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Tuesday, February 11, 2025

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Watch: Agenda 21 – exposing the real reasons behind the UN’s ‘sustainability’ narrative

Agenda 21 news

On the face of it, the goals of the UN’s ‘Agenda 21’ programme appear to be benign and for the benefit of humanity, and the environment.

A growing number of people, including author Rosa Koire however, don’t see it that way.

According to Wikipedia, Koire is a ‘forensic commercial real estate appraiser specialising in eminent domain valuation. Her 28 year career as an expert witness on land use has culminated in exposing the impacts of sustainable development on private property rights and individual liberty.’

She is the author of Behind the Green Mask: U.N. Agenda 21, described on Amazon as containing ‘all the information you need to understand what is happening in your town, why it’s happening, who is behind it, and what you can do to stop it. BEHIND THE GREEN MASK: U.N. Agenda 21 is 172 pages of truth.’

In recently published videos Koire outlines the UN’s sinister plan to concentrate people in mega cities where they can be more easily controlled and surveilled. Farms and the countryside will eventually be cleared of human populations.

‘The three pillars of the United Nations Agenda 21 are economy, ecology and equity – the three ‘E’s’. Everyone sort of thinks that they know what that means. But, really, what ‘social equity’ is about is impoverishing huge portions of the population and bringing down the developed nations.

‘Everything that we’re looking at now is destined to collapse our economies.’

However, all is not lost, if we act now.

‘This is a corporatocracy. It’s a totalitarian state that’s being developed right now, all over the world.

‘While we are moving towards the endgame, we are not quite there, and this is the opportunity that all of us have now to stand up, speak out. We are free. We need to continue to be free, and I do believe that we will win, but we have to become aware that there is a fight.’

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  1. Corporatocracy is nothing but the old facism. All productive must be owned by a few globalists and NZ is moving towards this objective starting with the proposed far tax.

  2. I had the utmost admiration for Rosa Koire and corresponded with her quite regularly with questions of how could we deal with such problems as SNA’s (Significant Natural Areas), or other subjects. She always responded immediately. We struck up a relationship after I began bringing her book into NZ for questioning Kiwis not long after it was published as I had become aware of her whilst living in California before returning to NZ. I admired her for calmly carrying on telling people about Agenda 21all the while being called a conspiracy theorist. Even a few days before she passed away and extremely weak and dying she still managed to dictate something to me. A brave lady and truly missed by all her followers here in NZ, of which she actually appeared to know more about what was going on here than we did! Her book, although published in 2011 spoke about what is happening right now. When you know what is planned for us by the U.N. (and W.E.F.) it doesn’t take much to be able to predict the future – and when you hear Ardern speaking about climate change and taxing the farmers which of course doesn’t even sound logical, know it is coming from the U.N. and Rosa Koire alerted us all. Her website Democrats Against U.N. Agenda 21 has a wealth of information laid out in a way we can all understand and the depth of her knowledge of this subject was truly astounding. Gone far too soon. Wake up Kiwis – refuse and question Ardern implementing Agenda 21/2030 policies whilst being paid by us – the chaos we see each day, incompetence by govt, housing prices through the roof – all of it – is planned to bring in global govt – don’t let it happen.

    • Dear Ro K,
      true carriers of the light are never asked if they want to carry it. They are chosen, by fate or by quest.
      I encourage to pick up the fire and carry it.
      Good things come to good people.

    • Thank you for this wonderful message and thanks for bringing the book to NZ. I am so sorry I only woke up 3 years ago. I am trying to wake up others but most just don’t want to question or live in the fear. I get that, but that will not help us win this war against our own government. I see now all they do is say one thing and do the opposite. Just like John key and his statement that we wouldn’t be tenants in our own country when this was the plan all along. Turn us into urban dwelling dependant slaves with no time to raise our own kids, grow our own veges and afford the basics in life. It disgusts me. Jacinda Arderns govt has made the same promises and delivered even worse outcomes for people. They are all Machiavellian traitors. Look that up of you don’t know what that means.

      I won’t be getting over this any time soon. How can I when I know what their true intentions are? All those people who think WE are the conspiracy theorists need to ask why the same thing is happening throughout the world, the attack on farmers, the hate speech laws, complicit media, money printing. ALL of it is to rob us of our independence and freedom and our hard earned assets and make us reliable on big govt who will use us and dispose of us when they see fit.

      I will be buying Rosa Koires book to educate myself further so I can spread the word.

      Don’t give your vote to any of the main parties, they are all in on this. They have been bought out. Vote for one of the freedom parties. I am voting Democracy NZ myself.


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