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Sarfati sends fluoridation ultimatum to Whangarei District Council

Sarfati fluoridation news

Whangārei District Council (WDC) is standing firm against government-imposed fluoridation, despite mounting pressure and legal threats from Director-General of Health Dr. Diana Sarfati.

In what many see as an overreach of government authority, Sarfati has warned the council that she could bypass local governance and forcibly fluoridate the city’s water, even threatening legal action and hefty financial penalties.

WDC voted in December against fluoridation, prioritising public health concerns and the community’s right to decide.

However, Sarfati has dismissed their objections, insisting fluoridation is “non-negotiable” and hinting at using a High Court writ to override the council’s decision.

Ratepayers now face nearly $5 million in potential costs, a financial burden stemming from bureaucrats in Wellington refusing to respect local autonomy.

WDC Mayor Vince Cocurullo argues that forcibly imposing fluoridation strips residents of their say on a crucial public health matter.

With a crucial council meeting looming, Whangārei’s fight against fluoridation is becoming a battleground for the broader issue of central government interference in local decision-making.

Many countries around the world have rejected or discontinued water fluoridation due to growing concerns over its potential health risks.

Nations such as Sweden, Denmark, the Netherlands, and Germany have opted against fluoridation, citing ethical considerations and the availability of fluoride through other means like toothpaste.

Increasingly, scientific studies are raising red flags about fluoride’s impact on human health, particularly in children.

Research, including multiple studies funded by the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH), has linked prenatal and early childhood fluoride exposure to a reduction in IQ and cognitive development.

A 2019 study published in JAMA Pediatrics found that higher fluoride levels in pregnant women were associated with lower IQ scores in their children.

Additionally, fluoride is recognised as a neurotoxin by leading toxicologists, with concerns over its potential role in thyroid dysfunction, skeletal fluorosis, and kidney impairment.

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  1. Wow this dictator would be quite at home in Stalin’s Soviet Union or Chairman Mao’s China. This is not democratic New Zealand.

    • Dictator Safarti’s directive is straight out of the Marxist/Communist handbook whereby everything is subjected to centralised control. In a democracy power is decentralised with the people having more control over their lives. This woman is just another tyrant of which the country has seen many over the last five years.

  2. Fluoride- the main ingredient in rat poisons.
    It also calcifies the Pineal Gland deep inside the human brain…
    It was used in Nazi Konzentration Kamps, and added in high quantities into the drinking water in order to keep the prisoner’s minds dulled and dumbed-down, making the prison / kamp populations easier to manage.
    Fluoride drops IQ’s by as much as 20%.
    Last but certainly not least in the ‘Great Plan’ and ‘Great Reset’-
    The possible ‘end result’? Look at the Year 2025 in the first Deagel Chart.
    Now…couple this with the Covid Vaccine Mortality rates-

  3. People have the power don’t pay your rates Ī.f they forcibly fluoridate your water Whangārei your great.dot let these power crazy idiots push poison into your water .

  4. Packed halls and standing ovations! Fluoride free New Zealand
    I am pleased to report that the talks by Michael Connett are going really well. We’ve had packed halls and standing ovations. People are really surprised at how good these talks are – so if he’s coming to a town near you, don’t miss it.
    Council Updates
    So far, Michael has met with the Whangarei councillors and other councillors in the area including the Kaipara mayor, five Western Bay of Plenty councillors, and the Rotorua district councillors.
    Each time the councillors have asked really good questions, but all have expressed how difficult they are finding the Government directive that carries with it the threat of huge fines.
    In Whangarei, the CE has managed to schedule a meeting for Monday morning (10 Feb) in another attempt to have the councillors change their mind about rejecting the directive. We hope the councillors will hold their ground.
    In Rotorua, after a private meeting, the mayor and councillors voted unanimously to write to the Minister of Health requesting that the Minister directs the Director General of Health to withdraw the directive until a public enquiry into the health and environmental impacts and risks is completed and its findings reported to Parliament. (see Rotorua Daily Post).
    We would like to see all directed councils taking action. A letter signed by multiple councils asking the Director General of Health to answer serious questions around safety and advice given to the Minister of Health that the council will not start fluoridation until the DG can provide satisfactory answers.
    Parliamentary Petition and Meeting with NZ First MPs
    We finally have a date for our Parliamentary Petition. Winston Peters will be accepting our petition on Tuesday the 11th of February at 11am at Parliament grounds. After that Michael will be meeting with Tanya Unkovich, Jenny Marcroft and Jamie Arbuckle. Michael will be explaining to them the significance of the court case he won and the importance of stopping fluoridation. We will be explaining why they should be working toward repealing the Amendment to the Health Act that gave decision making to the Director General of Health, Ms Sarfati!

