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Bill Gates loses jurisdiction lawsuit, ordered to appear in Dutch court in ‘Great Reset’ case

Bill Gates news

Bill Gates has lost a legal bid to dismiss a lawsuit filed by seven Dutch plaintiffs who accuse him of involvement in “The Great Reset” project.

The plaintiffs claim they were misled into receiving unsafe Covid-19 vaccines as part of this initiative.

On October 16 a Dutch court ruled that it has jurisdiction over the case, despite Gates’ argument that, as an American citizen, he should not be subject to Dutch legal proceedings.

Gates will now have to appear in court as the case continues.

The plaintiffs allege that Gates and others involved in the project acted unlawfully by promoting Covid-19 vaccinations that they knew, or should have known, were not safe.

The case, which has drawn significant attention, will proceed in the Dutch legal system, with further developments expected after October 27, when the plaintiffs’ lawyers are scheduled to discuss the case in an interview.

Full details of the case have been published by Freebirds Media.

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      • These Jew haters are as demented and evil as Gates and co themselves. They would it appears do what they accuse Gates and co of having done to them given half a chance. The nonsense they spout is as demonic as the people they criticise.

        • It depends what Jews you are talking about doesn’t it. Who owns big pharma, big food, banks, media, oil etc etc hardly the victims they claim to be…..

          Read the bible. Try googling “synagogue of satan” and see what Jesus had to say about that.

          As for Bill Gates. He really is pure evil. He can’t resist smiling as he tells us we all need to be vaccinated with his poison.

      • Jews are the Serpent Seed of Genesis 3:15
        To which all things pertain
        Past Present and Future
        Masquerading as the Seed of the Woman Eve
        YAHWAH Gods chosen people Israel
        His ELECT
        The EDAH
        Jesus told them who they were at
        John 8:44
        Matthew 23:33
        Which is why they murdered him using the two thieves cover story
        The littoral biological offspring of Satan the Devil through the progenitor Cain
        Jews are the stalk that is used to grow the fruit of YAHWAH his ELOHEEM
        Who are now blocking out the light
        The tares that grow among the wheat
        When the fruit has matured the stalk is no longer required is gathered into bundles and burnt
        Obadiah 1:18
        Matthew 13:30
        A tare is a weed that is growing in a place where it is not wanted
        The holocaust is a future event that as yet has not happened
        Not a past event that did not happen
        The jews are doomed just as sure as the sun comes up every day
        YAHWAH has marked his
        Just like Satan has marked his
        History has already been written
        The Word
        Past Present and Future

    • But…they do adrenalchrome at spirit cook-ups, and especially over at the Bohemian Grove and out-of-the-way Ping Pong Pizza Shops, and that remote LSJ island that has a tiny Synagogue on the east end painted blue & white with a golden dome that sits atop a submarine pen that the FBI filled-in with cement to hide evidence of undersea child trafficking…!
      Ghillie (Ghislaine) has a submarine licence…and the Lolita Express was just that!

  1. This is whats needed here in New Zealand with those promoting the so called safe and effective jab. I wonder how far this will get in the Netherlands, that said? My guess is, not far……

  2. I read a while ago, way before this COVID nonsense, that Bill Gates does not allow his own kids (who may now be adults) to be vaccinated. He knows!

  3. Bill Gates’ “days are numbered,” say Japanese scientists after ABORTION DRUGS found in “vaccines” https://www.naturalnews.com/2024-10-13-bill-gates-days-numbered-japan-abortion-drugs-vaccines.html
    Japan has been considered ‘part of the west’ since the US occupied it after WWII and which has installed puppet pro US governments ever since. Japan has low birthrates in much the same way as the white populations in other countries. Japan is constantly being pressured to open its borders to African and Muslim immigrants who for some reason do not have mass vaccination programmes as do western countries and are not subject to the same pressures to vaccinate even when living in western countries.
    Meanwhile Health New Zealand – which will definitely have access to all information regarding mRNA therapy – still continues to promote the jab.
    The total white population of the world now sits at less than 10%.
    Make of it what you will.

