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Thursday, September 19, 2024

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Kiwi pilot killed by pro-independence rebels in Papua

Glenn Malcolm Conning news
Image – Google Maps / Screenshot.

Glen Malcolm Conning, a 50-year-old helicopter pilot, was killed by the Free Papua Organisation (OPM) in the Central Papua province of Indonesia, according to local police.

The incident occurred when rebels intercepted Conning’s helicopter, which was transporting four passengers who were later reported safe.

The OPM allegedly burned Conning’s body along with the helicopter.

The tragedy follows the abduction of another New Zealand pilot, Phillip Mehrtens, by separatist fighters in February 2023, highlighting ongoing tensions and violent conflicts in the region.

The OPM, seeking independence for West Papua from Indonesia, has a long history of resistance against Indonesian control, marked by violent clashes and attacks on perceived governmental assets.

The conflict’s roots trace back to the controversial UN-supervised vote in 1969 that transferred control of West Papua from the Netherlands to Indonesia.

Despite claims from the OPM that Conning might have been a spy, these assertions remain unverified.

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  1. I know Glen. Top man, accomplished pilot. Leaves behind 3 small children. He was transporting 2 mothers & their 2 children back to their own village from the health centre! What a needless waste. It’s no wonder OPM cannot get any traction with various International bodies to get with their cause. Brain dead morons. Go well Glen.

    • He’s supporting Indons occupation of West Papua. He knew the risks. Best thing to have done was not worked for the regime.
      West Papuans deserve the right to self determination and independence from the Indonesian occupation which Australia and New Zealand are complicit it.


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