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Sunday, February 9, 2025

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Chantelle Baker to Kate Hannah: ‘What are you so afraid of?’

Kate Hannah is the boss of ‘The Disinformation Project’.

According to its website, The Disinformation Project (TDP) ‘produces high-quality research into the seed and spread of misinformation and disinformation in Aotearoa New Zealand.’

Although the TDP website does not state its sources of funding, it was ‘brought together’ by Te Punaha Matatini, itself ‘a centre of Research Excellence hosted by the University of Auckland’, and funded in part by the state.

Some Pro-Freedom groups accuse TDP’s research on ‘disinformation’ in New Zealand of being based on bias and disinformation, which the government in turn use to enforce policies which decrease social cohesion.

In a video uploaded to YouTube today, Baker shows how she attended an event in which Hannah was speaking. The two engaged in a short discussion, but when it came time for Baker’s colleague (a scientist) to ask a question about Hannah’s research, Hannah promptly shut down conversation and left the stage.

‘Then she’s [Hannah] is saying that we need to have korero, talk together and unite. She’s absolutely right but how do we do that when you won’t have a conversation? How do you do that when you just run away the minute you get an opportunity to talk to someone that you’ve said publicly, and that you’ve talked about publicly, that you won’t have a conversation with one-on-one. You shut down questions, you don’t answer questions, then you run away, and then you’re surprised that New Zealand is becoming further polarised? Really?

‘You are instigating this, and you are pushing it further and further, and every time you do a TV appearance, and every time you try and tell people they’re worthless, or they don’t mean as much, or they’re monsters (according to the new Stuff documentary). These words are powerful, and people won’t forget them, and they won’t forget the division that people like you have caused because you refuse to have conversations with people you disagree with. You refuse to take questions on the science behind your research…

‘We cannot move our country, and unite our country if we cannot bring groups with opposing views together to talk. That should be what your focus is. If you want to reunite New Zealanders, if you want to stop people being polarised, if you want to stop people spreading into extremist groups, give them a place where they feel like they are heard.

‘Our government has not done this, and Kate Hannah you have not done this. My question to you is why? What are you so afraid of from this group of people or from me?’

Following last week’s state-funded hitpiece ‘Fire and Fury’ by legacy mainstream media outfit Stuff, Baker also put out a challenge to lead reporter Paula Penfold to make an appearance on Baker’s podcast for a debate.

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  1. Chantelle she was defensive right from the time you started speaking and of course she is LYING! funny I had never heard of her before – I see why coz she is UGLY internally!
    Chantelle you are too clever for her. she doesn’t judge, isn’t that her job?
    She has had the same drama lessons as jabcinda

  2. Have not had a response from Kate all this time. Probably 4 to 6 emails and gave up. What a f n sell out.
    Hope the money is worth it Kate. Enjoy it while u can

  3. Election time is coming. Get all these corp whores and experts out for debates. Bring them with u labour and nats. Lets ask them hard questions. Not jack lame hard questions

  4. They are afraid of the TRUTH.

    The truth does not mind being questioned.

    They know exactly what they are doing. They have been charged with dividing people. Two classes of people, race against race, old against young, you name it they are doing it.

    The only misinformation has come from people spouting ‘trust the science’ and ‘safe and effective’. The vaccine isn’t safe, and it’s not effective. It’s dangerous and useless and if you can’t question it it’s not science it’s propaganda (don’t forget our PM is on tape saying they have had a ‘sustained programme of propaganda’)

    Anyway Chantelle many more people are waking up, forget these embarrassing fools who are paid by the government to spout disinformation, look at the US Open, sponsored by Moderna (oh the irony) one tennis player has already pulled out. every day, more people under the age of 40 are suddenly dying, all cause mortality is up. it’s only a matter of weeks until large numbers of vaccinated people are going to wake up and feel the rage at the people who made them get that nasty jab.

    I remember last year the Govt advertising on trademe for a ‘disinformation officer’ – I wonder was it Kate Hannah who got that job? Her contract must be up soon…….lol

    • Anon you are quite right about the government paid propogandists.

      Unfortunately, only a very small number of people are waking up and in my opinion only who are injured by the vax. Mass psychosis is strong. Most people who have taken the jab and continue to keep boosting themselves (some of them would have up to 5 jabs by Xmas- 5 JABS in 12 months. The Propaganda has brain washed the masses so effectively take even the jab injured are not willing to accept. There is no critical thinking left.

      None are so blind as those who refuse to see!

