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Tuesday, February 18, 2025

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NZDSOS: The mystery of the missing New Zealand politicians

NZ politicians news

With NZ politicians all apparently under some sort of spell cast by the Wicked Witch of the WEF, we have to look enviously at other countries to see politicians who are responding to and working for, the people with regard to unpicking and unravelling the sham that has been the Covid Pandemic.

Not one NZ politician is prepared to ask even the most basic and simple of questions. Not one NZ politician is prepared to talk to ordinary Kiwis who appear to know far more than they do about all things Covid. What goes on inside those cells of the beehive?

Emphatic and Eloquent International Politicians

As we contemplate the dearth of representation from NZ politicians, members of the European Parliament have pronounced fearlessly their demands for answers from Pfizer. CEO Albert Bourla did not appear, sending Ms Janine Small in his place. Her peculiar collection of words is now reverberating around the world for all to hear (perhaps at the speed of social media).

A Dutch MEP, Mr Roos asked “Was the Pfizer Covid vaccine tested on stopping the transmission of the virus before it entered the market. If not, please say it clearly. If yes, are you willing to share the data with this committee? And I really want a straight answer, yes or no, and I’m looking forward to it.”

Ms Small’s curious reply: “Regarding the question around, um, did we know about stopping the immunisation [sic] before it entered the market? No, heh. Uh, these, um, you know, we had to really move at the speed of science to really understand what is taking place in the market, and from that point of view we had to do everything at risk. I think Dr Bourla, even though he’s not here, would turn around and say to you himself, ‘If not us then who?’”

Although anyone actually looking at the science would have realised in Dec 2020 on reading the Pfizer NEJM preliminary results that prevention of transmission was not one of the endpoints, this seems finally to have penetrated the consciousness of those not immersed in the scientific literature. There was never intended to be any science showing the vaccine prevented transmission. We have been sold a lie, an expensive and deadly lie. And NZ politicians care not one whit.

Following the nearly 2-hour question session, 6 MEPs held a 30-minute press conference a day later and expressed their frustration and disgust at the non-appearance of Albert Bourla.

The European Parliament has also recently been addressed with a powerful speech by Mislav Kolakusic, Croatian Lawyer, who stated that the EU must immediately terminate the contracts for the purchase of fake vaccines, request a refund of 2.5 billion Euros paid so far, and prosecute Pfizer and others. He said failure to do so would see them participating in the crime of obtaining and promoting fake medicines. That is presumably what our politicians are currently doing.

In Canada Alberta’s new Premier Danielle Smith spoke of the unvaccinated: “They have been the most discriminated against group that I’ve ever witnessed in my lifetime.” “I don’t think I’ve ever experienced a situation in my lifetime where a person was fired from their job or not allowed to watch their kids play hockey or not allowed to go visit a loved one in long-term care or hospital, not allowed to get on a plane to either go across the country to see family or even travel across the border. We are not going to create a segregated society on the basis of a medical choice.” Where were the NZ politicians when our own PM confirmed her approval of a two-tiered society divided by vaccination status?

In Australia Senator Malcolm Roberts of Queensland has been a tower of strength and integrity, an honourable man, asking questions and listening to the answers for many months.

Also in Australia, Senators Gerard Rennick of Queensland and Alex Antic of South Australia have been demanding answers on behalf of the Australian people.

In France, politician and ex presidential canidate Jean Lassalle has spoken of nearly dying after his covid vaccination and then coming to the realisation that many members of the French parliament, and Macron himself, likely did not receive vaccinations. He is now president of the movement Resistons!

In Florida, Senator Ron de Santis and his Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo have recently issued guidance recommending that young men age 18-39 not receive any covid-19 vaccinations because the risk of heart damage outweighs any potential benefit. Ladapo commissioned research which showed vaccinated men this age increased their chance of sudden death by 84%.

Florida have also vowed not to adhere to the CDC’s recent decision to add covid-19 vaccination to the Childhood Vaccine schedule. Previously Ron de Santis also met with epidemiology professors, Jay Bhattacharya and Martin Kulldorff to learn about the Great Barrington Declaration (GBD) at the end of 2020. He also consulted with Dr Scott Atlas and altered Florida’s public health response in keeping with the GBD’s recommendation of opening society and focusing on protection of the vulnerable.

Senator Ron Johnson in the United States is also asking questions and listening to qualified experts.

In Denmark, politicians have realised there are potential harms from vaccination and have ceased recommending covid injections for those under 50.

