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De Gaulle’s grandson urges France to restore independence, break with Washington on Ukraine quagmire

Pierre De Gaulle news

French President Emmanuel Macron is considering sending tanks to Ukraine, and has not “ruled out” fighter jets as well.

At the same time, he has been one of the few European leaders calling for continued dialogue with Moscow. Macron’s critics have expressed fears that the NATO-Russia proxy conflict in Ukraine is pushing Europe to the brink of war.

Pierre de Gaulle, grandson of revered French statesman Charles de Gaulle, has slammed the West’s dangerous decision to deploy heavy weapons in Ukraine, and has called on Paris to persuade the Americans to see reason and broach a lasting peace with Moscow.

“The escalation unleashed by the Americans and NATO must come to an end. This recent decision [on tanks] will provoke the supply of even more powerful weapons, weapons with an even greater range. It will, unfortunately, increase the risk of a nuclear conflict. This is the abyss that we are on the brink of,” de Gaulle said, speaking at a round table in Moscow dedicated to French-Russian WWII cooperation and the 80th anniversary of the Soviet victory in the Battle of Stalingrad on Tuesday.

“Within France and in Europe, on the whole, the public is against such escalation…Western politicians are trying to show us that they are in control of the situation, but this is a lie. Because they do not understand either history or consequences,” de Gaulle added.

Emphasizing that the French people “no longer trust their politicians, who have discredited themselves,” de Gaulle said “the time has come for France and its president to remember that we are a great, independent nation, and to play the role that we are truly meant to” in world affairs. “It’s necessary to provide Russia with serious guarantees, which have not been given since the Minsk agreements.”

Criticizing Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky for “selling himself” and the Ukrainian people “to the Americans,” de Gaulle said “the time has come to achieve peace, to bring the Americans to see reason and to come to a lasting and stable peace with Russia.” Unfortunately, he said, President Macron and many other European leaders have also been blinded by subservience American interests – a tendency fraught with disaster, in de Gaulle’s view.

Pointing to the tensions in relations between Moscow and Paris today, De Gaulle recalled the “deep, strong history” of Franco-Russian cooperation, including during the joint struggle against Nazism during World War II.

“Already in 1941, my grandfather, General de Gaulle, expressed the idea of creating the Normandie-Niemen regiment,” the French fighter squadron that fought on the Eastern Front alongside the Red Army from 1943 and 1945. “This was an example of an alliance between our countries. We honour the memory of the brave French pilots who fought against Germany together with Soviet soldiers,” de Gaulle said.

Pierre de Gaulle has been dragged through the mud in his home country over his alternative perspective on French-Russian relations and the crisis in Ukraine. He has brushed off these accusations, telling French media last week that if he was “a relay from Russia, then Macron and [former German chancellor Angela] Merkel are the servants of the Americans. Me, I only defend the interests of the French.”

Pierre de Gaulle isn’t the only Gaullist figure calling on Paris to take a more independent position in world affairs. Late last week, Le Patriots President Florian Philippot urged France to consider leaving NATO to avoid World War III after pointing to recent comments by NATO Military Committee Chairman Admiral Rob Bauer boasting that the Western alliance was “ready” for war with Russia.

De Gaulle’s Foreign Policy

Emerging as the leader of the French resistance during the Second World War, Charles de Gaulle served as the chairman of the provisional government of the French Republic between 1944 and 1946, and as President of France between 1959 and 1969. Throughout his presidency, the centerpiece of French foreign policy was independence for Paris in global affairs. This included the pursuit of an independent French nuclear deterrent, support for cooperation with European countries (but rejection of a supranational European state), and détente with the Soviet Union and China. De Gaulle forced the Americans to remove their nuclear weapons from France, and withdrew French forces from NATO command structures and from SEATO, the Western alliance’s Southeast Asian equivalent.

France under de Gaulle was also an opponent of American dollar hegemony. French Finance Minister Valery Giscard d’Estaing dubbed the benefits Washington got from the convertibility of dollars to gold “America’s exorbitant privilege,” and pulled French gold reserves out of America’s coffers. This move ultimately helped force the Nixon administration to end dollar-gold convertibility in 1971.

De Gaulle’s opposition to US hegemony, NATO, opposition to Israel, support for Quebec liberation, and détente with the Eastern bloc earned him many enemies in Washington, with the CIA allegedly attempting multiple attempts on his life, and watching closely during the May 1968 political crisis which helped culminate in his ouster as president.

