It was a true team effort to rescue an injured tramper from the Ruahine Ranges recently.
The woman was tramping with her husband when she slipped on loose rock and badly injured her ankle near Longview Hut late on Friday (3 February).
Her husband put up a tent on the track for shelter and a team of LandSAR volunteers trekked through pouring rain to reach the couple and ensure the woman’s safety.
As the weather was too wet for the rescue helicopter to operate, two more teams went in early on Saturday and the woman was stretchered out.

Hawke’s Bay Police Search and Rescue Coordinator Detective Alex Simister says two Police search and rescue and nine LandSAR volunteers took part in the rescue, and more LandSAR volunteers were standing by ready to go if needed.
He says it was a great response from the LANDSAR volunteers to rescue the injured woman, who is recovering at home.