New Zealand has allocated approximately $113 million towards the development and utilisation of a network of US military satellites, according to official documents.
For the past twelve years, New Zealand has depended on the Wideband Global Satellite Communications system, a project spearheaded by Boeing and managed by the Pentagon. This network serves the US and several of its allies.
According to a report in state media, recent demands from the US have prompted allied nations to contribute more financially. In response, New Zealand has committed an additional $15 million for the launch of two advanced satellites, expanding the network to twelve satellites.
Additionally, New Zealand contributes over $1 million annually for operational costs.
A report from April, disclosed under the Official Information Act, indicates that New Zealand’s total spend on the network have reached $113 million since 2012. Of this total, $83 million was paid initially in 2012 for access to the then ten-satellite network.
The briefing also highlighted the New Zealand Defence Force‘s plans to enhance the country’s modest space capabilities. This includes potential investments in both vertical and horizontal launch platforms and other facilities to support the testing and development of unmanned aerial vehicles, rockets, and related technologies.
A spokesperson from the Defence Force told state media that the upcoming Defence Capability Plan, which outlines potential space-related investments up to the year 2040, will soon be presented to the defence minister.
Money well spent, hahahaha.
We can now see an attack coming but powerless to do anything about it.
No doubt, this will also have the clause for NZ to access ‘Space-based Weapons’…such as Directed Energy Weapons (DEW’s), which were responsible for the fires in Hawaii that has resulted in Blackrock & Vanguard buying up the tracts of land with burned-out homes as a result of a space-based laser weapon setting fire to the same.
800 kids are missing from the Hawaii Fires; where did they go? No bodies were found…
The cops prevented people from leaving, and the Police Chief of Lahaina, Hawaii was also directly involved in the Las Vegas Massacre! That investigation was covered-up, as it was a staged False Flag event against Trump supporters and Conservative Americans. Black helicopters were observed with lights-out and firing into the crowd. A warning of what’s to come for ‘American Patriots’ if the WEF / WHO / NWO doesn’t get it’s way with Antony Blinken running and stealing the 2024 (S)El-ection in the U.S..
And- you can bet that the PTB in NZ will use space-based lasers to clear out areas that will become ‘:15 Minute Cities’…! Your lifestyle blocks and stand-alone homes are destined to be lasered by Blackrock and Vanguard.
IF you are having your home painted / re-painted, as a your roof as well, go with the colour blue! Here’s why-
Maori land and Maraes will be targeted as well…!
Last but not least, check out the weaponisation of weather and natural events…!
Yes, and Paradise in California a few years ago.
Paint your roof blue to be immune to the DEW.
If you’re angry about the rising tide of crime, ever-increasing food and fuel prices, higher rents and your constant struggling to make ends meet, you can at least console yourself with the fact that we’re spending hundreds of billions of dollars buying strategic military satellites for other countries to more effectively censor and geotrack us the next time we refuse their vaccines 🌈 😊
Now please tell me again how much of a difference last year’s election has really made. I’ll wait…
In for a penny, in for a pound.
Ambitious for a state of 5 million people .
having a bald-headed failure of a CEO from several corporations as a PM speaks volumes as to the magnitude of political, social and economic problems that remain UNRESOLVED!
BUT- there is no $ for the disabled in NZ, lots of unemployed due to the rash of lay-offs, but plenty for this Space-based weaponry which will be used and abused by the PTB!
Good Ol’ Boy and former NZ PM Zionist Bankster ‘Sir’ John Key is very active behind the scenes, just as Obama has been doing in the US since 2020!
If you don’t think that the :15 Minute Cities are coming, they’re already here…
Look at Auckland and Christchurch’s new builds; these are dog kennels with minimal living space, and the Councils are now getting 10x’s the rates for the same property the human kennels sit on compared to a single stand-alone dwelling…hence the Councils are hell-bent on more :15 Minute City Dog / Human Kennels being built which, as already reported, are leaky and cold!
Propping up US imperialism…this is what you pay tax for when you vote for globalists…..forget about healthcare and social services………………
If you paint yourself blue (like The Blue Man Group) you might be personally immune to the DEW. It would look a bit odd though, walking around like that. Perhaps worse than walking around with a tin-foil hat on. Just imagine trying to explain why to someone who does not know what is going on.
Blue skinned gods and upper caste figures are in the Hindu Religion are noted.
Just like the Fugate Family in Tennessee / Kentucky; they are blue skinned!!! (look that up online…) and are Rh O-Negative in blood type!
This gives rise and legitimacy to the Hindu Religion in several aspects, as per the Mahabarata and several other publications.