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Thursday, March 13, 2025

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‘You don’t deserve respect’: Laws calls for Ardern to be stripped of damehood

The Platform host and former MP Michael Laws lambasted former Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern for her new initiative, ‘Field,’ which promotes leadership with ‘kindness and empathy.’

Earlier today Ardern publicly revealed Field, which aimed to ‘promote leadership based on kindness and empathy’. She said it would become a network for political leaders who prefer ‘pragmatic idealism and aim to unite people rather than divide them.’

In the fiery video Laws accused Ardern of hypocrisy and questioned her self-awareness, stating, “This from a woman who rendered tens of thousands of New Zealanders second-class citizens by direct policy.”

Ardern’s past actions during her tenure, particularly her handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, contradicted the values she now claims to champion, Laws argued.

He also highlighted the impact of Ardern’s policies, mentioning the significant personal and social divisions they caused.

Laws concluded by suggesting that Ardern’s damehood should be stripped due to the harm she inflicted and her continued misrepresentation of her actions and intentions.

“There are no words that can possibly in any way describe the hypocrisy, the sheer hyperbolic lack of awareness, of self-respect, of the damage that this woman has caused in her trail. That woman should have her damehood stripped from her.”

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  1. Careful Michael, you’re being far too honest and accurate regarding the ‘safe and effective’ experimental MRNA injections.

    Sean Plunket might have to call you a ‘cooker’.

  2. I’m proud to be a second-class citizen (unvaccinated) and I wear my (virtual) yellow star with pride. Ardern laughed out loud when she admitted that she wanted to create a two-tier society. Hipkins wanted to hunt down the unvaccinated.

    I do not know who to feel sorry for the most – the unvaccinated that could not work or see friends in bars or restaurants or cinemas and had to use savings just to survive, or the vaccinated, who could work and see friends but some of whom have already died, some are maimed, and some have life changing injuries and some are yet to “die suddenly”.

    We should feel compassion and empathy for what the vaccinated and unvaccinated have been through because we’ve all be screwed over, and contempt for the people who have abused us and put us through this. This is real abuse here, physical and psychological abuse. This is abuse like parents (government) abuse children (citizens).

    So, do we have only a legal system, or do we actually have a justice system? When will justice be done, if ever? Will we see a comprehensive criminal investigation into what has happened? Until the leaders of our world are changed to people who “carry the light”, I doubt it but I carry hope.

    • I too am unvaccinated for Covid. This is due to being adversely impacted by a different vaccine on the schedule. My GP requested an exemption which was duly declined as not fitting the criteria. My entire family were at risk of adverse reactions. Today my entire family are dealing with heart, thrombocytopenia and cancer diagnosis’s post vaccination. (Except for me..the Covid unvaccinated)
      I will never forgive or forget how Jacinda treated us. How she ignored those who were brave enough to travel to Wellington prepared to discuss their concerns but were left unheard and treated as irrelevant. As I watched from the comfort of my home I simply could not believe what unfolded. The criticism, the threats, the mandates and the relentless spin.
      I continue to lie awake each night worried for my family and their future and the overwhelmed health system while Jacinda scoots around the world on a quest for popularity and notoriety.
      There’s a stark contrast here and I am sure I am not alone with this.
      We have learnt to live with Covid. Yet ultimately, it was Jacinda who controlled the narrative, resigned and left the debris behind for others to endure.

    • Michael Laws has spoken for New Zealand. This video deserves not only to go viral but to be watched by Ardern first thing every morning until she takes her last breath.

  3. She is just like every other Western leader, deliberately oblivious, arrogant, Low IQ, brain dead idiots. It’s all about pretend, fakeness, gaslighting and information manipulation. From Biden, to Scholz, to van der Leyen, Albanese, Macron, Trudeau and Ardern, all compromised losers who are highly unpopular, installed by rigged elections and mass propaganda. Evil doers who have sold out and destroyed their cultures and nations, then pretend life goes on and they have done nothing wrong

  4. Michael nailed it.

    Personally I wish she would just F**k right off.