  4. This is all part of a sinister plan. The world is a stage, we are all part of the act.Predictive mind programming by the media.The 15 minute cities, including Oxford will be used to put in more compliance and control. .Nothing to do with virus/net zero climate target.We need to stand up against this coming communist regime called the Great Reset. The Un and wef are corrupt non elected people who want to control the world through cashless society, smart meters, social credit systems. Wake up and protect yourself and families and future generations.Build back better is about agenda 21/30, the great Reset or what the cabal,deep state, illuminati, called the New world order. Wake up guys, its all linked, covid, plant based food, climate change. Its an illusion put into our heads so we comply with the communist, nefarious agenda of total control, so they can depopulate and use artificial intelligence, have a one world currency/ govt and control us through a social credit system.

    all planned, cv19, plant based food, ai, smart meters, 15 min cities, climate change hoax, its all linked to bring in Agenda 2030.depopulation agenda of contol-divide and conquer

    Stop pumping money into Ukraine for the sake of it’s resources. Stop this greed, Stop trying to take Russia’s land. Stop enforcing restrictions on British people through Agenda 2030. Stop putting the British into poverty through the nefarious agenda of control. Stop the New world order, Stop the drama.

    It was the 33rd olympics- it was big for the freemasons, zionists, jesuits, satanists, the elites. Predictive mind programming. Attack on Christianity and humanity. They are trying to enforce transgenderism. They are showing the horses to depict death and war. The heart shape comes from babylonians and is a key symbol of the lgbtq society

    cia, un, nato, wef, world bank, blackrock, vanguard, bill & melinda gates foundation, vatican etc, all are corrupt agencies; full of freemasons, zionists, jesuits, satanic people

    The great reset, world economic forum is crucial in what’s happened. they are the elitists that have planned all this. It’s all about predictive mind programming: The are putting this into our heads and our children’s minds that transgenderism is normal. Just remember during the plandemic they were talking about the “new normal”. This lgbtq is part of the plan. They are trying to indoctrinate our kids through media and schools. This is to create a divide and conquer environment so they can cause more riots, wars and crime in order to depopulate the masses and control us

    • You were doing so well until your lunatic ravings about fantasy Illuminati, free masons and poor old ladies living alone with black cats. This has nothing to do with any of those nor with Jews. It has to do with the politicians you helped elect. Think about that for a moment and do try to scapegoat innocents in your generally hysterical outpourings. NZ Loyal woul have been a way o effect change here in NZ shame most people couldn’t see that when they needed to.

      • Well Dave, IT HAS EVERYTHING TO DO WITH THE J3W$!!! The veneer of the manipulated social sciences has been peeled back for all to see.
        And we all know who the REAL enemy of humanity is; they are demonstrating this in Gaza, the West Bank, Lebanon, Syria, Iran and soon other nearby nation states.
        Politicians that are (s)elected are UNIPARTY!!! They are also Zionist-based, funded, and promoted in all forms of ‘media’!
        Just watch what they do when GLOBAL MARTIAL LAW IS DECLARED VIA THE WHO / WEF / NWO ENTITIES!
        & yes, the Illuminati and the Twelve Families does exist.; fully documented, and proven by their family members being interviewed.

  5. The great reset, world economic forum is crucial in what’s happened. they are the elitists that have planned all this. It’s all about predictive mind programming: The are putting this into our heads and our children’s minds that transgenderism is normal. Just remember during the plandemic they were talking about the “new normal”. This lgbtq is part of the plan. They are trying to indoctrinate our kids through media and schools. This is to create a divide and conquer environment so they can cause more riots, wars and crime in order to depopulate the masses and control us

  6. All part of a sinister plan to depopulate and control the masses, introduce Ai, digitilisation, central bank digital currency,

  7. Don t make me laugh !! The same Dutch courts that declared David Icke ” personna non grata” and put a ban on his travelling through the EU ? Would spread ” conspiracies” etc…
    Noooo, really ?

  8. Ever listen to these podcasters? Please give them a listen, or watch their vids. They speak about tomorrow’s news, today:

    Sean, at SGTreportDOTcom
    Maria Zeee at ZeeeMediaDOTcom
    Alex at BANNEDdotVIDEO
    & InfoWarsDOTcom

    Listen TO them, not what you’ve heard ABOUT them.

  9. Kill Gates (which is what ‘The Dollar Vigilante’ refers to him as..) is such a squeamish little f@*k, and only got to where he is due to Mummy’s help.
    Mummy is / was a lawyer who insure that her little boy wouldn’t be f@*ked with by those who were trying to grab Microsoft for themselves in the developmental stages of the company.
    No doubt he was treated to milk and cookies after school back then, as the look of the reptilian surge face reflects the disappointment that milk and cookies will NOT be served in a Super Max Prison!!!

  10. Just the usual plain old satanic evil once again.

    It’s not going to work out too well for Bill in the long run, obviously.


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