A shift was planned in the regulation of media content, proposing the consolidation of various regulatory bodies into one unified entity to oversee both traditional and online media.
This initiative, led by the Department of Internal Affairs (DIA), was aimed at updating a pre-internet regulatory framework deemed outdated by many experts and stakeholders, including the Broadcasting Standards Authority (BSA), the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA), and others. Countries like the UK and Australia have similar unified bodies.
The proposal suggested that the new regulator would have the authority to enforce a mandatory code of conduct for large online platforms, targeting harmful content and requiring these platforms to adhere to specific standards. This move was seen as a necessary evolution in the face of ‘rampant misinformation’ and harmful online content.
However, significant public opposition emerged, primarily influenced by lobby groups like Voices For Freedom and the Free Speech Union, leading to overwhelming feedback against the proposal due to fears it would limit free speech online.
Internal Affairs Minister Brooke Van Velden announced the government’s decision to abandon these regulatory plans, prioritising instead the enhancement of internet filtering systems to combat child exploitation.
Aww those bill ends on tonight’s “web of chaos” programme are going to sound a bit lost. Might be worth watching now to know their controlled game is over for now.
bell ends? Yes they are.
Only one way to stop misinformation Stop the politicians from working for foreign entities. Shoot any one of them that is tied into WEF WHO UN and the Israeli lobby. Then remove anyone that associates as a ((jew))
Too good to be true.
Makes me wonder what else they’re up to…..
Great news! Great win for the amazing FSU. Not a word on it in the state sponsored media of course.
Just wait until the next toothy wackjob gets Blackrock to appoint them PM, and it’ll all be right back on the table.
What happens when the “rampant misinformation” becomes the truth. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7Euq6pPOoU/?igsh=MW4ybzl1ZHNhYTR5Mg==
Alternative more accurate headline:
Evil Corrupt Communist Psychopaths Shelve Gagging Dissent Temporarily.
Defund the DIA immediately.
Gaslighting communist ars*holes.
The DIA are a bunch of evil lying nasty b*stards.
Fingers crossed they’ve all been been ‘vaccinated’ and heavily ‘boosted’ already.
Communists back-peddling. Slightly encouraging possibly, or then again possibly not.
Keep an eye of the ‘Christchurch Call’ and what it will possibly mutate into.
This gag-order is already in effect in Australia…and other ‘Commonwealth nations’ ie Canada, and the U.S.!
After all, Israel and the Zionist J3w$ with the ‘Evangelical Christians’ support the elevation of Israel, the J3w$ and their Crimes Against Humanity’ via proxy wars, vaccinations, and targeting using Lawfare!
Only because the good people at the Free Speech Union got 18.000 + signatures (including mine) expressing public disgust. Not to be deterred The Nats and their little pals are now onto so called “hate speech laws”. Dystopian NZ at any cost, right?
Anyone see a difference between them and the last lot, aside from the blue bunting?