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Friday, October 18, 2024

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Watch: Stuff.co.nz accused of manipulating video to conceal police brutality at Parliament Protest

Accused of being a Government funded COVID propaganda unit by many, Stuff.co.nz manipulated a video to cover up police brutality, according to independent media outlet Freehive.

The misleading video, with commentary provided by Chantelle Baker via Freehive, concealed footage of a policeman provoking a protester with a punch, and then savagely eye-gouging him as the victim, who was caught at the forefront of a surging crowd, could not free his hands. With the officer’s actions blocked out by Stuff.co.nz graphics, the resulting video appeared to show the protester as the instigator of the violence, when in fact, he was naturally reacting to the officer’s brutal assault.

Read more: Stuff.co.nz Editor Responds to Eye-Gouge Video Manipulation Claims

With rising levels of disdain and distrust in the legacy mainstream media both here and abroad becoming more prevalent, Stuff.co.nz’s actions are sure to add further fuel to a fire that’s already blazing hot.

In the year to April 2021, Stuff Ltd, publisher of Stuff.co.nz received $2.37 million from the government’s ‘media support package’.

Daily Telegraph NZ understands the victim is Twitter user @5to1pvpast.


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  1. stuff.co.nz is owned by Fairfax Australia, a UN Foundation media partner. Maybe the UN funds them along with their appeal that appears for readers to donate. Inaccurate reporting from what is now essentially a government department, is something I no longer check in with. Its a government tool that equates to Pravda.

  2. No surprises there. Grubby little tabloid. How dare you!!!!!!! Blood thirsty demons the lot of you!!!!! You are just another embarrassment to this country. Does your lying know no bounds. Oh and you got a chunk of money and your still scabbing off the citizen’s you sh.t on. Absolute filth!!!!!

  3. There needs to be a police investigation into what stuff has done. Tampering with evidence and deliberately ruining the injured mans reputation. To cover up police brutality is also a crime. I hope they invested the propaganda money they got from the government wisely, because when he takes them to court and sues them, there will be eff all left. Serve them right!!!!!

  4. The media reported there’s around 1000 people at the protest in Parliament grounds. Now its being talked about as a super spreader event they’re reporting the numbers are in the thousands. Its amazing what the transfer of taxpayer money to the media can achieve. Creative accounting.

  5. I’ve just heard that 40,000 Chinese soldiers, on loan from the PLA, are due in Wellington tomorrow to help Comrade Ardern drive off the occupation camp. All patriots should get to Wellington NOW. Tomorrow will be too late.

      • There’ll be visual evidence when the march down Lambton Quay today…or is it tomorrow?

        With a fly over of fifteen Chengdu J-20’s which are currently stationed at Ohakea.

        I wouldn’t make it up….

        • Oh yes, you would Alice, you would. Rather invest your time in being a useful citizen and do something positive with your energy and keyboard.


          Merriam-Webster definition of ‘troll’ : a person who intentionally antagonises others online by posting inflammatory, irrelevant, or offensive comments or other disruptive content

          Oxford Learner Dictionary definition of ‘troll’ :
          ​”(in Scandinavian stories) a creature that looks like an ugly person. Some trolls are very large and evil, others are small and friendly but like to trick people.

          ​(informal) a message to a discussion group on the internet that somebody deliberately sends to make other people angry; a person who sends a message like this.”

  6. I watched it all on the day the Police “arrested” 160+ at Parliament.
    That was thuggery in action and lawyers for the arrested will be dealing with this in Court for years to come. There will surely be actions for damages.

    The Police seemed to be split in two. One team linked to each other in front and individuals walking around behind. Those behind appeared to be the instigators of trouble. They walked along eyeing the protestors who were friendly. They stopped and nodded and on of them launched themselves at the feet of a protestor in the crowd. That brought the person down backwards into the people behind. At the same time a bucket of Police who had watched the nod were all over the victim. It was not the same for all but it was brutal. They stamped and climbed all over the person. It was announced that 3 victims required hospital treatment.
    These episodes were all recorded live by counterspinmedia.com and I expect are archived.

    That day will be recorded in the annals of NZ as one of infamy.
    I understand 9 Police resigned the following day. The facts about that are uncertain but there should have been more including the Police Commissioner and local Commander.

    It was a really horrifying display of brutality by NZ Police. I did not report it at the time as lawyers for the arrested will not let this pass.

    • Nobody resigned.

      I spoke to one of those involved with the police that day. He was a bit bruised. I asked him what was he planning to do once he had breached the police line. He seemed to have no idea and had not considered the possible legal consequences of entering Parliament. I was struck by how naive he was about the position he had put himself in.


    • Kevin, you mentioned Counterspin Media. Are you aware of the following?

      ” Counterspin Media have gone full mask off today and are promoting a “documentary” that claims the Christchurch shooting was a government orchastrated “false flag”

      These are the people backing the protest in Wellington. Any decent person should leave the protest now. ”

      Any comment?



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