The Health and Disability Commission (HDC) has found that a woman’s rights were violated when her right fallopian tube was removed without her informed consent during a surgery in February 2019.
The woman, referred to as Ms. B, had consented in writing to the removal of her left ovary and left fallopian tube. However, the surgeon, Dr. A, made the decision to also remove the right fallopian tube due to a perceived cancer risk, discussing this with the woman only moments before the surgery while she was under stress.
Ms. B was unaware of the right fallopian tube’s removal until a year later, when an ultrasound technician informed her during a scan. Her GP later confirmed the removal of both fallopian tubes and the left ovary.
Deputy Health and Disability Commissioner Dr. Vanessa Caldwell criticised the surgeon for not fully explaining the risks, benefits, and options surrounding the additional procedure, particularly its impact on the woman’s fertility.
Caldwell also highlighted that the written consent form was not updated to reflect the surgical change, and a surgical safety checklist was not followed, pointing to systemic issues within Health NZ.
The report recommended that Dr. A issue a formal apology to the woman and complete educational modules on informed consent. Additionally, Health NZ was advised to audit its informed consent practices for compliance.
Image credit: Hush Naidoo Jade Photography
Brought to you by the same people that pushed an injectable untested bio-weapon.
Could one have expected anything less?
Oh dear. That pesky informed consent problem again.
Q. Whats the difference between God and a surgeon?
A. God doesn’t think he’s a surgeon.
All an indirect part of ‘population reduction’??? as per the Deagel Forecast!
Similar to vasectomies and abortions performed in a trailer at the recent Demoncratic Nazional Convention in Chicongo…
Come and get your Monkey / Primate-Pox vaccine, and they’ll give you a pack of Oreos, similar to the make-up of projected U.S. neighbourhoods where the Zombified cat-eating imports are living on both sides of the white vanilla fillings who are melting away into extinction via Zionist de-population of Whitey, as Whitey knows what the Zionists are doing with ‘Mass Migrations’.
Medical corporation is for the most only interested in money