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Friday, October 18, 2024

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Netanyahu addresses US Congress amid protests, calls for increased support in Gaza War

Netanyahu - Congress news

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu delivered a landmark speech to the US Congress, saying the war in Gaza is a shared struggle against common enemies, particularly Iran.

He received enthusiastic support from Republican lawmakers, but his address was marked by notable absences and protests from Democrats and pro-Palestinian activists.

Netanyahu framed the conflict as a battle for survival and a defense against Iran’s influence in the Middle East, calling for expedited US military aid to help Israel “finish the job” in Gaza.

Netanyahu’s speech drew sharp criticism and visible protests both inside and outside the Capitol.

Dozens of Democratic lawmakers, including influential figures like former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, boycotted the event.

Protests erupted on Capitol Hill, with demonstrators carrying signs accusing Netanyahu of war crimes and chanting slogans against him. Some protesters were arrested for attempting to disrupt the speech, while others projected anti-Netanyahu messages and released worms and crickets inside the Watergate Hotel where he was staying.

Netanyahu’s remarks included strong condemnations of Iran, which he claimed was funding the protests.

He reiterated Israel’s need for continued US support, comparing his request to Winston Churchill’s wartime appeals for American assistance.

He thanked former President Donald Trump for his support and acknowledged ongoing hostage situations and the humanitarian crisis in Gaza. Netanyahu’s vision for Gaza included a demilitarised zone under Israeli control, but he made no mention of a two-state solution, a point of contention with the Biden administration.

The speech came amid Israel’s nine-month campaign in Gaza, which has resulted in significant non-combatant casualties.

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    • They were the victim on 7 October 2023 in an attack were Hamas basically tortured and butchered them. If you do not have compassion for Israelis or Jews, why should anybody have any compassion for Palestinians?

      Specifically, if humanity thinks it is OK to do THAT to Jews, then why should we worry about Palestinians dying in their thousands?

      The Palestinians as a people seem to be vindictive and cruel and celebrate savagery.

      The Palestinians are experiencing now a situation similar to NAZI Germany as they started to lose the war and Germany was carpet bombed. The Germans realized the “error of their ways” as they were on their knees with tears in their eyes, surrounded by the broken bodies of their families and covered in dust from their bombed buildings. That was their “Om” moment when they reflect upon their previous actions. It is now the “Om” moment for the Palestinians. Let’s hope that they learn from it.

      • No, they were not victim. It was due retaliation to their own actions. And the further, IDF killed many of their owns
        How many palestinians tortured or hold prisoners – even children – without any form of process ??

      • The leaders of the free world ‘America’ has killed and murdered 30+ Million people in the name of imperialism since WW2, why would America or the West expect anything different from Americas greatest ally? because the covert invasion and conquest and ongoing daily murder of Palestine since the Nakba was not the 15th-18th century, it was after the UN was established and it was allowed by the enlightened and civilised world for no other than the Jews.

  1. There was a time when Ben could have ended the war. Rather he made a choice to commit genocide. The whole world said stop it now. We shall ignore you as you did us.


  2. There is only one solution to the Palestinian hatred for Jews: Dancing!
    I saw a video a few years ago of a prison in, I think, Thailand where the prisoners were dancing to Michael Jackson’s “Thriller” track.
    When the IDF captures Hamas people, they should be made to dance as a part of their rehabilitation. They should move their bodies to the music. They should be taught all the dance steps and a video shown to their families every month in order to check their progress.
    When they are ready to do a large dance together then it could be filmed and broadcast to the whole planet of Hamas dancing. I think they would enjoy it and it would remove some of their hatred.
    This idea should be raised with the U.N.

  3. Nice glossing over his address. He called for a middle east NATO to be established to combat Iran.

    He is quite a few screws loose.

    Mark, why are you making it about jews? It is Israel who suffers because of this totally corrupt warmonger.
    It is Israel that has been turning a blind eye to new settlements of stolen land and murders to take it.

    It is Israel that lets its IDF maim and kill Palestinian children. Children that have been oppressed since birth.

    And Mark. The IDF, according to the NY times circulated detailed information on Hamas attack plan a month before October 7. And then, knowing those plans, essentiallly sat back for hours and let it happen. Israel also blame hamas for killings/crimes on October 7 that could only have been done by tank shells or hellfire missiles. Do hamas have tanks or apaches?

    Netanyahu is the danger. He is bat shit crazy.

    “Specifically, if humanity thinks it is OK to do THAT to Jews, then why should we worry about Palestinians dying in their thousands?

    The Palestinians as a people seem to be vindictive and cruel and celebrate savagery.”

    Tar them all with the same brush and gwt the collective punishment going aye? Real nice


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