    • 18pc rates rise this year in Whangarei (for our house at least) without the price we may have to pay for no flouridation. If they back down in council though it is gloves off I would think. 1 out of 7 adults refused the jab in Northland, and under 12 year old rates of covid jab were under half

      • Have a look at water distillers if you have some cash to spare. They’re fairly cheap on Amazon.

        Basically a big jug with a kettle element underneath and a tiny refrigerator on top. Water gets boiled into vapour and then condensed back into liquid. Removes ALL fluoride (and whatever else they’re adding to the municipal supply). Vastly improves the taste too.

        I have 2 of them and they’re amazing.

        PS if you open up the distiller halfway through the process and have a look at the black chemical soup that’s actually being pulled out of the water you’ll be horrified.

  5. When it comes to my family’s health, nobody, and I mean NOBODY, will interfere with that.
    You FAFO!
    Who the HELL are these cretins riding the parasite train?
    Who the HELL are these cretins still thinking that they can keep riding the parasite train?
    Not very intelligent, otherwise they would know how historically the tyranny cookie will crumble.
    On a bigger scale, that might be just what was missing in contemporary Darwinism: Too much mutation, not enough selection.
    ….just look at the creatures……..

  6. Bloomfield will have his arm up to his elbow entrenched up Sarfati’s anus. Bloomfield is a true enemy of New Zealand and he needs to be held for treason. A mob lynching is on the cards.

  7. WARNING No one pays attention to the old lesson’s learned. Poisoning the wells is an old trick.
    We are back in the middle ages – but the populace doesn’t realise it.

    • So am I, Council meeting today Feb 12th 9am regarding this, hope theres a few people there to support the councillors that voted against adding Fluoride to the water.

  8. We should spoon feed that toxic poison to our health minister she is f*** anyway, an other woman in our political circus with overreach of government agenda.

  9. Can’t the Council tell the Dictator-General of Health that they no longer wish to be a drinking water supplier. Give her a couple of weeks notice that the taps will be turned off.

    She won’t be able to take the Council to Court if they no longer run the water supply. She will also have a hard time finding an enterprise to take over the water supply at short notice. Call her bluff.

    Someone should also point out to her that subjecting New Zealanders to medical and scientific experimentation breeches the Bill of Rights Act.

  10. In the meantime, one may need to protect one’s family from fluoride and fluorine poisoning, as well as psychotropic drugs being introduced into the drinking water to ‘control the masses’…!
    Fluoride was placed in the water supplies on the Nazi Konzentration Kamps in order to keep the prisoners / inmates / labourers dulled and dumbed-down, making them easier to control…!
    (Note- the Schulz-Staffel or the S.S., ran these Kamps as a private business, similar to those entities that have been contracted-out to run and manage the various prisons globally…).
    We would suggest a Big Berkey, British Berkfeld or an Alexapure gravity- fed chambered water systems, with the addition of the PF-2 filters that remove 99.8% of the fluoride, lead, and various drugs on a molecular scale.
    Here are the GOVERNMENT studies showing Fluoride and Fluorine are harmful to humans-
    For other fluoride-related news co-joined with other events, check these out-

  11. I admire Whangarei council they have balls unlike the soft c…s of woke Tauranga.
    Stay hard Whangarei.
    How can the rest of NZ support you?

    • An Ashley Bloomfield acolyte; plus she’s slightly cross eyed and strangely resemblant of Sinead Boucher who bought nz stuff for $1.00. Who’d have thought?


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