Whangārei Hospital’s emergency department declared a “Code Black” after reaching 156 percent capacity, with 50 patients in a space designed for 32.
Health New Zealand confirmed the hospital continues to accept new patients despite the critical status, saying that anyone needing emergency care will be treated.
According to a report in legacy media the hospital uses a colour-coded system to manage emergency department pressures, and while “Code Black” signals a critical situation, it is a dynamic measure that can change rapidly.
The overcrowding is partly due to increased patient arrivals and workload shifts from smaller rural hospitals facing their own staffing challenges.
Bay of Islands Hospital, facing a doctor shortage, has downgraded services for the weekend.
Health New Zealand clarified that these transfers were due to patient “acuity” rather than staffing issues. The declaration of “Code Black” is a critical management response to severe overcrowding and is not limited to the emergency department, though there are no current indications that procedures or operations will be delayed at Whangārei Hospital.
Health Minister Shane Reti has declined to comment on the situation.
Does anyone else wonder how bad things will have to get until some basic truths are acknowledged? To be clear I’m talking about the public here as gov are unlikely to do this despite any outcomes the covid enquiry may or may not find (not). With excess deaths running at 10% over historical averages (as Guy Hatchard has explained magnificently), how many more need to die before the public revolt? I naively thought this would have happened some time ago but I guess what I think is needed is not the view of the general population.
Do you remember the chapter from 1984 when Winston Smith heard an uproar from the proles, at first hoping they were rising up, only to realise they would never revolt? I think New Zealand is also too much “little Britain”, which Orwell was really commenting upon, for that to happen.
Yes the UK once had a civil war but it was the political establishment turned against itself, not the ordinary people. There is something fundamentally subservient about the public there and I think its been transplanted here, too. A conformist apathy, that is almost impossible to overcome.
Wtf are you guys on about. Our coalition are great. Its the Labour, greens, maori filth that is in control of our Healthcare. They were told to cut costs and focus on healthcare ONLY. But they are such diversity hires so are incompetent. The health administration needs a big purge of diversity hires and woke incompetence.
All due respect Michelle, our coalition just the other day started relaxing GMO restrictions and making it so that manufacturers no longer need to disclose all “ingredients” on food labels 💉🦠
They are the other cheek of the same 🫏
Hi Chuck, 💯%.
The political class will never be honest about the destruction they have inflicted on the masses.
Sadly I gather so many people are now on such struggle street that having the energy / appetite / means to withstand the constant belittling from the blissfully ignorant masses is a step too far????
Here’s an idea…….
Get healthy…….
Exercise 4-5 times per week……
Eat real food only……
Avoid alcohol ……
Then the system would not be under so much pressure.
Cancer for example, doesn’t work that way. If anyone lives long enough or is inadvertently exposed to something, then there’s a likelihood of illness. Doesn’t mater if you live a healthy lifestyle. One the subject of which cancer is “five times” more survivable under the Australia health system than NZ’s. (NZ govt figures if you were wondering).
Can still be fit and healthy with alcohol lol
Gosh. The “health” system is imploding…
Doctors are “baffled”
The biggest crime in the history of the world is invisible to them…. because they are responsible. 💉💔♿☠️🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈
Luckily we are not baffled. Just censored.
I have zero faith in their “health” system which kills.
Zero faith in the justice system which criminalises.
Zero faith in the police corporation which protects the criminals and criminalises the innocent.
I have zero faith in a “democratically elected government” which dictates the agenda of foreign bodies onto our peoples.
Mass pre meditated murder, democide, voids ALL AUTHORITY TO GOVERN.
This invading infestation of cultist agents is unlawful and without authority.
We are within our rights to defend ourselves and our country using any means necessary to obliterate this infestation.
The treasonous agents posing as leaders must now be made to understand.
I’m of the mind that these so called governments want to see healthcare fail in this country. Why? Best guess is to pressure people to move to private care and then say “see, everyone is private, we should follow the US and make our national system private, too!”
There will be arguments about funding, ageing populations, internationally competitive salaries for health workers, all of which will ignore the exorbitant taxes Kiwi’s are already paying, which includes robbing people of free tertiary education and pushing out the retirement age.
Of course, ask the average Kiwi to stop voting against their own self interest and they will tell you “its a wasted vote”. Time to make plans to leave for happier, more sensible shores.
As an outlier to your well honed intuition I’d say failing healthcare means more sick & dying which means more available real estate, sick and dying people are more easily coerced by ‘carers’, ‘counsellors’ and the like.
Stay cynical.
Where are the photos of the over crowding. Some woke joke can call it a MAJOR CRISIS and we are expected to believe it. If the NZ mainstream media wrote it, then it is 98% a lie.
All true comments, from differing perspectives, however no one yet has pointed out that we live in an unique biosphere ( maybe even differing from North Island to South Island) which cannot be compared to anywhere else in the world, coupled with an unique mindset, overlaid by thought influences regarding facts to be taken for granted and other voices suppressed. Barry Young springs to mind immediately. But we live in an age of rapidly evolving tech which can produce deep fakes unbelievable to the average TV viewer. A 3D rubber face mask can be printed within hours, one could then appear to be someone completely different and demand to be treated as such. So no, maybe the person you thought raped you was actually a completely different cat. So let’s calm down and look at the environment we all share and consider, maybe there are other factors to be included when diagnosing and preventing illness in the first instance. As a nation, we do tend to idolise the feline sector. (I take this is a throwback to the anglo-centric thought patterns as Globalistssuck points out) A gentleman in Wellington recently proposed culling feral cats and he was practically lynched. Feral cats, however, spread a disease called toxoplasmosis, a miniscule parasite which they deposit in the soil when they defecate. We are all encouraged to grow our own food however, the slightest contact with infected soil and the parasite has gained entry to the human host who would then go on to develop heart disease, other organ failures and neurological disorders. There are other miniscule parasites at large which can penetrate the skin; we do not have the kind of sub-arctic winters which will freeze them out of existence.
So if you are still ambulatory and a gardener, wear gloves…at all times.
Nobody wants to address the elephant in the room – vaccine related illness.