Judith Collins’ (and the NZ Govt) support for Ukraine is concerning… let’s take a peek into George Soros’ connection to Ukrainian politics.
Why did National MP Judith Collins post this, two months ago, on X?
Worth remembering https://t.co/tfcPxU9Oxz
— Judith Collins (@JudithCollinsMP) November 3, 2024
Is this anti-Russia propaganda?
Who is Viktor Yuschenko and why do New Zealanders need to care?
The New Zealand Government continues to pump money into the doomed Ukraine war and into Zelensky’s, and NATO’s coffers. Why? Who decides that this is to be done, and who decides how much is to be siphoned off the New Zealand purse each time? Does this benefit the people of New Zealand?
As we see our economy tanking, and even those previously financially comfortable now tightening their belts… remember how much $$$ our govt have given to the Zelensky and Co for the war in the Ukraine.https://t.co/RSiYXlPJUU
— Penny Marie (@pennymarienz) January 25, 2025
Was Yushchenko installed to set in motion what is currently happening in the Ukraine?
Published only days ago, this sheds some light…
“…Ukrainian society was divided in two, and Yushchenko’s policy laid the groundwork for a significant political crisis and the eventual war…
Yushchenko advocated an “independent” and “European” path that would inevitably distance Ukraine from Russia. Even during his campaign, he openly expressed pro-Western views.” Pravda News, 23 Jan 2025.
Are our leaders elected… or selected?
We the people (used to) trust that our leaders are elected by the people. But it’s hard to reconcile this with the apparent incompetence and blatant disregard for acting FOR the good of the people, when many intelligent, qualified people tirelessly provide their personal stories, researched facts, and solid data.
Of course I’m talking about everything that has happened since 2020.
But it’s been going on for generations. We just didn’t have an existential crisis that warranted most of us taking a close enough look.
Some people were, of course… but they didn’t get air time. Meanwhile almost everyone dutifully tuned in to the 6pm news to be spoon fed whatever the television (TELL LIE VISION) presenters said, taking it as gospel truth.
Collins’ message of ‘Russia bad, Ukraine good’
Why is Judith Collins staunchly supporting the Ukraine? Does she truly believe? Or is she being told what to say?
Was Yushchenko installed? By George Soros?
“Viktor Yushchenko was installed as President of Ukraine through a foreign-backed street campaign heavily financed by George Soros’s International Renaissance Foundation and more than 2,000 other non-governmental organizations from Europe and America, after he had been officially declared the loser in a tight presidential contest with Viktor Yanukovych”. – Schiller Institute: Ukraine Factsheet.
Zelenskyy addressed our Parliament in 2022
NZ Govt support for Ukraine
Point 24 of this Joint Statement reads:
“Ministers once again condemned in the strongest possible terms Russia’s illegal and unprovoked full-scale invasion of Ukraine. They condemned the deployment of DPRK troops in support of Russia’s war of aggression, which represented a dangerous expansion of the conflict. Ministers agreed deepening military cooperation between Russia and the DPRK had significant implications for security in the Indo-Pacific, and that New Zealand and Australia would continue to assist Ukraine to exercise its right to self-defence as enshrined in Article 51 of the UN Charter. Ministers discussed the need to ensure the international community holds Russia to account. They expressed concerns that Russia’s recent changes to its nuclear doctrine presented risks of further escalation and miscalculation. Ministers called on all those with influence over Russia, particularly China, to exert it now to end Russia’s illegal war to avoid actions that support Russia and its industries to re-build military capabilities.” – Read full statement
(As an aside… point 5 in this statements says: “Ministers recognised that climate change remained the single greatest threat to Pacific countries”. But that’s a topic for another post!)
“I will be taking the opportunity to reiterate our unwavering support for the people of Ukraine as they fight against Russia’s illegal and unjustified war of aggression.
“In a deteriorating global environment, New Zealand is committed to working with like-minded partners to uphold the international rules-based system that is fundamental to our security and prosperity.” – Beehive Statement, Judith Collins, October 2024
The Gene Technology Bill
Then we have Collins pushing the Gene Technology Bill, despite grave concerns by experts (see Kirsten Murfitt, Guy Hatchard and his explainer video below, Jodie Bruning and more).
Given Collins’ penchant for the Ukraine, NATO and supporting Soros’-backed political games, how are we feeling about this?
My recent chat with NZ First MP Tanya Unkovich on the Gene Technology Bill
Watch the full interview on Let Kids Be Kids: YouTube, Rumble, X, Facebook or Substack post below…
In October 2024 I was in England. I spotted these three flags flying above the Bath Courthouse. Why do they fly there?
The Union Jack, Ukraine, and PRIDE/LGBTQ flags all flying together. Let’s hear theories on why? And what this means? pic.twitter.com/Nv9o8z768R
— Penny Marie (@pennymarienz) October 16, 2024
What can we do?
The Gene Technology Bill consultation is open for submissions until 17 February. Find out more here.
Make an appointment to meet with your local MP and go along with your concerns and evidence. Follow up with emails.
Contact all political parties to let them know the voice of we the people. Keep records of your communications and statements, for your own future reference.
NZ First has said they will listen. If you voted for them, get in touch. They’ll want to hear from their voters. They say they represent you, so do what you can.
Share posts and videos with your friends about the Gene Tech bill, from the experts detailed above. Go on, be courageous. Share this post with them too.
Keep researching. Question everything. Love one another.
Thank you
- I am an independent researcher and reporter. If you would like to support my work, please consider upgrading your subscription or donate here.
- My social media and recent content links are on my LinkTree.
USA started the Ukraine war
Pro US globalist stooge govt….simple as that……
Isn’t Winston Peters our foreign minister?
Shouldn’t this article be asking those questions if him?
And NZ First has had 15 months to make noise about the mRNA shots and hasn’t, so why will they do jack about the Gene Technology bill.
Will they still vote for it at second reading, third reading?
“Who decides that this is to be done”?
Why our owners, “The Crown” also known as the “City of London” or the “Empire of the City”.
Bought and paid for
And now that Trump just exposed and shut down the USAID worldwide money laundering scheme / slush fund, one has to wonder how long Mrs Collins cheques will keep clearing 🤔
Wait and see I guess.
Thanks Penny, you raise good points. I really don’t like our government supporting such views.
It seems that Judith Collins should join Labour as it appears she has allied herself with the Marxists and the Democratic party. Maybe she is looking for a job at the United Nations but she is not working for NZ. Just another disappointment of a politician.
Blue or Red, does it matter?
But hey, you ain’t gotta choice but use it.
I told you so. A vote for National is a vote for a continuance of the red-blue alliance. NZ first and ACT arn’t the game chaners. The game changer is NZ Loyal’s Liz Gunn. Maybe you will all learn next time and vote for the party with the honest leader.