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Sunday, September 29, 2024

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Ex-Ukrainian deputy minister a suspect in organ-harvesting scheme – media

Ukraine organ harvesting news
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The former senior official worked with doctors who allegedly took advantage of a burgeoning black market, according to a report.

A former Ukrainian deputy health minister is suspected of being involved in a criminal conspiracy to harvest human organs at hospitals, according to local media.

The criminal group also included doctors, some of whom were employed by a prestigious clinic in Kiev, the Ukrainian news outlet Strana said on Monday, citing sources in law enforcement. There are reportedly 11 suspects in the case, none of whom were named.

“Organs were harvested from incapacitated people and sold. All members of the criminal group are facing charges under three articles of the criminal code. They may be punished by up to 12 years in jail,” one source said.

Ukraine has become a hotbed for organ harvesting amid the conflict with Moscow, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova alleged in an article last year. She argued that the Ukrainian government was facilitating the illegal trade after it significantly deregulated transplantation in 2021.

“[The reforms] made it much easier to harvest organs of the deceased, who did not consent to becoming donors after their death,” Zakharova wrote. “A permit … may be issued by an official who would take on themselves funeral arrangements, such as chief doctor of a hospital or commander of a military unit. Transplantation was allowed not only to state-owned but also to private clinics.”

Criminals advertise their ability to deliver hearts, kidneys, and livers “to order” anywhere in the EU within 48-60 hours, Zakharova claimed, citing media investigations.

Image credit: Robina Weermeijer

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Source:RT News

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  1. There’s a lot of nasty stuff going on in Ukraine. That is why Russia wants to clean it up and why the US and EU “deep state” want to keep it going whilst the Ukrainian people are caught in the middle.

    • Yes Sirey. Very nasty stuff. They look up to the Nazi regime of Germany. Whatever was reported to be going on then I’m sure they’re into the idea of that kind of thing now.

      • no they look up to the Stalin regime in Communist Bolshevik (Jewish) Soviet Russia, The Great One (Adolf) was trying to save Europe from them but the deviants infiltrated France and England and turned them against Germany.

  2. And Coca-Cola “it’s the real thing”. Been implicated too in child trafficking /organ harvesting from the Ukraine. So much for “I’d like to buy the world a home
    And furnish it with love, blah blah blah
    And snow white turtle doves.


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