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Saturday, September 28, 2024

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Disney exec caught in undercover sting says company won’t hire white males

Disney DEI news

A video published by undercover journalist James O’Keefe has caught Walt Disney executive admitting the company discriminates against white males in its hiring practices.

The video features Disney executive Michael Giordano, vice-president for business affairs at 20th Television, who was recorded by O’Keefe Media Group (OMG) employees. Giordano is heard saying that white males are not being considered for certain positions, with the company favouring candidates who ‘bring diversity.’

In the footage, Giordano recounts a situation where his department wanted to hire someone ‘half black’ who did not appear as such, but a creative executive intervened. He also mentioned that he did not receive a promotion due to his race and gender, despite his 11-year tenure at Disney.

Giordano attributes these hiring policies to Disney’s chief executive Bob Iger and the company’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) department. The video has sparked heated reaction including comments from Elon Musk and further claims from O’Keefe about more revelations to come. Following the video’s release, Giordano deleted his LinkedIn profile.

This expose comes as Disney faces criticism for its new ‘Star Wars’ series The Acolyte, which has drawn scathing condemnation from the Star Wars fandom.

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  1. Won’t be watching the Blackolyte, nor anything else out of modern Disney. It’s a filthy company, filled with close to 100 years of scandal and rampant paedophilia.

    And they’ve been openly telling me for a decade now that they’re not “for” me anymore and “if you don’t like it, don’t watch”. Okie dokie then, I’m heeding their message and keeping my filthy, racist money to myself. Seems like a lot of people are, judging by the massive losses their endless woke flops keep taking.

    There are only three Star Wars films. Those are the ones my son will grow up watching, and he will be a Jedi, like his father before him.

  2. What if you are white but identify as black?
    What if you are a man but identify as a woman?
    What if you are heterosexual but identify as homosexual?

    It would be great to be a white heterosexual male who identifies as a black lesbian female in order to expose their racism, bigotry, discrimination and hypocrisy and pure straight jacket padded cell lunacy.

  3. I’ve simply stopped watching anything with Disney’s name on it. Netflix is another I only peruse when staying at hotels and motels and I have absolutely nothing else to do.

    Hearing this, II’m not even remotely surprised…..


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