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Monday, March 10, 2025

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NZDSOS: Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS) – Why We Are Not Happy

SADS news

New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science (NZDSOS) has posted a well-referenced new article, this time on the latest appalling attempt to hide the devastating truth from the New Zealand public.

The shot-that-shall-not-be-blamed is killing and maiming people, but these tragic sudden deaths are being blamed on a ‘new’ syndrome, where previously healthy young people get “taken too soon”, “sudden and unexpected”, “after a short illness” or “medical event”, to quote from the pandemic of death notices.

Enter Sudden Adult Death Syndrome aka, ‘SADS’.

We agree it is certainly a new phenomenon, but it is NOT caused by genetic rarities in the family as the internationally coordinated propaganda campaign would have us believe. They are indulging in predictive programming, where we are softened up to tolerate something unpleasant to come.

To call it SADS is a ‘lame’ deception of the likely truth of injection injury, which to diminishes the scale of alleged democide (death by government policy) in which the paid-off press are collaborating to disguise. Along with the sudden epidemic of supposed “flu”, the probable impending lockdowns 2.0 for monkey pox, the apparent “community mandate enforcers” and “surveillance operatives” being recruited by the Police and SIS respectively, as well as the handing over of our health sovereignty to the World Health Organisation (WHO), it is just too much to stomach to be told that dead and seriously injured younger people have always been around, we’ve just neither noticed nor cared.

It is now very obvious, and confirmed from multiple sources, that it’s happening in all heavily vaccinated countries. It sure is clear to a group of NZ doctors with several thousand years of combined clinical experience between them (that means dealing with real people, not modelling and rear-view studies which Drs Baker and Bloomfield rely upon). Many New Zealanders are now are awake to the sudden illness, and rightly scornful of the pathetic parade of excuses emanating from the Wasphive communication teams. We have written up our investigations of the deaths, the injuries, and how the vaccines are biologically plausible culprits, the added technology in the vaccine, and magnetism. We haven’t properly researched vaccinated people emitting Bluetooth MAC codes yet but it seems to be happening, from our fieldwork so far. There is just an embarrassment of wretches to have to counter so people can have a vague clue who is telling the truth. We need a holiday for sure, but are compelled to honour the dead, injured and those to come who need us on the case these days.

NZDSOS have said before, the difference between dying and a life-changing injury following the injection is sheer luck (or rather fate). It is just breath-taking, how greedily the journo-cultists and paid ‘Covidians’ continue to spread disinformation at the ‘money tree’, even as the significant numbers mount. As more and more Kiwis know of people affected and understand how all this should never happen with medical treatments, as the triple-boosted top the tables for severe Covid-19 outcomes everywhere (though ‘experts’ can lie about this through deliberate mis-definitions that define the recently as still until 2 weeks after their 2nd); and as more people wake up to the nonsense of the endless boosters and vote with their feet, particularly in the health sector.

We are helping injection-injured people as best we can by using improved protocols as dedicated clinicians gain critical experience around the world, but we need donations and public support, and above all of course the jabs must stop. The Police and drug regulators have washed their hands of our evidence, but we aren’t alone if enough people join us in the stand for freedom.

Since our post, which we will update, it has emerged that the Pfizer trial used to gain approval for jabbing American preschoolers (from 6 months upwards) had an extremely high dropout rate (2/3) with no explanation provided, and only extremely small numbers left, which actually showed more severe Covid in the vaccine arm compared to the placebo group, which was immediately injected at the close. No doubt many countries, including New Zealand, will approve on the basis of this travesty of a trial. We will just have to wait to see how the ‘presstitutes’ are told to disguise a resurgence of ‘Sudden Inpfant Death Syndrome (SIDS)’.

Let’s protect us all from ‘pfatal’ outcomes, by Standing And Doing Something.

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  1. When I read the story of the 34 year old lady (and mum to an 8 month old) in the UK who died in her sleep on her wedding day, my heart broke. When are people going to realise this is NOT normal?

    As for this country, people who are still willing to take these shots or who still believe in them will only realise when someone close to them suddenly dies. In some cases some people have been brainwashed to the degree that even if this happened they still wouldn’t think it was the vaccine.

    I was always pro vaccine, but after this covid business I will NEVER take another vaccine in my life. The trust has gone. Any goodwill I had with my government or medical professionals (unless they have spoken up) is GONE . If we are ever put into lockdown again I will NOT stay home and I know MANY others who are the same.

    If the police think they can arrest their way out of this then good luck. Focus on the real criminals for once, our lying thieving politicians and their enablers. Or here’s a random idea – focus on the gangs who are running free to do what they want in this country, instead of focusing on law abiding citizens who don’t want to have the govt jackboot controlling their every movement and. being forced to show their vaccine papers to get a F*****g haircut!

  2. A year from now the “experts” will be smugly assuring us that sudden toddler death syndrome has always been a thing and we’re crazy to believe otherwise.

    • They used to call it cot-death, an unexplained death of an infant in the crib. Now we perhaps know why, was it always a vaccine related death?

      After this shambles I will never allow my young child to take a vaccine.

      • Good for you.

        Yep, a lot of things are starting to make sense.

        I used to think the antivaxers were a bunch of reckless idiots. I thought the explosion of autism rates was an overblown nothing burger people were just using to excuse bad behaviour brought on by lazy, shitty modern parenting. Now I sit and wonder about that too…

        Who really knows how much these pharmaceutical companies have truly done to us over the decades; depression & suicide, cancer, obesity…

        So much “treatment” these days (they no longer try to cure because a patient cured is a revenue stream lost). Really makes you wonder.

        There was a pic I saw yesterday of a California beach in the 1970’s, and my god do the people look so much stronger, healthier and happier than they do today. What the hell is in the food that we’re eating today?!

        I didn’t know better at the time, so got my first child “immunised” when she was a baby (thank the Lord we never had any bad reactions), but this Covid jab (as well as anything subsequent to it) they can stick where the sun don’t shine. Anyone attempting to pierce my or my children’s skin with a piece of metal will be responded to in kind.

        • I know exactly what you mean. I now have deep regrets over getting my kids vaccinated. One has an autoimmune disease that we have no family history with and I can’t help but wonder is there a link with the vaccines? The other 2 have asthma. Neither their father nor I suffer any of these conditions.

          I too was looking at some footage of a concert from the 1980s and everyone was slim and healthy looking.

          Just look who is tied in with the WEF and that tells you who is profiting from peoples poor health. all the usual players and purveyors of drugs and junk food….

  3. Spot on!!!!!!!!!
    And now the massive problems of sick children are being blamed on third world diseases and lack of historical proper health care here in NZ by the International Big Pharma Cartel.
    The OCSCA never mention this 2-3 years ago…
    The rise in childhood diseases is a result of their immune system being devastated, wrecked and destroyed by the Covid bio-weapon vaccines! Everyone knows this, including the sociopathic news / lies presenters in the MSM


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