    The cognitive dissonance from this narcissistic creature is unbelievable.

    For starters she really has no idea how much she is hated. My husband met someone the other day whose brother died from the vaccine and this dude was NOT HAPPY. He got quite animated when he talked about how angry he was about what this former leader of ours inflicted on his family. Make no mistake Jacinda, how can I say this nicely…..you are DELUDED if you think you can live in this country, you are DELUDED if you haven’t yet realised that people despise you more than anything they have ever despised and to THINK you have the AUDACITY to talk about kindness and uniting people after what you did to this country is quite simply UNBELIEVABLE. 😡😡😡😡😡

  5. This grinning gargoyle of a woman knows exactly what she has done to this country. It was part of the plan. It was why she was fast tracked into the top job. She is a minion of Klaus Schwab and he also made it quite plain what he intended to do, and that she was part of his cabal. She knows she is the most hated woman in New Zealand, like Trudeau is hated in Canada, Macron in France, and Biden, who is also the laughing stock of the world. But they don’t care what sheep think. They run the media propaganda arm of governments, the police, and an army of snoopers, sneaks and squealers who are living amongst us. You will eventually believe what they say is true if you know what is good for you.
    FIELD is the latest attempt to gaslight the citizens by changing the words or the meanings of words. How many people have suddenly found themselves labelled ‘far right’ or ‘extremist’ simply for saying what a woman is? When did refusing to be injected with an experimental venom suddenly make you an anti-vaxxer, a term of opprobrium which can get you shut out of society? You know yourself how you self censor now before you open your mouth. We all live in Wonderland now.
    “When I use a word,’ Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, ‘it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less.’
    ’The question is,’ said Alice, ‘whether you can make words mean so many different things.’
    ’The question is,’ said Humpty Dumpty, ‘which is to be master — that’s all.”

  6. This globalist penetrator should be jailed or executed.
    Utterly groomed
    Utterly emplaced.
    Utterly programned to execute the plandemic.
    This saboteur led the charge of destruction of our nation. She spearheaded our downfall towards satanic transhumanism.
    Jail is too good for it.
    One last tour of shame to appear in stocks installed in public areas where all these saboteurs can appear one by one to face the public they foistered slow burning murder onto.
    None will ever be able to walk freely in our nation ever again and ALL SABOTEURS ARE NOW ON NOTICE FOR LIFE.

  7. Michael, that speech will go down in history next to Martin Luther King Jr “I Have a dream”. Every word absolutely true. With the power of the internet, billions of social media and thankfully free media outlets like Daily Telegraph NZ, this speech will open the eyes and hearts of just so many people who have lost loved ones to this straight out murder campaign. There is no secret about the reduction of people on the planet. Right now I have a mate who went to the hospital last week. He has turbo cancer throughout his body. And now only has a few weeks to live. He had multiple injections on the safe and effective promise from Jacinda Kate Laurell Ardern. The real leaders of the world will throw her and the so-called experts under the bus without a blink. The knighthood, Damehood should go to people like Barry Young, Liz Gunn. My message to this government is time is short. Step up and lead this nation and the world in a new reform. It will take a new level of morel toughness. There is no sitting on the fence. Pick a side or step aside Luxton! If you want to put some distance between yourself and the truth, allow an open review of the covid and injections move forward.

  8. I agree with most of this, except for the Idea that it is hypocrisy the she exhibits, no she knows and knew what she was and is doing. This is just another organization that will be pushing the globalist agenda. As for the Damehood she was given it for services to inhumanity so it will never be taken away. I just want to see her rotting in a jail cell for the rest of her natural.

  9. Screwed this country over, with the support of pretty much all the rest of the MP’s in parliament. Not just her government.

    Her and whoever she had working in the DPMC, and the evil experts employed to drive fear in the population. Scum the lot of them.