  5. Why not profile all these disinformation experts? Give them a taste of their own treatment for a bit of a laugh. I bet we find a cabal of largely childless lefties who are not able to debate a topic without resorting to name calling. Start with Byron Clark (clearly his parents misspelled Bryan), Marc Daalder, Clint whatever his face is, etc etc

    I had to laugh, I lowered myself to read stuff and they had an article about Andrea Vance and Kirsty Johnson- it’s true what they say about dog owners resembling their dogs, Andrea Vance appropriately has a sharpei- exactly the type of big headed bully dog that attacked and killed a whole bunch of farm animals including some of my parents sheep recently. I am pleased to say that after my input on the matter both dogs were destroyed and the owners both banned from owning dogs ever again. This was the second incident and was caught on CCTV footage.

    As for Kirsty Johnston, she had one of those stupid poodle cross “cavoodle or similar” things. I know poodles are supposed to be smart but I have come to the conclusion this attribute must have been bred out decades ago because the only ones I have ever come across are the stupidest dogs. Barking incessantly and rushing out onto the road. Only a matter of time before someone has to put a bark collar on them or they get run over.

    So yeah…..amazing how dogs resemble their owners….wonder what type of Dog Kate Hannah owns? ???? probably one of those yappy white little bichon frise crossed with a Shitzu….????

    • And not to be outdone…..I see Paula Penfold has posted a picture of her pit bull on Twitter……a dog known for agression against other dogs, often latching on and being unable to let go, even when faced with its own demise – .I rest my case! ????

  6. Will Kate Hannah be investigating Government and MSM disinformation and misinformation?
    ‘The vaccines are safe are effective’. How did that claim pan out?

  7. The truth holds up under scrutiny (open discussion) but lies must be concealed. Kate Hannah won’t engage in an open discussion because she is a propagandists for the government.

  8. Either
    Kate Hannah is deliberately promoting a one-sided narrative, doesnt want to be challenged for her own financial gain and job security as well as getting more funds.
    Believe in her own narrative completely, which does not make her a researcher or academic who must be a truth seeker and love to be challenged or reviewed.

    It is obvious that she is just a very low class academic who fell into the Jabcinda’s plan of politicalisation of health and science and is wanting to make use of the dollars Jabcinda is throwing at her.

  9. JA’s regime is based on lies. JA is simply an agent like Luxon. They are not leaders at all. They dont lead kiwis but rather they obey to the deep state masters. This is a conspiracy fact and not a conspiracy theory.

    There are few thousand kiwis who lost their jobs due to mandate. They were denied long leave until the date the illegal mandates are lifted. On the other hand, over 100 NZDF soldiers were given long leave and go to Ukraine and fight as mercenaries (they all get apid over US$1000 a day). This is illegal under international law as pointed out by Barrister Christopher Griggs, who served in the navy for 25 years as legal advisor, said New Zealand soldiers contemplating fighting for Ukraine should know it was a major breach of the rules, possibly punishable by jail. See https://www.odt.co.nz/news/national/rnz/government-does-not-know-where-kiwi-soldiers-body

    Otago academic and agent Robert Patman is praising these mercenaries publically. He should be fired from his job for this alone. It wont happen because the JA regime is lying to us by encouraging and engaging kiwi soldiers to go to Ukraine and fight a proxy war on behalf of US. This is nbothing to do woith freedom and democarcy etc. JA is simnply executing the orders she got. The same was the case with the mandates and jabbing. JA first said there will be no mandates and changed her stance after getting orders. Gender identity politics, moneyprinting etc are all part of the agenda she is just implementing in NZ.

    NZ is facing bigger issue of national identity and sovereignty, and it will be last forever if we dont stand up.

  10. I simply have no time left for the MSM in general. Everything I have seen from them has only reinforced my belief that they are not worth listening to or reading.

  11. Chantelle, you are a very brave young lady, you are what the young generation ought to be. ???????????????????????????????? Your parents must be so proud of you. I pray that you NEVER loose your integrity and always stand for what is right. You are so inspiring. God bless you ????????

  12. Maybe we should just start blatently defaming these idiots like kate hannah the baker susie pink hair and co, just outright defame them ,make them sue you then countersue the dicks.play by there corrupt rules

    • Aly I just want to say thank you for doing all that you do. I was involved in discussions with you in another online forum years ago. Back then I thought you were a nutty antivaxxer and now I want to apologise. I am sorry. You were right all along and I wish I had listened to you more. Instead I was brainwashed and just like all the other sheeple. I wish I could turn back time. Anyhoo……I am with you now (i hope that counts for something) better late than never huh?

      If I was in your region I would vote for you. Stay true to yourself and keep standing strong, you are so talented, smart and you can make a difference!

      All the best! ❤️ ????????


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