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Sunday, June 30, 2024

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Biden deliberately allowing illegal immigration to alter US demographics – officials

US border immigration news

In a revealing video series by Project Veritas, high-ranking U.S. State Department officials have criticised the Biden Administration’s handling of the illegal immigration crisis at the Southern Border, suggesting a theory that the open border policy is a deliberate attempt to alter U.S. demographics.

Daniel Fitzgerald, responsible for U.S. foreign aid in the Western Hemisphere, admits to Veritas journalists that the administration’s efforts, including the “Root Causes Strategy” involving $4 billion over four years to Central America, have failed to curb migration. He notes that migrants are now coming from unexpected countries like Venezuela, rendering the strategy ineffective.

Fitzgerald acknowledged a shift in his perspective on illegal immigration, recognising the significant increase over the past two decades. He and his colleagues are perplexed and struggling to find solutions to the surge in border crossings. Fitzgerald admitted that the administration’s inability to manage the situation could jeopardise Biden’s reelection prospects, saying that migration issues have always been politically damaging.

Another State Department official criticised the current approach, revealing that the U.S. is inadvertently allowing criminals to enter the country, with Mexico benefiting financially from remittances sent by illegal immigrants.

US illegal immigration
Graphic – Project Veritas.

The theory that the Biden Administration is intentionally promoting demographic change by encouraging mass migration is linked to the “Great Replacement” idea. This theory suggests that elites aim to replace ethnic European populations with different cultural groups. Although mainstream media often dismisses this notion as xenophobic, recent data shows a significant increase in the U.S. foreign-born population, particularly from Latin America, since Biden took office. The Center for Immigration Studies reports that the foreign-born population has grown by 6.6 million in just 39 months, highlighting the substantial impact of current immigration policies.

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