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Tuesday, February 11, 2025

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Hunter Biden did fund Ukraine biolabs, emails published by media suggest

Claims that had been dismissed as Russian propaganda appear to be corroborated by correspondence, the Daily Mail says.

Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop has reared its ugly head again, as it reportedly contains emails that appear to back up Russian military claims that the US president’s son was involved in financing military research into dangerous pathogens at biolabs in Ukraine.

Hunte Biden biolab news

Biden helped arrange millions of dollars in financing for Metabiota, a Pentagon contractor that specialized in researching pandemic-causing pathogens that could be used as bioweapons, the UK’s Daily Mail newspaper reported on Friday, citing newly obtained emails and letters from the laptop. President Joe Biden’s son and his partners in a firm called Rosemont Seneca also invested $500,000 in the contractor.

At least one of the documents suggested that Metabiota’s interest in Ukraine went beyond research and money-making. An executive with the contractor, Mary Guttieri, spoke in an April 2014 memo to Hunter Biden of “how we can potentially leverage our team, networks and concepts to assert Ukraine’s cultural and economic independence from Russia and continued integration into Western society.”

Another memo showed that Biden had pitched a “science project” involving Metabiota and Burisma, the Ukrainian natural gas company where Biden made millions of dollars as a board member. His pay was cut by half after his father’s stint as US vice president ended in January 2017.

The revelations come one day after Russian military officials alleged that US agencies and high-level Democrats, including Hunter Biden, have been involved in backing bioweapons research in Ukraine. The officials cited documents that had been seized by Russian soldiers in the former Soviet republic.

However, some Western media outlets dismissed the claims as Russian propaganda meant to justify Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine. In many cases, the allegations were brushed off or ridiculed without even taking them seriously enough to include a US government response. For instance, the Daily Beast declared in a headline, “Russia ramps up the crazy,” while state-funded NPR and other outlets referred to the accusations as “false” or “propaganda” without any apparent probing of the facts. Even the Daily Mail itself, before obtaining the latest Biden emails, said Russia had ramped up its “wild propaganda campaign” by making its bioweapons claims.

The reaction echoed the response in October 2020, when the New York Post broke a story alleging overseas influence-peddling by the Biden family, citing emails obtained from a laptop that Hunter Biden had abandoned at a Delaware repair shop. Spreading of the report was blocked on social media, where the Post was censored, and legacy media outlets suggested that the scandal was the result of a Russian disinformation campaign.

The original laptop scoop was essentially squashed just weeks before Biden was elected president. Just last week, the New York Times admitted that the laptop and its contents were authentic.

Government records show that Metabiota was awarded an $18.4 million contract by the Pentagon, the Daily Mail said. Emails showed that Hunter Biden claimed to help the contractor “get new customers,” including government agencies.

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Source:RT News

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    • ????

      I am starting to see USA is behind a lot of the worlds past and present problems.

      That swamp needs draining alright…..

      • US has been starting wars since it’s creation. Starting from the genocide of indigenous Americans.

        Do some research and discover how democratic governments in Iran, Indonesia, Haiti, Chile, Ukraine, Iraq, Libya, Brazil, Honduras, etc were overthrown by Americans by creating false flags, funding insurgences and installing corrupt dictators to their bidding. Once the puppets are in place, the looting and pillaging of the countries starts.

        Most if not all the wealth of Americans and Europeans is LOOTED, not gained through fairness and hard-work. And continues right to this day. France in Africa, looting and pillaging the poor Africans, Americans occupying the most productive of the oil wells and farms in Syria denying that poor and broken country. A country the the Americans, Israel and NATO destroyed. Astonishingly THE WORLD IS SILENT!!

        • Or…. Is it the Cabal?
          The world wars we’ve had have been funded on both sides by the same group.

          Do some research on Rothsch?ld and Rockerf?lla. Its all there!

    • It’s the politicians, the deep state if you will, who cause all these problems, not the common forsaken Americans themselves.

      And unfortunately this is a world wide phenomenon; just as much corruption and dirty dealings in the royal family and elsewhere (cough cough ????)

      What’s scary is the revelations that come out every few months are still probably only the tip of the iceberg. How much is happening that we still have no idea about?!

      It seems like in the 21st century the old lines between democracy, communism, and despotism are no longer as clear as they once were. Now wherever you are in the world, it’s highly likely your government has lied to you, is actively working to make your life harder and more expensive, and expects you to be happy about all the shiny new laws to reduce your autonomy and shut you up. All while they make themselves unimaginably wealthy doing it.

      It’s time for a global paradigm shift. The current forms of government (ALL OF THEM) no longer function as intended and have to be done away with or humanity is in for some dark days. We need smaller, decentralised governments that are well and truly transparent. The heads of it should be reminded regularly that they are NOT leaders, they are civil SERVANTS. Serving in government should be like serving in the army, it should be a sacrifice of time AND money. It should COST you something to be president or prime minister. Politicians should sign declarations committing themselves to a basic government salary for the duration of their term, and their bank statements should be available for monthly inspection by ANY citizen at an time. No more “foundations” and “family trust” bullshit either, children, cousins, in laws and other close personal friends need to be expressly forbidden from being anywhere government contracts, and this should be enforced vehemently.

      It won’t fix everything immediately, but it would be a start. My only concern is how much air traffic congestion we’d see with all those flying pigs.

      • The Royals are in it up to their neck!
        Both Char?es and Phill?p have both been/are all about depopulation.
        The people at the top are all Freemas?ns.

  1. Go Brendon and create a flase flag operation to enter into direct conflict with Russia. Comedian Zelensky and the IT/PR spin team will create a virtual victory in the Meta world for US with zero damage to the West and glory to you.

  2. Very much doubt we’ll hear even a squeak about this in NZ MSM.
    They’re too busy singing their lines on stage in the state-funded performance of ‘An Adernic Ode to New Zealand’, while the theatre’s collapsing around them.

    Can’t thank you enough, DTNZ, for the intelligent investigative reporting.
    The mental and moral comparison between DTNZ and much of NZ’s MSM, is like that of healthy nourishing food to spun candy floss.

    “The duty of journalists is to tell the truth. Journalism means you go back to the actual facts, you look at the documents, you discover what the record is, and you report it that way.”
    Noam Chomsky

    I mean it when I say I feel sorry for those talented MSM reporters coming up through the ranks, who may never prove themselves the reliable investigative star journalists of today or tomorrow – either because they’re not ‘allowed’ to as they choose/have to toe the party line to receive a salary, or they simply don’t have the courage and necessary platform or they’ve not honed their critical thinking and research skills.

    • For Most Journalists, Money talks! And most will be Va?ed and be having issues
      with what they dont know is going on inside them!
      AND they will be having RAT tests (daily?) with who knows what is laced into the swab!
      So yeah the future not to bright


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