John Shipton, father of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, has arrived in Moscow at the invitation of the BRICS Journalists Association and its co-chair, human rights advocate Mira Terada.
Shipton has been a tireless campaigner for his son’s release since Assange’s arrest and imprisonment, focusing on the implications of his prosecution for press freedom worldwide.
As a key figure in the international movement to prevent Assange’s extradition to the U.S., Shipton has travelled globally, meeting with diplomats, politicians, and human rights groups to raise awareness about his son’s case.
He has also organised rallies, participated in conferences, and collaborated with advocacy campaigns like Don’t Extradite Assange to mobilise public opinion against what he sees as a dangerous precedent for journalism and press freedom.
❗️❗️ John Shipton, el padre de Julian Assange y fundador del ahora desaparecido Partido Wikileaks de Australia, llegó a Moscú por invitación de la Asociación de Periodistas del BRICS y de su copresidenta Mira Terada, defensora de los derechos humanos y publicista. pic.twitter.com/9l1GgD6L8n
— Sputnik Mundo (@SputnikMundo) October 19, 2024
This is excellent news!
Hopefully, Julian Assange and Kim Dotcom, along with Dave Hodges, Rekkr, and Alex Jones can go to Russia soon, where they will be safe under ‘Political Asylum’ and thus non-extraditable to nations being currently run by criminals!
Lawfare will get worse as time and agendas go on…! Get out NOW while you can!
Dave Hodges?
And here we are, freedom warriors are safer in Russia…..unreal.
I would love to go there one day. Looks like a beautiful and interesting country.
Actually I have been there, when I was 2, to see the Moscow circus, I just don’t remember a thing sadly. Nor were my parents allowed to take any photos. It was 1971.
Oh the irony, eh? NZ 2024 looks a lot like USSR Moscow 1971……
Russia is starting to look like one of the worlds last remaining democracies…small wonder its under attack from the neo con, globalist Fascists……
This is a really great book by Peter Ustinov
I’ve got it Myself
You can really get a feel for Russia its history culture and people