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  1. thank you malcolm. Very good artikel.
    Macron is nothing but a puppet of the USA and ex worker of the Rotchild bank. Those are his masters.
    The problem in France and in western europe are the media and their propaganda Media receiving huge amount of monies from soros or bill gates fundation. So de Gaule, Philippot, Asselineau and others are made fools of, or laughed at ; or just before presidential elections a very ” convenient” scandal about one of the cadidate is published, the goal beeing to discredit anybody capable of having a different and critical opinion of the USA . European people are manipulated into believing that putine is an ogre eating little children.
    I rather like what putine has done for his country and the russian population. Only therefore he should be respected.
    If war would spread into France, i doubt very much that young men would take arms to defend ukraine. I think that many would flee .

  2. Finally a Frenchman with some common sense speaking the truth.
    Macron the moron needs to take a hike too along with his party boys and met Jabby there.

  3. Mon Dieu, a Frenchman pointing the finger at Washington while lambasting his own leader. Mind you, the macaroon Macron could indeed do with a stern talking to on the way the majority of France feels about his stupid decision when it comes to Ukraine. There is talk of bringing back the guillotine. Now here’s an interesting idea, could it be set up at EU head-quarters..?

    • what a good idea to set a guillotine at eu head quarters. This is also nato head quarters. We could get rid of all those corrupt war mongers in one go !!!

    • Maybe Devil’s Island in French Guiana will be re-opened. Macron (aka Napoleon lll) could spend some ‘reflection time’ in Papillon’s cell.
      What France needs is Pierre DeGaulle working alongside Marine LePen to restore French Sovereignty, and break away from NATO and the EU altogether.
      It must be remembered that the West has bailed France out of three wars due to the geography where the French were caught-up in conflicts staged by Zio-Communist International J3wi$h Banksters with those conflicts being WW1. WW2 and Vietnam, the latter as a result of outdated colonial and provincial policies where two very different cultures clashed incessantly.
      France is devoutly Catholic, and that is another problem as the Vatican Church-State has held power alongside the French Government, and has served to invade French Sovereignty with it’s own twisted policies.
      The sooner France can shed NATO, the EU with it’s incompetent migrant and economic policies, and the Vatican, the better off France will be.

  4. President Joe Biden is facing prosecution in American courts for various crimes of corruption. It would be a good idea to distance themselves.

  5. Paris, the City of Light. It would be a shame to see it turned into glass because Lurch Kerry and his Davos henchmen think they are special people chosen by aliens to take control of the world.

    • Among french, paris is not called the city of light any more, alas.
      No, Paris has become for the french ” the city of rats”.
      It has become so filthy under the governance of anne hidalgo, that there are rats everywhere.
      And also street camps of those poor illegals brought to france by shiploads by ” friendly” ngo financed by soro and the likes. To survive they have only theft and drugdealing. But one must be humanitarian and tolerate, if not help what is going on

  6. Sorry you must be the French woman. I was referring to the French man. He’s not trans is he? Pierre de Gaulle.

    However what you do say is right on the button. I found it also great to read and I agree. Putin is leading his country forward.

    • Pierre de Gaulle trans ? No. A real man and a good man as i like them. Come from a family of moral rectitude and honesty what i also like. Nothing devious about him. And a free spirit thinking for himself. Just as i also like.
      But macron is a devious man. And that is why most of the french population has a profund dislike of him.

      But about trans, i saw yesterday i think in the french magazine- causeur.fr – a video of a ” trans” ( i won t use another word) opening a skating event in finland. So a guy in a tutu with thick legs and arms and who had balance troubles 😂😂.
      I think it was also published in the uk dailymail ( not sure).
      If you want to have a good laugh, please be my guest and have a look.

      • Ha ha, thank you I see you have got a sense of humour.

        Yes about Macron we watched the Gullet Jaune protesting, it was some time ago now before the lockdowns..
        And before what happened to Notre Dame,

        I’m sorry about the homeless in Paris. A good decade ago or so plus a bit more I was there. Out freind who lives there told us whole groups of people live in the underground system. I could believe that. We stayed in La Place de Vendom. He took us to Bofingers. Which was great.

        I’m very glad to have learnt more about Pierre de Gaulle he seems like a scholar and gentleman and of moral rectitude, thanks for your thoughts.


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