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‘Is it the Prime Minister who is lying to 5 million NZers every day?’ – Dr. Gaurav Sharma

Gaurav Sharma news

Whistleblowing Labour MP Dr. Gaurav Sharma was interview by 1News today, where he made further damaging accusations against Jacinda Ardern.

In the interview, Sharma was asked if he was going to continue as an independent MP. ‘Look that’s something I haven’t actively been looking at to be honest. What I’ve been focussed on is getting a fair trial.’

‘And genuinely, when I wrote that article on Thursday, I genuinely, genuinely thought, even as I said trust had been eroded for one and a half years, I hoped that the Prime Minister would investigate, and you know, try to support one of her MPs. But even when I wrote that article on Thursday there would be an investigation, and the Prime Minister would stand there on the podium on Friday and say ‘well, look, things weren’t done in the right way, so let’s investigate it.

‘So I was still hoping for a fair trial on Friday. I was still hoping for a fair trial on Monday when the Prime Minister was on the podium saying there would be no pre-determined conclusions and I would get a free and fair trial.

‘It wasn’t until Monday night, when I was advised of the meeting, and what had happened at that meeting, it was the final point where I realised that the caucus meeting wasn’t going to be where I was going to get a fair trial.

‘Members of her caucus are still messaging me and saying that there is a bullying problem in Parliament, in the Labour Party, and thank you for raising it.

‘Now, heaps of people have messaged me in support – not just how are you doing and what’s going on – specifically saying that they have been bullied by the Labour Party, they are active members of the caucus, and there is an issue with bullying and thank you for speaking up.

‘I’m just trying to stand up for myself. If I can’t stand up for myself, how will I ever be able to stand up for my constituents?

‘Is it me who is lying here to the caucus, or is it the Prime Minister who is lying to her caucus and saying there isn’t a problem with bullying, is it the Prime Minister who is lying to five million New Zealanders everyday when she talks about kindness on TV when she goes to an Ivy League University and she talks about transparency?’



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  1. What is jabby trying to hide. Wouldn’t be the fact they knew the shots were toxic and they have hidden all the evidence of whats really happening. You could say Jacinda lies you die

    • Yes I think this genuine Doctor had finally had a gutsful of the lies and gaslighting this govt has done to the public.

      Here what Jacinda claimed she would be. Open and transparent and transformational. Doesn’t take too long to find out Justin Trudeau said the same LIES.

      Theee people have been bought and paid for and they are wrecking their own countries and people.

  2. Dr Sharma keep going. You said something in your interview that grabbed me…. “If I can’t stand up for myself, how will I ever be able to stand up for my constituents?”

    I hope though your courage extends to helping those NZers who have been beaten down in the pandemic for trying to stand against the tyranny of this Jacinda led government. Whose lives have been broken but whose spirit has not.

    Stand up and speak. People will rally around you.


  3. A fair trial, like the fair deal people who didn’t want to take the experimental job got? Not happening this side of hell freezing over I would have thought…..

    • I hope he just drip feeds more and more allegations every few days. I bet he’s got lots more to tell. We want to know ALL the details. So refreshing to have an MP with integrity. Only ONE out of the WHOLE of parliament- LET THAT SINK IN.

      Let’s use the same tactics back at the govt that they have used on us over the last 2 years. I hope they start living in fear for what truth bombs are coming next. I hope you stay awake tonight JACINDA you have wrecked this country and you will NEVER be forgiven. You are the devils spawn and you don’t know what kindness is. Saying it repeatedly doesn’t make you kind. Kind people do kind stuff without the need for accolades. I don’t know what your parents did to you while you were growing up to make you so evil but whatever it was it created a monster,


    • Wasn’t even experimental. These criminals masquerading as people’s representatives KNEW the dangers. There was no proper due diligence and governance from Medsafe, MBIE granted no liability to big Pharma and MOH just copied and pasted ‘safe and effective’ bollox from Pfizer’s marketing department on their website. Then there was the propaganda. Vaxcinda knew exactly what the outcome would be.

  4. Spill your guts dr sharma and don’t hold back we deserve to know what is happening behind the scenes all the secret meetings the plotting and scheming the lying and the misuse of our money. Stay strong she wants you gone you are a threat to her and her government. Be brave and relentless doc you owe her nothing and us everything we will stand beside you and we believe you!!!!! She has done nothing but deceive and lie continuously to the people of this nation and we want her out!!!!!! We will let her know that her tyrannical rule will not be tolerated. I hope other mps have the guts to come forward and stop sucking the breast of the commie demon that’s masquerading as our pm. Thanks for coming forward we appreciate you!!! Remember doc sing like a canary we have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

    • YES! It takes just the courage of ONE person to start the push back.

      There will come a point that when people the other MPs know they either stand on the right side of history or stay with the their lying deceitful duplicitous divisive leader.

  5. Publicly exposing a bully and tyranny with the truth takes courage.

    “We are giving power to people we do not know, for purposes we cannot prove, for exercise we cannot control while assuming they must be benign and beneficent, without evidence and without scrutinising the circumstances of our blank cheque to them that we signed in the blood from relinquished control of our bodies. Giving the keys to the dungeon to these strangers in suits or jeans and white coats and expecting benevolence not evident in their belief system and rejected as irrelevant thereby, is the greatest common exercise in folly in human history.”

    James Tunney

  6. Good on you Dr. Sharma for exposing our bully and tyrant of leader. Unfortunate she still appeals to the wok and extreme liberal lefties. If people would have looked into her background they wouldn’t have given her so willingness the power to control us. It was again a slap in the face from our MSM who just promoted her. People should start boycotting the MSM and get their information and truth from alternative media.

