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Monday, March 10, 2025

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Watch: Ardern talks gun control with US talk show host Stephen Colbert

Jacinda Ardern talks to The Late Night Show host Stephen Colbert about the New Zealand government response to gun control in the wake of the Christchurch terrorist attack.


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  1. All the left wokes are taking advantage of this tragedy. Every day, some shooting happens in US. Many are mentally ill and over medicated. It is not the guns alone; US society has lost morals; polarised; not much trust in leaders; everyone knows the deep state and corruption. US is hardly a democracy (for the people and by the people). Voting process does not ensure democracy at all. Jacinda is another example of this.

  2. Those poor children aren’t even cold yet.

    They really are vile, opportunistic Lizard people, aren’t they. Utterly disgusting.

  3. Nothing aboiut burgeoning gun crime in NZ. Nothing about ram raids. Just more flim flam by the leading exponent of the art.

  4. We need leaders with dignity and not show pieces. Both Key and Jacinda are just manipulators. They dont think they represent the country when they appear in this type of shows. Leaders are supposed to inspire people.

    It is only a matter of time our dresses in meat, following the example of Lady Gaga, in order to promote beef exports! If a product is of good quality, it will sell by itself as long as there is no artificial trade barrier. US preaches trade frade but it is most protected country and corrupt in terms of lobbies to stop free trade.

  5. The root cause was the neonazis in Ukarine and other Eastern Euro countries who inspired the ChCh shooter. Jacinda is now funding and traning a neonazi regime in Ukraine. Zelensky banned all political parties except the neonazi parties. What a farce.

  6. How can a person who, in a video as leader of the global socialist youth, praised the terrorist groups Polisario and FARC be considered a rational and credible source of advice on gun control? She actually supported armed terrorist groups, armed narco terrorist groups.
    She suppressed the CHCH murderer’s manifesto so that none of us are able to see what a deranged lunatic he is, similarly her paid censor has suppressed mass murderer’s manifestos from overseas wherein he talks about aliens and being inspired by non-existent beings, preferring instead to have them described as white supremacists by her toady lame stream media.

  7. Have never seen such a hideous, malevolent ‘government’ in NZ – or anywhere else for that matter. No. Mean. Feat. I’ll give ’em that much. Truly, they look like the cast of one of those sadistic, psychopathic horror shlockers from the 1980s. There really is a ‘dark Side’ to this Universe and it has its own denizens. Utter EVIL. God help New Zealanders now. They’re trapped like mice in a sealed lab with pitiless psycopaths.

  8. She cant even talk to her people and yet she tells the world about us, she talks about the gun register as though its going to take guns of the streets, only the law abiding citizens will hand in their rifles, so please tell me how do you think most of these weapons are getting into gangs and criminal hands by our ports of course because the security on our ports are bad they have gang members working on the wharf’s in NZ through casual labour hire companies that is fact. She is a joke to much reaction not enough thoughtful planning. I love how she couldn’t wait to get out of NZ when most kiwis are having a really bad time, she concentrated to much on corvid but forgot about everything else, why because it was much easy to control than worry about the real important issues that have now hit NZ. The American woke media put her on a stool but kiwis see the real you here back in NZ.


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