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Saturday, September 28, 2024

Popular Now

MoE faces legal challenge over ‘unfair’ job loss process

Ministry of Education news

The Employment Relations Authority heard testimonies this week about the distress caused by the Ministry of Education’s job loss process, which aims to cut over 700 roles.

The Public Service Association (PSA) has legally challenged the ministry, claiming the process breaches workers’ collective agreements and fails to meet obligations for rehiring and retraining staff. The ministry has paused the job cut process in the meantime and acknowledged the difficulty it has caused employees, saying it wanted certainty for affected staff and their families.

Employees described the process in a state media report as confusing and inconsistent, with some having emotional breakdowns and others feeling left in limbo regarding their job roles.

The ministry indicated it would re-enter talks with the union if the authority rules in favour of the PSA, potentially leading to revised proposals and further consultations, though some job losses are still expected.

Image credit: Element5 Digital

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  1. Cut the office staff at the schools; most are part time busybodies that spread rumours about the students and,…most of all…the student’s parents!
    And those who are ‘volunteers’ are there to insure that only certain students get the extra attention, while special needs students are ignored or locked in a closet for being ‘naughty’ or ‘unsociable’ due to their neurological condition(s).
    Gotta keep that Colonial / Provincial Status-Quo intact for the old 5th Generation Masonic families who are the PTB…and delude themselves in their arrogance into thinking that they run everything the country…!
    After all, little Johnny, the school bully, has the protection of his parents, grandparents, or extended family who ‘serve; on the local school board, in the PTA or both!
    Erica Stanford knows about these problems, but don’t expect her to upset the Status-Quo ‘apple cart’ with ‘Social Reformation’..Darwin’s ‘Survival of the Fittest’ takes the form of bullying, with the bully being the preferred personality for advancement, opportunities, and sports.
    If you don’t think so look at what runs the business world here, and the fact that workplace bullying is at an all-time high.
    Can’t imagine why,…!
    One Boys High School even used the phrase ‘Stand on the throat of those who are weak’…to illustrate and demonstrate ‘how to get ahead in life and the workplace’..! Sickening!!!
    No wonder the kids are dropping out of school, not engaging in the trades or uni, and flopping around in society while eeking-out a meager income via the ‘Gig Economy’ which minimises contact with the populations of …male and female BULLIES!!

  2. Leave already. Parents do not want ideology in schools. We want our kids to get an education (math, english, reading, writing, science (especially biology). Remove the ideology pushing people.


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