In the United Kingdom the politicians appear just as useless as here. Only 5 turned up to hear from medical experts and vaccine injured at a recent parliamentary session. Dr Tess Lawrie of the World Council for Health (WCH) despaired at the effort that injured and bereaved victims went to attend the ‘enquiry’, where reformed vaccine champion Dr Aseem Malhotra, cardiologist, presented the evidence disproving Safe and Effective.

NZ Politicians Missing in Action

Where are the New Zealand politicians? Do we not have anyone representing us in the halls of power? A few party leaders outside parliament, including Leighton Baker, Sue Grey from the New Zealand Outdoors and Freedom Party, and at least one ex-MP (Matt King) are not afraid to speak out. Another former MP has dared to speak about the unspeakable (Rodney Hide) along with his colleagues at Bassett Brash and Hide, who also have commentary to make, unlike a few sitting MPs that we KNOW have concerns but remain silent.

Seems like our Beehive needs a thorough cleansing and repopulation with honest MPs who possess courage, integrity and open minds.

As WCH’s Dr Lawrie writes: “Previously I have said we are all complicit with where we are now, by turning a blind eye to corruption, outsourcing our health and decision-making, not engaging in our communities, being apathetic or too afraid to stand up for what’s right. But there are some more complicit than others, and they will be held accountable.”

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  1. Our MPs are keen to protect their rental properties and make themselves richer. They all know that both major party leaders are agents for Globalists and they cant take any moral stand unless they become ex-MPs. So better to enrich themselves as well as enjoy all the perks. They also know that the MSM mercenaries are monitoring them in addition to the 5eyes. It is not only jabbing but also in the neonazi Ukraine issue, they just fall in line with the deep state agenda. They have some freedom to virtue signal and express opinions that can act as a diversioin tactic from real issues. Mock fights on 3-waters, fart tax type of issues mimics the TV show on wrestling professionals. MSM supplies the background cheers, and sheeples can think it as real. NZ is the test bed for the great reset and it is already happening as per the plan.

  2. So, let’s get this right. Straight from the horse’s mouth.
    The vaccines were not tested, do not stop infection, nor do they stop transmission.
    This is all information the NZ Govt had from Pfizer at the time of roll out.
    Our Govt wanted mass vaccination, in order to “keep our people safe”.
    The initial plan was to vaccinate the vulnerable, the elderly, who are the highest covid death risk group.

    For those generally healthy under 60, there is statistically no risk from covid.

    For all there is risk of adverse effect from the vaccine! They even told us at the start the risk of severe adverse reaction is rare. Rare, though none the less a risk. To what extent the term “rare” refers to was not readily defined, For example 10% suffering a severe adverse reaction is still rare, considering 90% had no such reaction.

    So, why did our Govt mandate, promote, and coerce this medication to the vast majority of healthy NZer’s under the age of 60.

    Poor people who got the jabs, probable ticking time bomb in their body.
    Are the majority angry? Not at all! They don’t even realise they have been poisoned.

  3. There is a portion of the population who are complicit in promoting the lies that fuelled the covid protocols and “vaccine” mandates. Either Nuremberg trials or a similar justice set up to hold these people accountable will occur in NZ. The wheels of justice seem to be turning slowly but they are turning.

  4. Never forget: ALL parties in parliament have forced you to give up your freedom and autonomy of your health, they ALL have been corrupted by corporations using us as cattle (=definition of fascism), they ALL are lackeys to global bankster elites, having whittled away all competency. ALL OF THEM!
    And that is why ALL OF THEM have to go. You think you got a choice? Make no mistake, people like National’s Christopher Luxon, ex=CEO of Unilever and Air NZ, are part of the WEF moloch led by Klaus Schwab. They donated millions into this cesspit of global gangsters.
    WE THE PEOPLE hope that individuals like Leighton Baker, Sue Grey, Matt King, and yes even Brian Tamaki, do realize, that only a coalition of well-meaning new ‘parties’ will have any chance to unhinge the current suckers. Putting ego and ideology aside for now, they could make use of a hugely disfranchised and disappointed population. Will they be wise enough? Courageous enough?. They need to be “out there”. Time to play it safe to get your public servant pension is over.
    WE THE PEOPLE will be watching you.

  5. All of our mainstream media and politicians no matter the party have been useless to the citizens of NZ for decades so this really should not be a surprise to too many people surely.