    It wasn’t covid that drove inflation, it was the covid response. It wasn’t covid that damaged the health system it was the covid response, mandates and jabs. It wasn’t covid that divided the population it was the covid response.

    And, over the last few days the huge steaming turd that is Michael Baker, is talking up the elimination method and how the WHO should/will use this method again, and how it is a shame the pandemic treaty hasn’t passed.

    Two of the most evil people talking up their “achievements”. Shame on the msm for selling out. No wonder more and more people are switching them off. I told them this would happen to them years ago when people realised the bs they were telling.

    • The covid mandates were a recommendation
      Never the Law T/F?
      All it took was a coalition of the willing
      And talking head so called bought and paid for experts
      Who unable to back down are still singing out of the same official narrative hymn book
      Even though having to been proven conclusively, categorically and unequivocally to be hypocrites and outright blatant liars

  10. Somebody please send Jabcinda and her crime syndicate a link to the last two articles and especially the comment sections about her.

  11. I have a copy of the email sent by Dr Ian town, her personal adviser, advising her and Bloomfield who ran the safe and effective narrative of the significant side effects of the vaccine from the start.
    These people should be tried for crimes against the people.
    They are scum.

  12. I’m going to put some garlic around the house…should keep the mainstream globalist politicians away…..

  13. Some more detail on who / what “Field” is:
    Former Prime Minister Dame Jacinda Ardern will lead the Field Fellowship, a new programme for emerging leaders. The programme is run by the Center for American Progress (CAP) Action Fund, a nonpartisan policy and advocacy organisation based in Washington DC

    The Center for American Progress was begun in 2003 with funding from philanthropists Herbert M. Sandler and Marion O. Sandler[1] It is a Washington, DC-based liberal think tank created and led by President and Chief Executive Officer John D. Podesta.

    Center for American Progress is funded in part by individuals who are members of the Democracy Alliance.

    In 2006, the Center for American Progress was given a three-year, $3,000,000 grant by George Soros’ Open Society Institute to be used for “general support”. [12] https://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php/Center_for_American_Progress#Funding
    “Members of the Democracy Alliance include billionaires like George Soros and his son Jonathan Soros, former Rockefeller Family Fund president Anne Bartley, San Francisco Bay Area donors Susie Tompkins Buell and Mark Buell, Hollywood director Rob Reiner, Taco Bell heir Rob McKay … as well as New York financiers like Steven Gluckstern.” https://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=Democracy_Alliance

  14. The prime ministers that sold new zealand out. TRIED to divide us using woke and maori fantasy. She is not welcome here anymore. Should be locked up.

  15. NZ Crimes act 1961 section 167.
    Murder defined

    Culpable homicide is murder in each of the following cases:
    (a) if the offender means to cause the death of the person killed:
    (b) if the offender means to cause to the person killed any bodily injury that is known to the offender to be likely to cause death, and is reckless whether death ensues or not:
    (c) if the offender means to cause death, or, being so reckless as aforesaid, means to cause such bodily injury as aforesaid to one person, and by accident or mistake kills another person, though he or she does not mean to hurt the person killed:
    (d) if the offender for any unlawful object does an act that he or she knows to be likely to cause death, and thereby kills any person, though he or she may have desired that his or her object should be effected without hurting any one.

    In my opinion, Arden has by saying “safe and effective” is guilty of all 4 above.

    By not acting, the NZ Police reveal themselves either as conscientiously selective in the lowest degree or an accessory at best.

    My money is on much more deaths, and it’s not going away.

  16. Wow! Jacinda is a laugh a minute.

    Her incredible narcissism, corruption and lack of self-awareness is pure comedy gold.

  17. The narcissistic globalist cult is done.

    Nobody believes this pathetic self-serving tripe anymore.

    Get a proper job Cindy, your gaslighting days are over.

    Plus find a good lawyer. You’re definitely going to need it.


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