Police is beginning the nationwide roll-out of its ‘highly successful’ Tactical Response Model (TRM).
TRM is a safety system designed to ensure the frontline is trained, equipped, and supported to keep themselves and communities safer.
It was created as part of the Frontline Safety Improvement Programme following the death of Constable Matthew Hunt during a traffic stop in Massey in June 2020.
Late last year Cabinet agreed to release funding for the implementation of the model nationally.
Police Commissioner Andrew Coster said a successful trial as well as ongoing engagement with frontline officers, partner agencies and community leaders has given Police the confidence to proceed with a national rollout.
“The model has been trialed in Northland, Counties Manukau, Waikato and Central Districts for the past year,” Coster said.
“An evaluation of the trial shows TRM works. Trial districts experienced fewer assaults against and injuries to frontline staff, fewer incidents requiring the use of force and fewer complaints about the use of tactical options.
“The policing the public will see under TRM will be the same as they see now, but those causing the most harm in our communities will feel the difference.
“I want to assure our communities that Police remains an unarmed service.
“The rollout includes enhanced tactical capability with Offender Prevention Teams and two-person Tactical Dog Teams coming on board in each district, ongoing tactical training for the frontline, and risk-based intelligence-led deployment.”
The model will be implemented from March 2023, as each district reaches the level of required readiness.
My oh my, how the problems of the Goon Squad from 20 years ago have been forgotten…!
This is the Militarisation of the NZ Police!!!, just like in Israel, the U.S., and in protions of Canada and the U.K.!
Notice how this was formed just in time for an election year????
OR- are they going after dissenters similar to the false narratives used to lock-up the J-6ers?
This is so the NZ Police can actively participate in Operation Katipo to quash the dissent of the people who vote for the Minor Political parties in the event that the Minor Parties score big this election year, and remove the globalist threats and influences of both Labour and National!
& BTW: where is Jabby??? The media no longer mentions the creature, but me thinks that the Stuart nash episodes will reveal much more about the Jabby Government as the corruptions are brought forth.
“Risk Based Led Tactical Deployment’ = “Which undesirable can we door bash safely without someone retaliating against the threats we pose to them and their families?”
“I want to assure communities that Police remains an UNarmed service”. = Bullshit! Read the definition of ‘Tactical’…
“…proceeding with a national roll-out” = gradualism in action, hopefully such will go unnoticed until your doors are kicked-in SMERSH style with ‘Tactical Combat Boots’…!
Remember; the gangs are armed with full-auto and semi-auto, but as for law abiding firearms licence holders, you will still be punished under…(you guessed it!) GRADUALISM, with increased renewal fees, more restrictions on parts & ammo, and limiting the quantity of what you can purchase.
Aleksander Solzhenytsyn noted in the GULAG that had everyone been armed in the former Soviet Union, the Red Terror would NEVER have happened, as the SMERSH / GRU / KGB would be very hesitant to go out at midnight into an armed population not knowing IF they would return home the following morning. Russians who turned in their arms circa 1918 suffered 65 million Russians dead for doing so.
I wonder IF 3D printers are next to be outlawed, as you can now 3D print handguns, parts, etc…!
Tactical Police with a government that wants to be the one source of information; “Vaccines are safe and effective …”
I actually feel sorry for the Police as they are caught between a rock and a hard place, the government on one side and the people on the other.
Everyone makes their own choices ,so you reap what you sow
So where was their Tactical Response in Auckland. Or was it a Tactical Retreat from a bunch of sexual deviants.
Time to get rid of the police hierarchy and replace the present lot with a less politicised, less woke more grown up model.
I couldn’t agree more!
Sounds para military to me. Whats just as troubling about this, is the lack of accountability on the part of the police in NZ and their tendency to act as handmaidens of political interests. Another alarming development in a country that looks more and more authoritarian, by the day.
Time to stop voting for globalist lap dogs.
In light of how police behaved at the protests in Wellington, this WILL mean that we will see police that looks like military thugs, full body armor, all the ‘tactical’ gear at hand to subdue any protest and later wipe up any singled-out protestor. NZ police: Are you with the people or the bullshitician elite crowd?
The police don’t give a 💩 about communities except the rainbow one. They proved that on Saturday.
The police have officially lost the respect of the general population because of this.
It is really sad, because I always thought of police as helpers of the people.
Wellington and now Auckland changed my view.
So sad.
And dangerous.