appointment. We make no apology for speaking up on behalf of the voiceless, our unborn children. We asked the Minister, if she believed:-

That human life begins at conception, that from conception the child is a human being endowed by its Creator with an inalienable right to life and deserving of our respect and protection.

The Crimes Act section 159, Killing unborn child, states that the child does not become a human being with a right to life until it is born. Do you have any scientific or other evidence that supports this statement?

The Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern, promised us in 2017 that she would give us the most accountable and transparent government that we had ever had. Why then, is the Minister refusing to answer important questions concerning the weakest and most defenceless members of the human family? We will not be silenced and we will continue to speak up in defence of our precious children.

By voting for the anti-life Abortion Legislation Act 2020, she has made a public statement that she believes that it is not a crime to kill an unborn child, that its killing is in the words of Jacinda Ardern, a “reproductive health choice for women.”

She also believes the unborn child is not a human being and does not have a right to life until it is born, this is a legal fiction.

Ken Orr,
Right to Life NZ Inc.

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  1. “A reproductive health choice for woman.” (wow) No mention of the child’s right to life, or the fathers’ right to parent. That “health choice” as I understand it extends to the woman’s whim as to whether an unborn girl die, but a boy live,… or vice versa. Or any other whim that takes her fancy.

    And given the power of the state they then preside over the life or death of a child in the same way a judge will have decided a man be hung or not. And while they might excuse their conscience by quoting an unforgiveable law that says that child has no rights until it is born…. the inalienable truth ever remains,

    The child becomes a living being at its conception. It develops a heart that beats and a mind that knows. And in the womb that mother is the only thing that stands between that child’s life or death. You godless reprobates…. an abortion does not terminate ones rights. It terminates ones life.

    Jacinda, Labour, Luxton, National….. what have you done.

  2. JA is just a Mascot inluencer for the deep state. Being an agent, she has to implement the Satanist agenda. It doesnt matter what she promised; a perpetual liar has no conscience. West is now becoming the evil and most regimes are puppet regimes which serve a small coterie of deep state globalists. Change of regime through elections does nothing because the other agent Laxon will do a little. A thirs powerful force is needed buy JA is spending close to billion dollars on state and private media entities so thayt a third force doesnt arise. The other smaller mainstream parties are just subagents and they cant be trusted. Peoples movemnet that throws the current system will take time but there are signs of the current globalist system collapsing. Hope it happens.


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