  6. The 5Eyes and European governments mandated, promoted and coerced the population because they were paid by the IMF and ordered by the WEF to do so. Complete conscienceless obedience was all that was required of them. The MPs, high bureaucrats (now called stakeholders) and the wealthy did NOT get the mRNA injection because they knew full well the consequences. All those promoting and receiving injections on television were lying. Straight up. As evidence of what they have done becomes more apparent there will be such a flurry of confusing articles from the media and medical authorities no-one will be able to sort the truth from the lies. This is their hope, that eventually the whole hoax will be buried under tons of statistics, time will pass, and eventually people will give up. Rest assured, the whole media and medical machinery will be employed to ensure this end. It is a moot point as yet whether or not they will succeed. If Russia wins, they will not.
    The vulnerable and the elderly, who are eating up too much of the taxpayer money, were first targetted for the mRNA even though they were never at risk from Covid because Covid does not exist. The renamed ‘flu does exist, but it could not be relied upon to cause the death toll the vaccine would. Once that target group was injected, more media propaganda was manufactured and so they moved on to the next groups. Now they are after the children, babies even, not one, or two, but three or four injections or maybe more because who knows now what is in that needle someone is pushing into your arm ‘for your protection ‘ any more than a heroin addict does. Note well that this whole mRNA injection programme targetted only the 5Eyes and Europe. Russia and China have used their own ‘vaccine’.
    The population may not yet be sure what has been done but eventually the truth will come out. The truth that every MP in the government, every overpaid, overprivileged bureaucrat, the wealthy who are wealthy because of offshore accounts and devious business practises, that not one of them is working for the population of their country but are owned, body and especially soul by entities represented by the WEF.

  7. t Yep the mainstream party’s need to go and be replaced by people who put our interests front and centre. This bunch are a disgrace in my view….

  8. Every single MP sitting in parliament on whatever side of the house is guilty. In WW2 they called them collaborators. They have made it clear that they do NOT represent the people.
    It is a shocking, appalling betrayal.
    They must stand up and speak out or resign.

  9. I only recently learnt that the DHBs still have vaccine mandates in place. A recent job here in Canterbury required the candidate to be up to date with their vaccines – how many that is I don’t know.

  10. Excellent article…my exact thought as well. Why, just why no one is talking about vaccine injuries and those affected by it. Why the current residing mp’s aren’t saying anything. Such cowards and self importance bunch. How they ever got these positions? Weak leaders make a weak nation. So frustrating when everywhere else few are standing up for the people but not in NZ…bunch of cowards.

  11. Meanwhile….. our dear leader comrade Ardern and the snow king Clarke are making snow angels in Antartica!! Oh and checking out the progress made in preparation for the climate change hoax that is on the horizon. Be patient little Neve mummy and daddy will be home soon you will recognise mummy because of her big… well you know…and daddy is the one with white powder under his nose …. Talcum powder I mean ???? They are on very important business don’t you know, cuddling up to save space, and thinking up new ways to f**k the country and the people in it. Don’t worry love they will be back to ignore you as soon as they can and things will be back to normal… how do I know this I hear you ask? Easy… cause mummy promised

  12. I like ‘The Wicked Witch of the WEF’ excellent name for Jabby Ardern, sums her up completely. Yes it is remarkable (perhaps not) that New Zealand politicians are so deathly quite over this whole sorry saga. Not one of them with the guts to say anything about this horror movie we are living in.

    I guess they in some way feel it’s now too late, or just hope it will in time just go away. They will of course discover the answer to their dilemma, and and how Kiwis feel about their lack of action some time next year…

  13. There are no sufficient words (without swearing) to describe the politicians in the Beehive who obediently swarm round Queen Bee
    to cover up the most despicable crime she has covered up in NZ’s history – treason – to “knock off” countless kiwis because she sold
    herself to the WEF, OWG, NWO. What demonic devil drives her for the sake of a few million dollars for the betrayal of a nation?
    But the truth will be known, so, get ready, get that special chair plugged in and warmed up!

  14. We are adults too. How dare they assume that we are unable to decide what we should believe, say and do. We see through all the lies, the harms and divisions they create. It is just a matter of time now when we will stand up together and prove where the disinformation actually comes from. As for elections we will ignore those who ignored the people who went peacefully to parliament to voice their concerns. Why would you want to vote for them when they put their noses up at the people who pay their wages. Is it because WHO is paying them a lot more . Look at how msm have supported their one source of crap. we now know the jabs dont stop the spread and have caused families a lot of grief instead. Also dont forget the treatment of the tokelau people who refused the experimental jab.


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