  7. “If I can’t stand up for myself, how will I ever be able to stand up for my constituents?”

    Dr. Sharma, this has caught the attention of more than one to make comment here. But it seems your constituency has grown somewhat in the last few days. Obviously, there is only one voice in Parliament speaking on behalf of the electorate seeking the truth from our (I use the term loosely) Prime Minister. You have a job ahead of you, which many people admire you for and support. It will naturally get worse, already we see you branded “a rogue” who speaks with no evidence. It will of course gain momentum as Janus Jabinda’s forces rally against you, but pay it no mind, as support for you is growing by the hour. You are clearly a man of honour, perhaps the only one to grace the halls of Parliament in recent time.

    A growing number of people in this country are becoming aware that something is not right, and has not been, certainly for the last couple of years. Apart from your own situation, many know beyond doubt we have been lied to constantly by this Government on a scale never before seen in this country. So, it is no surprise to hear they have lied to you also. I must therefore encourage you to stay the course, tell us what you already know about the duplicity, and hold that woman to account on behalf of us all. I wish you very well in the days, weeks and months ahead. And remember, most people think the impossible can’t happen until it does.

  8. I thought this was the party of kindness! Looks their true colours are finally coming to light. You’re either doing what the “we know what’s best for you” government wants or you’re ruthless cancelled. Hope this guy becomes a real thorn in their side as an independent. Be “kind” and give him a fair hearing, not a kangaroo court.

  9. Dr Sharma stand in there as truth will always prevail, as there has been much revealing going on, as we can see there are many lies going on and Jacinda needs to speak the truth, as many New Zealanders have seen what is actually going on, there is an old saying and I have been speaking this for some time, WHAT GOES ROUND COMES AROUND AS TRUTH WILL ALWAYS PREVAIL, good on you, stand for peace.

  10. Saturday, 20 August 2022, @ 0930
    TVNZ has Phil Twyford on, deflecting the questions about Dr. Sharma, and instead suddenly changing the direction of the conversation to warning about a nuclear conflict in the Northern Hemisphere…
    This government knows that their lying about Covid 19 and it’s weaponised ‘vaccines’has now been well-proven.
    They know that they are guilty of participating in Bio-Warfare Genocide by participating in the WEF / NWO International Holocaust via injections, and the collapse of economies globally.
    They know that WE know that they are part of the extermination of the human race using Big Pharma, weather warfare, and inflated food prices that are all just another form of Holodomor.
    And then, there is the rampant inflation that is now starving New Zealanders into submission…
    To those who still have their firearms that were not outlawed; DO NOT GIVE UP OR CAVE IN TO MORE GUN CONTROL, INCLUDING REGISTRATION! Keep what firearms you have left over, as per International Law under the UN Chapter Vll, Article 53 and your INDIVIDUAL right to defend against threats of harm to life and limb!
    New Zealand signed on to these articles some years ago…
    Attention NZ Police and MoD Personnel; don’t you dare raise your weapons and fire the same on New Zealanders, and neither will you deliberately cause injury and suffering, as you have done in the past (ie Alan Simmons and his intense suffering from NZ Police breaking his hip…)!
    WE pay your salaries, and WE will determine the limits of your power, not the gormless global communist morons who are totally unbqualified to sit in Parliament and beyond in ‘appointed’positions.
    And we have no room for Freemasonry in the New Zealand Police or the Defence Forces!

  11. Excellent comments, all.
    Sharma is a problem: he has has integrity commonly found in the Indian community. Many such make great programmers, lawyers and logicians too. This is way outside any Labour MP’s territory. They get by by deceit. Having ripped up the Public Service they only have themselves left to tear strips off.

  12. Jacinda Ardern and her Labour Govt. are in more trouble with the whole ‘Covid 19’ saga than they can possibly imagine. You see they are on the wrong side of God. From the very first payout of hush money that changed hands after a young child died from the jab. That was an admission by the Govt. right there then that they knew the jab was not safe and that the hush money had to keep flowing so that they could keep pushing their narrative. Payments of up to 450k for the parents silence. But that also makes those parents complicit in the Genoccide along with those who promoted and administered it. The Govt. slyly and illegally pushed the mandates onto corporations and the employers to keep pushing the Govts narrative while keeping the Govt. at arms lenght of the blame game when things got messy. A common Labour tactic. But I knew this was coming back to haunt them. Remember when Jabsinda said it is not compulsory to have the jab and that the Govt will not be mandating it ? Well that went to ‘it is what it is’ and the ‘jabbing is never going to stop’ with the Corporations and big business doing the Govts. dirty work for them. But even they worked out they were being used with unworkable policies causing staff abstenteeisn and shortages. So the narrative started to slowly dwindle away. But all the while the Govt were pushing the 4th booster knowing full well the jab was not safe. They sold their country and their souls to the devil but they must pay with theirs. They knew damn well what was causing all the excess injury and deaths. They are guilty of high treason for the blatant and criminal disregard for the security of the country and its citizens by imposing and mandating citzens out of their jobs with an experimental bioweapon posing as a vaccine on them with no clear safety data causing death and injury to thousands under the guise of ’emergency use only powers’. This is in direct violation of the Nuremberg Codes and constitutes a Crime Against Hunanity. The Govt. and all their minions need to be rounded up and held to account or our children and grandchildren will never forgive us. Amen


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