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Message to kiwis from road safety authorities

Road safety news

New Zealand’s road safety authorities are urging Kiwis to back the vision of an New Zealand where deaths and serious injuries on our roads are not inevitable, and to support the changes being made to significantly reduce serious crashes and save lives.

“With more than a week still left in 2022, over 350 people have already lost their lives from crashes on our roads. Every one of those deaths is a tragedy for the families and communities affected, and on top of that loss thousands more people have been seriously injured in crashes. Tragically, many of these deaths and serious injuries are the result of simple mistakes, and they can be prevented by creating a system that is more forgiving, where people don’t pay with their lives when someone makes a simple mistake.

“New Zealand’s Road to Zero strategy and action plan is focussed on making the changes needed to create that safe system for New Zealand. Every action delivered through Road to Zero is aimed at reducing the pain and suffering which road crashes inflict on our communities and our whānau,” says Kane Patena, NZ Transport Agency (NZTA) Director of Land Transport.

Mr Patena says NZTA, NZ Police and the Ministry of Transport will be focussed on delivering a wide range of safety improvements and other actions in 2023 to make progress towards the Road to Zero target of a 40% reduction in deaths and serious injuries on New Zealand roads by 2030.

“In 2023 New Zealanders will see the installation of more life-saving side and median barriers, more Police enforcement targeting unsafe driving, safe speed limits on our roads, promotion of safe vehicles and the delivery of more infrastructure to make our towns and cities safe for people walking and riding bikes. All of these things will make a difference for a safe New Zealand, and we need New Zealanders to support this important work,” Mr Patena says.

Bryan Sherritt, Director Road to Zero, Ministry of Transport, says it’s crucial that momentum continues in delivering the current programme of work across Road to Zero.

“We’ve made a good start to rolling out safety improvements, but we also acknowledge that there is a lot more work to do, and the next few years will be absolutely critical to our success. The level of trauma on our roads this year is a tragic and sobering reminder of the work that remains to be done. It’s crucial that we maintain our focus on creating a safe system where the responsibility for safety is shared amongst those who design, build, manage and use the roads and vehicles,” says Mr Sherritt.

Moving into the end-of year holiday period, NZ Police Assistant Commissioner Bruce O’Brien stresses the importance of everyone making safe driving choices, as well as planning ahead for safe holiday journeys.

“We’re seeing New Zealanders returning to regular routines following the past few years of disruption, and summer holiday road trips to visit friends and whānau are no exception. More of us are getting out on the roads and Police will be working hard to keep everyone safe,” says Assistant Commissioner O’Brien.

Following deployment to support the Covid-19 response, Police are devoting significantly more resources to road policing. There has already been a significant increase alcohol breath screening tests with more than 2.2 million tests conducted in the year to 31 October 2022.

“Police will be out in force over the summer holidays to deter risky driver behaviour such as speeding and drunk driving. These behaviours cause death and serious injury on the road every year but they don’t have to. We want you to get to your destination, so please drive safely and know that you can expect to see Police out on the roads.”

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Source:NZ Police

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  1. What a whole lot of gobbledygook, same old beaten cliché.
    Instead of WASTING Taxpayer money appeasing certain ethnic groups and sending taxpayer money to Zelensky,, lets try and use that money to improve our infrastructure, or is too logical??
    The central government’s brilliant idea of road safety is to give licenses to irresponsible 16 year olds and reduce speed limits DRASTICALLY and put more roundabouts, get rid of passing lanes and generally do sweet F all. Shifting the deck chairs on the Titanic is their playbook.
    On top of that, dodgy imports are on the way up, vehicles that are deemed not fit for purpose in Australia are shipped here, etc.
    In the meantime, motorists have to evade foot deep potholes, never ending amounts of road cone, snarl ups and generally experiencing third world bitumen that gets masqueraded as our local roads and state highways.

  2. What a load of utter hogwash. There was a total of 843 deaths in 1973 and the population hadn’t even reached 3mil. Roads have improved (slightly, in places) since then, vehicle safety has improved and police tactics have got dirtier by the year. If drivers had proper training to start with the toll would (per capita) be even lower than it is. Zero is a fantasy; there will always be fatal road accidents as sad as that is, it’s a fact of life. In 2020 Sweden had 204 fatalities with a general population of over 10m, yet their upper speed limit is 120kph. The kiwi road safety authorities need to fix the roads and concentrate on getting good habits into young drivers not contracting the cops to hassle people doing 102kph on straight, open roads. It’s pathetic and it doesn’t work! The death rate per 1000,000 in New Zealand is 7.8, Sweden 2.2 and Liberia is 35.9. While we’re not the best we are far from being the worst and that 7.8 would be lower if they’d just fix the damn roads!

  3. NZ Police spend more time hiding around the corner so they can catch unsuspecting motorists. Whilst actual Police work, like concentering on STOPPING serious crime, catching career criminals seems to be in the too hard basket.
    Another favorite job for the Police nowadays is being Jabsinisters little enforcers of her WEF mandates.


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